“I was thinking about hitting a few trails. Do you do much hiking?”
“As a matter of fact, I do.”
“Know any good trails?” I have a feeling I already know the answer.
“I might know of a few.” She’s beaming. This is her element. I knew she'd be up for anything outdoors.
“So, is that a yes?”
“Definitely.” Her grin widens and it’s contagious. I love seeing her happy.
We drive the rest of the way in comfortable silence, hands clasped together, my thumb rubbing gentle circles over her knuckles. When I pull into Tiff’s driveway, I park behind Abby’s truck and shut off the engine, turning towards her in my seat.
“I had a really good time tonight,” she confesses. “Thank you for dinner. It was perfect.”
“You're welcome,” I tell her. “What time should I pick you up in the morning?”
“I’ll be there.” I lean over the console and kiss her gently. Hopping out and jogging around the front of the car, I reach her door as it opens. “Would you like me to carry you again, Madame?” I ask in feigned chivalry when her stiletto-clad feet hit the gravel.
She giggles and replies, “No, thank you, kind sir. I believe I can manage.” I laugh because we are the two biggest nerds right now and I don't even care. I help her out of my car, high heels and all, and grab her belongings. When we reach the driver’s side door of her truck, I plant another kiss on her soft lips.
“I'll see you in the morning,” I tell her as I pull myself away from her welcoming mouth. I'd love to deepen our kiss, but I don't want Tiffany’s parents to catch us making out in their driveway. “Goodnight, Abby.”
“Goodnight, Jacob.”
THE NEXT MORNING,I wake up to birds chirping and sunlight flooding my bedroom. I shield my eyes from the blazing rays and roll over, snuggling deeper into my bed. I wish Jacob was here to snuggle into instead. The events of last night come crashing back into my brain. His lips on mine, his hands in my hair, his hard body pressed against me. The fire in his eyes when he saw me in that itsy-bitsy bikini. I should really thank Tiff for packing it.
But then he dropped a bomb on me. His dad is a U. S. senator, a rich and powerful man. Would he approve of what his son and I are doing? I seriously doubt it, but I have a feeling Jacob’s not too concerned about his parents’ approval. He’s defied them before by getting a tattoo and refusing to go to law school. That’s proof that he doesn’t allow them to run his life, right?
Jacob and I are so different. We come from different worlds. I can't fall for him. He's only here for a short time, and falling for him could be devastating. Because eventually, hewillleave. I'll still be here and he'll be in Arlington with his powerful family, living his life of privilege, attending fundraisers and campaign events and whatever else the rich and powerful do.
Oh, who am I kidding? I'm already falling. I've been falling since the moment I laid eyes on him. And I know he feels something, too. He bared his soul to me last night. He shared things with me I’m sure he hasn't shared with anyone. It broke my heart to hear him talk about his sister. He was forced to sit by helplessly and watch her succumb to a horrible illness that no one, especially a child, should have to suffer. I can't imagine losing my baby brother. He means the world to me. Both of our parents are gone, albeit in different ways, but they’re both lost to us just the same. I would never survive if something happened to him.
Jacob surprised me last night. His career goals and outlook are not what I expected. I assumed he would be more concerned with money and choose a career that would lead him in that direction. Even before knowing who his father was, I could tell he came from a wealthy family. The Range Rover, the designer clothes and watch. But he doesn't seem to care much about any of it, and I love that about him. His big heart and selfless spirit make him even more attractive. I smile, thinking of his generosity and determination. I can just imagine him half a world away, helping those in need. He may be instrumental in saving thousands of lives one day. Who could resist falling for that?
My phone beeps with an incoming text, pulling me from my thoughts. I throw the covers off my legs and walk over to my dresser to unplug it from the charger. It's eight-thirty and I have a message from Jacob. It simply says:
Apple or cranberry?
My still groggy mind can’t quite comprehend what he’s asking me.
Hmm, apple I guess. Why you wanna know?
I add a winky face emoji to convey my playful disposition and hit send. A few seconds later, my phone dings again.
You’ll see
I like surprises, and it sounds like this one involves food. I hope so because I'm starving and in desperate need of caffeine.
I brush my teeth and hop in the shower, needing to make myself presentable before Jacob gets here. I look like one of the “before” models in a shampoo ad with half my hair plastered to my head and the other half a frizzy rat's nest. There's no way to tame this mane without washing it. I lather up my body and my hair using the soap and shampoo my grandmother and I made. It’s all natural and smells so good, and it leaves my skin and long, wavy tresses soft as silk. I don't mind using the store-bought stuff that Tiff keeps in her shower every once in a while, but there’s nothing like our homemade products.
Once out of the shower, I wrap my hair in a towel and throw on a sports bra and tank top. I don't anticipate getting into any difficult terrain, so I slip into a pair of black, capri-length yoga pants and deposit my sneakers and backpack by the door. I let my hair down and squeeze out the excess water with my towel, shaping the curls as I go. The doorbell rings and my heart flutters in my chest, knowing it’s Jacob on the other side of the door. Before I have a chance to reach it, Cero rumbles past me and paws at the frame.
“Cero, down,” I command. He whines and walks in anxious circles. The last thing I need is for him to maul Jacob when he walks in. “Cero,” I admonish a stern warning. He whimpers one last time and sits. Stubborn dog. I ease the door open and Jacob's flawless smile greets me on the other side.