I nod my head in response. He grabs my waist and lifts me off the counter, placing me on shaky legs. Picking up the bag Tiff left behind, he leads me down the hall to the main bathroom.

“I would offer to let you change in my room, but I'd never be able to leave you alone in there, knowing you’re naked and near my bed.” Jacob kisses me sweetly and turns to walk towards his bedroom, but stops and looks back at me. “And make sure you lock that door. I don't need any more temptation.”

My knees start to buckle and I hold on to the door frame to keep from melting into the floor. The look in his eyes tells me it’s taking every bit of self-control he has not to throw me over his shoulder, take me to his bed, and ravage me right now.What an enticing thought.

Before I have a chance to chase him down the hallway and beg him to take me, I slip into the bathroom and shut the door. I pull the mint-colored bikini out of Tiff's bag and inspect it.Where the hell is the rest of it?There's barely any material here. Well, this is just fantastic. Tiff knows I'm more modest in my swimwear choices than she is, yet she packed me the skimpiest damn bathing suit she could find. What kind of friend does that?

The kind that wants me to get laid, apparently.

It's too late to back out now, so I sigh in defeat and slip my dress and undergarments off. I put on the bikini and turn to face the mirror. Whoa. I don't know how Tiff ever wears this. The triangle top barely coversmyboobs enough to be considered decent. There's no way she can wear this in public without causing a scene.

The one hundred eighty-seven bobby pins that secure my hair into an updo are giving me a headache. I remove them and to my surprise, there are only fifteen. I shake my hair out and let it fall over my shoulders as I massage my scalp. Praying that Tiff thought to pack a hair tie, I dig into the bag, searching until my fingers find the familiar elastic band. Jackpot!

I take one last look in the mirror, making sure nothing is out of place, and open the door. I step out and start to pull my hair up into a ponytail just as Jacob is passing by. His eyes widen when he notices me and I could almost swear he lets out a low growl. I barely have time to drink him in – his sexy bare chest, washboard abs, and muscular, broad shoulders – before he presses me against the wall and captures my mouth in a steamy, urgent kiss. He picks me up and I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist. He seems to have a thing for picking me up and I like it. My fingers dig into the hard muscles of his shoulders as he devours my mouth. I don't want him to stop this time, but he pulls away, breathing heavily before placing me back on my feet. His body is still pressed against mine and I feel his arousal against my stomach. He seems torn, as though he’s considering what his next move should be.

“Come on,” he announces, grabbing my hand and leading me down the hallway. “We better get out there before they come looking for us again.”

He's right. If we stay in here much longer Luke and Tiff will know why, and I'm in no hurry to get caught in a compromising position. Again. So, I mask my disappointment as best I can and follow him outside.


I CAN'T BELIEVEhow unbearably perfect Abby looks in that bikini. My hands and groin ache with the need to touch her. I’m trying to be a gentleman, but the testosterone coursing through my veins makes me think like a caveman. She already looked good enough to devour in that sexy black dress. It was an appropriate length for dinner at the Lodge, but still short enough to show off her shapely, tan legs. And that cut-out in the back... I had to stifle a groan when my fingers brushed the skin of her bare, sculpted back.

I wanted more. I wanted to touch her everywhere, to have my hands cover every alluring inch of her body. That’s the only reason I didn’t sit next to her at dinner. I knew I couldn’t resist the temptation to touch her, to slide my hand up her thigh and under that dress. I needed to keep my distance, to keep her just out of my reach.

Once we got to the cabin, all I could think about was peeling that dress off her irresistible, receptive body. And I almost did. If Luke and Tiffany hadn't interrupted us, I may have taken her right there on that kitchen island. It's probably a good thing they walked in when they did. Abby deserves better than a quick fuck on a cold, hard countertop. She should be savored, worshipped. She deserves someone who will take his time pleasuring her, meeting her every desire. I hope I get the chance to do so, but for now, I need to slow things down with her.

I'll be damned if I didn't come dangerously close to losing all my self-control when she stepped out of that bathroom. I was done, completely gone when I saw her smooth, flat stomach, perfect, full breasts, and curvy hips. She’s a wet dream come true, as Luke would say. He's a damn pig, but it’s the truth in this case. I barely had time to take in the ink sprawled across her left rib cage before practically tackling her. Poor girl must think I'm an animal.

“Hey, hey, there they are,” Luke announces when we step outside. “Didn't think you two wouldevermake it out here.” He winks at Abby and smiles knowingly at me. My grip tightens on her hand and I focus all my attention on relaxing so I don’t crush her fingers. I look down to see her cheeks flush at his suggestive remark. He is such a douche.

“Come on, guys. Get in. This hot tub is amazing,” Tiff invites, giggling like a school girl. She’s oblivious to the fact that her date is checking out her best friend, his eyes scanning her over from head to toe. Or more likely, chest to thighs.

His gaze lands on my face and he smirks. My teeth grind together, my jaws clenched so tight they could snap. I know I have no right to feel possessive over her, but I know my friend. Nothing has ever stopped him from putting the moves on a woman I’m seeing. This time is different, though. I know we just met a few days ago, but she has totally rocked my world, consuming my thoughts every waking moment.

Abby walks over to the hot tub and checks the temperature before easing down into it across from Luke and Tiff. I catch another glimpse of her tattoo, but can't quite make it out. I'm curious to see what she deems worthy of gracing her perfect, flawless skin for life. I climb in and sit next to her, putting my arm around her waist and pulling her into my side. I want her as close to me as possible. Her body feels incredible nestled into mine. I could stay like this for hours.

It's a cool night for this time of year and the warmth feels good on my aching muscles. I'm already sore from our excursion earlier today. “Yo, J, you look like you need a beer,” Luke declares and tosses me a cold one. He’s got a cooler full of them next to the hot tub. Shocker.

“Thanks, man,” I reply. I ignore the niggling thought in the back of my mind that Luke drinks too damn much and pop the top off of my beer. I probably shouldn't have more than one or two myself since I'll need to take Abby home later. I want more than anything for her to spend the night with me, but that's not going to happen. Judging by her shy, demure countenance, she’s not the type to hop into bed with someone she just met, and I think she's been pushed far enough tonight. Asking her to stay will probably send her running for the hills. Besides, if I get her in my bed, I'm going to seduce her, and I’m not sure she’s ready for that.

My thoughts completely consumed with images of Abby writhing with pleasure in my bed, I don’t realize anybody is speaking to me until I hear Luke’s gruff voice bark out my name. My eyes snap to his face and his ornery grin tells me he knows exactly where my head was just at.

“Dude, Tiff was trying to ask you something, but you were a million miles away.”

“Oh, uh, sorry,” I stammer, trying to hide my befuddlement. “What was the question?”

Tiff presses her lips together to shield her amusement. “I have several, actually.” My unease builds as her Cheshire Cat smile grows. I’m not sure I’m going to like where this is headed. I have nothing to hide, but there is much I don’t wish to divulge just yet. “You seem awfully enamored with my friend, but we don’t really know anything about you. You’re somewhat of a mystery to us, Jacob Daniels.”

“What do you want to know?”

“What you do for a living, what your family is like, have you ever been arrested… stuff like that.” An impish grin tugs at the corner of her mouth. “You know, the basics.” I wince a little at her last question. Technically, I’ve never been arrested.Detainedis not under arrest. Either way, I’ll pass on that one. And I'm a little apprehensive when it comes to telling Abby about my family. I guess I’ll settle on school.

“I'm still a student right now. I'll start the last year of my master’s program in the fall.”

“What are you studying?”
