“I'm so sorry,” Abby conveys, placing her hand on my chest, comforting me. I reach down to cup her hand with mine and pull her closer to me, nuzzling her head under my chin. She smells sweet, like vanilla and amber. It feels better just having her close, feeling her skin against mine. She brushes her fingers lightly across the tattoo covering my left pec. “Is that what the P stands for? Peyton?”
“Yes,” I reply simply. The tattoo is a black, Celtic “P” with a circular border. Between the inner and outer circles is an intricate Celtic knot design. “I got it the day I turned eighteen. My parents were furious. They were even more pissed off when I told them I wasn't going to law school.”
“Man, I wish I could have seen the look on Art and Evelyn's faces when you brokethatnews to them,” Luke adds with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood.
“It wasn't pretty,” I confirm. That was a really bad time in the Daniels household, but they eventually got over it.
“So, what about you?” I ask Abby. I don't want to reveal any more about my family, so I intentionally shift the focus onto her. “I saw that you have some ink, too.”
She hesitates, uncertainty marring her features. After a moment, she stands up and raises her arm, revealing the tattoo sprawled over her rib cage. The dream catcher covering a large portion of her side has turquoise feathers and brown beads dangling from the bottom. Black, cursive script runs beside it in three lines. It's a beautiful work of art.
“Don't let yesterday use up too much of today,” I read aloud.
“A Cherokee proverb. It's one of my grandmother's favorite sayings.” Smart lady.
“Sounds like good advice,” Luke admits before taking another swig of beer.
Abby sinks back down beside me and slides her hand into mine. “So, what are your plans after graduation?” I ask. “How will you use that biology degree?”
“My goal is to become a naturalist. Ultimately, I want to work for the national park service.”
This girl just keeps getting more and more interesting. I can’t envision this sweet, sensual woman dressed as a park ranger in drab khakis and a hunter green polo, teaching sixth graders about plants and bugs. Although, if anybody can make that outfit sexy, it's her.
“Having the opportunity to work outside surrounded by nature every day would be a dream come true.”
“What are you, like, some tree-hugging hippie or something?”
“Luke!” Tiff screeches, nailing him in the ribs with her elbow. He lets out a grunt and grasps his side.
“Damn it, woman! What was that for?” He laughs, rubbing his side dramatically. Tiff rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest.
Abby just snickers and shakes her head. Even though she's being a good sport and not letting Luke's idiotic remarks bother her, I still want to drown his ass. I still might if he manages to upset her.
“No,” Abby replies, still laughing. “I am not a 'tree-hugging hippie,’ as you put it, but I understand there must be balance. I just enjoy and appreciate what this earth has to offer. The beauty of it, the solitude. It's peaceful, and that's something I need when my chaotic life gets out of hand. My grandmother always taught me that life's most difficult questions can be answered if you just take the time to listen to what nature tells you.”
“So... your grandmother is a tree-hugging hippie, then?” Tiffany gasps at Luke's impudence and splashes him, hoping he’ll get the hint and keep his mouth shut.
Abby and I look at each other and when our eyes meet, we know we’re thinking the same thing. I give her a wink and we shove our hands forward in the water, splashing Luke. Howls of laughter echo into the night as a soaking wet Luke shakes water from his black hair. A mischievous grin spreads across his face as fat droplets of water fall from his chin.
“Oh, it’s on now,” he threatens playfully. We begin splashing around in the hot tub, water spilling out over the sides. By the time we’re done, the four of us are dripping wet, the girls' makeup running down their faces in black rivulets. I rub both of my thumbs under Abby's eyes, trying to remove some of the inky smudges, but my efforts are futile.
“I must look pretty ridiculous with my raccoon eyes and wet hair,” Abby titters as I brush the damp tendrils from her smiling face.
“I think you look beautiful,” I remark sincerely. Nothing could make her any less in my eyes. Before she has a chance to argue, I lean down and place a swift kiss on her lips. “Come on,” I instruct, standing up. “Let's get you dried off.” She reaches up to take my hand, and I help her out of the hot tub.
I hand her a towel before grabbing one for myself and wrapping it around my waist. She dries off quickly and encircles her tiny torso with the towel, tucking it under her arms. I take her back inside and lead her to my bedroom. It's all I can do not to throw her on my bed and peel that wet bikini off her. She follows me to the bathroom, where I find her a washcloth and some soap so she can wash her face. She does look kind of ridiculous, but in an adorable way. She catches my grin and lets out a small chuckle.
“I know,” she answers. “I look like a mess right now.”
My beautiful mess.
“Do you want some clothes to put on?” Surely, she won't want to put that dress back on. It can't possibly be comfortable.
“That would be great. Thank you.”
I retrieve a t-shirt and a pair of boxers for her and leave her alone to change. I slip out of my board shorts and grab a pair of jogging pants to throw on. I'm trying not to think of Abby on the other side of that door, naked, wet hair clinging to her full, round breasts. I'm trying but failing, and now I have to find a way to hide my hard-on. I don't know why I bother. She's already felt it. She knows what she does to me. I don't want to scare her off, though, so I do my best to calm myself down.
Abby steps out of the bathroom looking sexier than anyone has a right to look in my underwear. Her eyes find mine across the room and I feel the heat of her gaze. She takes in my shirtless, barefoot appearance and a sly grin pulls up the sides of her mouth. Before I can make my move, she takes off running and leaps onto my bed, bouncing as she lands in the middle. In this moment, I see her free spirit shining through. There is something wild and untamable in her. I want to find it and explore it. Will she let it out just for me?