“That's none of your business, jerk off,” Abby fires back before I have a chance to respond.
Grant lets out a humorless laugh. “Good luck with this one,” he says to me, motioning with his thumb towards Abby. “Don't let her fool ya. She's a fucking prude. I wasted three months on her and couldn't even get a blow job.”
His off-handed comment makes me see red. I won't tolerate him disrespecting her like that. I'm so mad, the edges of my vision start to blur and my arms tingle. I take a step towards him, but Abby's hand on my chest pulls me from my rage, smothering the flames of my ire.
“Just get me out of here,” she implores, looking up at me with pleading eyes. “Please.”
Tiff's voice draws my attention away from Abby. “There's an exit down that hallway that leads out back,” she offers, pointing a few feet away from where we are. “I'll find Luke and meet you out there.”
The sound of Grant's laughter, along with his douche bag friends' is enough to make me reconsider leaving. But Abby is upset and I need to get her out of here. I grab her by the hand and lead her down the hallway to the exit. I shove the door open and the cool night air hits me in the face, cooling not only my skin but my temper as well. I take a deep breath and release it before turning to face her. She’s watching me intently, concern etched on her face. I almost lost my cool back there in front of her.
“Are you okay?” I ask.
“I'm fine. I just wanted out of there and away from him,” she replies. “If I had stayed there any longer, I was going to break that pool cue over his head.” She smiles weakly and lets out a small laugh. The tension drains from my body and I can't help but chuckle a little at her feisty temper.
Once we both stop laughing, something in the air shifts around us. We simply stare at each other, electric attraction crackling between us. That's when I take my chance. Closing the gap separating us in two short strides, I grab her by the sides of her face and crush my lips to hers. I back her up a few inches and press her against the brick exterior, ravishing her mouth. She kisses me back just as fervently and I press myself against her even harder, knowing she can feel how hard I am. She moans into my mouth, sending a pulse of need straight to my groin.
I need to get control of myself. We shouldn't be doing this here. She's a little drunk, and I don't want to take advantage of her. Besides, anyone could walk out and see us. I pull back and press my forehead to hers, both of us breathing rapidly.
“I've wanted to do that all night,” I admit.
“What took you so long?” She grins, panting from our hastened kiss. Her cheeky response makes me want her even more. I lean in to kiss her again, but before our lips meet, the door next to us flies open, bouncing loudly against the exterior. I step back automatically when Luke and Tiffany burst through the exit.
“What the fuck, dude? Tiff said some dickhead was harassing Abby.” Luke looks furious, his grey eyes darkening like the night sky.
“Everything's fine. We had to get out of there before she started a bar fight,” I say teasingly, nodding towards Abby.
Luke’s expression relaxes and he chuckles. “Damn, girl. That's gangsta.” He offers up his closed hand for a fist bump. Abby indulges him, a sheepish grin curling her lips. “You wait until I leave to take a piss before starting shit with some asshole in a bar. Some friends you are,” Luke teases.
“Grant is a world-class prick,” Tiff slurs.
“I know. I can't believe I ever went out with him,” Abby replies as she pulls her phone out of her pocket. She checks the time and looks back up at her friend. “We'd better get going. It's almost two and we have to be back at Rosie's at eleven. I can't skip my run again.”
So that's how she keeps that insane body.
Tiffany sticks out her bottom lip and pouts. “It's not going to kill you to miss another run. Just run twice as far next time. I'm not ready to go yet.” She turns to Luke and wraps her arms around his waist.
Abby rolls her eyes. “This place is closing soon anyway. I’m sure they’re about to announce last call. We might as well head out.”
“Fine,” Tiff replies begrudgingly and mutters “party pooper” under her breath, earning her another eye roll.
When we try to get back through the door, we find that it's locked, so we make our way around the side of the building to the front. As we head towards the parking lot, I notice that Abby is swerving ever so slightly. She’s not falling down drunk, but she’s obviously tipsy. How am I supposed to let her drive home like that? Maybe she'll let me call her a cab. I'd offer to drive her, but that would be a little presumptuous at this point.
“Abby,” I say as I reach for her. I grab a hold of her arm, steadying her. “I'm not sure you should be driving right now.”
She looks up at me, biting the side of her full, bottom lip. All I can think about is how badly I want to be the one biting it. I suppress the urge to lean down and do just that.
“We'll be fine,” she replies. “We'll go to Tiff's. Her house isn’t far from here.”
“Abby.” My voice is pleading, worried, but what else can I say? She's a grown woman. I can't tell her what to do, but I can't let her drive, either. “Let me call you a cab.”
“Why don't we just take them home?” Luke breaks in.
“Yeah,” Tiff adds. “That's an awesome idea! It's like, two minutes up the road. It'll save us cab fare.” She looks at Abby with a hopeful expression.
Jeez, why can't these two just keep their mouths shut? Abby is never going to go for that.
“How am I gonna get my truck back in the morning?” She’s contemplating this proposal with apprehension.