“Abby!” A scared female voice this time.

“Abby!” Another male voice.

Finally, I’m within ten steps of them. Caleb turns and releases Abby when he sees how close I am, and she falls bonelessly to the ground. I shove him as hard as I can and he lands on the hood of his car. He was so close to having her in his grasp, it makes me sick to think about it. I’m charging him, ready to pummel his face, when I feel long, strong arms wrap around me from behind, pinning my arms to my sides.

“WHAT THE FUCK!?” I roar, thrashing and fighting, bucking like a bull. I’m gonna hurt whoever is keeping me from killing this fucker. “LET GO OF ME!”

“It’s not worth it, man,” Luke urges. “You can NOT go to jail!”

I know he’s the voice of reason, but in this moment, it doesn’t matter. I can’t see past the fire in my eyes to think of the consequences. All I can think about is hurting this piece of shit so he canneverhurt Abby again.

Caleb relaxes for a moment, feeling escape within his reach, and a smug expression slides over his features. But his eyes widen with fear a second before Ethan’s fist connects with his jaw with a resounding crack. His head snaps back violently. Ethan must have gotten a run at him.Good.

“You son of a bitch!” Ethan is on top of Caleb now, raining down blow after blow. He grabs the collar of Caleb’s shirt, lifting him off the ground before slamming his head into the gravel.

“Ethan,” Abby calls weakly from the ground. With that sound, all the rage drains out of me and relief floods my whole body. Luke releases his hold on me and I go to her, crouching down next to her and pulling her limp body into my arms.

“Ethan!” Tiff yells. “Stop!” But her plea doesn’t even register in his rage-fueled brain. “Ethan, please,” she cries, her voice growing hysterical.

Luke finally pulls him off Caleb, but Ethan gets one last kick in before Luke wedges himself between them. Ethan shoves him, but Luke remains calm.

“Easy, man.” He holds up his hands in a non-threatening gesture.

Who knew Luke could be so rational?

“If you ever come near my sister again, I’ll fucking kill you!” Ethan spits out. Caleb moans from the ground, blood pouring from his mouth and nose, both eyes already swelling shut. His face is unrecognizable.

People are starting to surround us, having been lured outside by all the commotion. “The police are on their way,” somebody offers.

“Thank you, Mr. Jameson,” Tiff thanks the man who owns The Barn, Luke’s arms wound tightly around her body. “Ethan, your hand.” She reaches for his bloody hands, but he pulls away from her.

“I’m fine,” he replies stiffly and looks away.

“Ambulance is on its way, too,” Mr. Jameson adds.

“Abby goes first,” I command. Neither Abby’s brother nor that piece of shit on the ground is going before her. I know that little fucker put something in her drink. I don’t know when and I don’t know how, but in my gut, I know he did it. It’s the only possible explanation for him being able to drag her out here, and it would explain the condition she’s in. “I think he roofied her.” The owner nods his head in understanding, his jaw tight with anger. This is his place, and that little cocksucker just shit all over his hospitality.

I dig my keys out of my pocket and hand them to Luke. “I’m riding in the ambulance with her. Take my car. I’ll call you when they release her.” I scoop her into my arms, cradling her under her shoulders and knees, and stand up.

“No way,” Tiff and Ethan say at the same time. They look at each other, their expressions laced with contempt.

Ethan argues, “I’m her brother.I’mgoing with her,” at the same time Tiff adds, “We’ll meet you at the hospital.”

I look at Tiff, accepting her response. “That’s fine.”

I turn to her brother. “No offense, but I don’t care who you are. I’m not letting her out of my sight again. Not after what just happened. I know you’re her brother, but I love her and I’m not letting her go.”

Three sets of wide eyes stare back at me. It takes me a moment to figure out why, then I realize what I just admitted out loud, the truth I’ve known for days.

I love Abby.

Ethan’s jaw clenches in anger, but he nods. “Fine. I’ll meet you guys there.”

“You can’t drive,” Tiff responds, motioning to his mangled knuckles, concern etched across her face. “Come with us,” she pleads.

“I’m fine,” he repeats through gritted teeth.

We finally hear sirens in the distance, multiple sets, by the sound of it. The ambulance arrives and the EMTs try to take Abby from me, but I refuse to let them.