“Should we pick up some food or drinks? We can swing by the mini-mart down the road,” Abby offers.
“Nah, Luke texted me earlier all the stuff he got. It sounds like there will be plenty.”
“Yeah, plenty of beer, probably,” she murmurs to herself.
I chuckle and she looks at me sheepishly. She's so cute and she doesn't even know it. I reach over and grab her hand, entwining my fingers with hers.
“Hey, do you care if I stop at the cabin so I can shower and change? I’ll be quick,” I promise. I prefer to be fresh and clean when I slip into a sleeping bag with her later.
“No, not at all. We’ve got time.”
Abby and Cero stay on the porch while I clean up. I try to get her to bring him inside, but she insists that the owner wouldn't want her one-hundred and ten-pound mass of fur wreaking havoc on the place. They hang around outside, Abby rocking on the porch swing with Cero at her feet.
I hold Abby's hand on the drive to the campsite where we’ve agreed to meet our friends. I just can't resist the need to touch her, even if it's just her hand. When we pull in, I see Luke standing beside a pristine black Toyota Tundra.What the...?“Really?” I pronounce incredulously to myself. Hitched to the back of the truck is what appears to be a brand-new camper. I open my door and get out, heading for Luke.
“Hey J, look what I rented for our little camping trip,” Luke announces as he cracks open a can of beer. Tiff is filling a small cooler with ice a few feet away from him, adding brown glass bottles and aluminum cans periodically.
“What the hell, man?” I bark out, unable to hide my irritation.
“What?” he asks, completely unaware that this is not at all what Abby expects out of camping. She does tents and sleeping bags, not campers with pillowtop mattresses and plumbing. Before I have time to respond, Luke's eyes bulge with fear and he gapes at something behind me. I turn around to see what has caught his eye, and notice Abby holding the rear door of the Rover open. Cero barrels past her and heads straight towards Luke and Tiff. Luke stumbles back, nearly losing his footing and busting his ass, but he grips the side of the rented truck and regains his balance.
“Holy fucking hell! What is that?” Luke exclaims, scrambling to put as much space between himself and Abby's imposing dog as possible.
“Cero!” Tiff crows and the dog nearly bowls her over as she crouches down to wrap her arms around him. He nuzzles her neck and licks her face, throwing her into a fit of giggles.
“That,” I reveal, pointing to Cero, “is Abby's dog.”
“That IS NOT a fucking dog!” Luke cries, pointing an accusatory finger at him. “That's a wild animal!”
“He's a wolf hybrid,” Abby explains, sidling up next to me. “And he's completely harmless,” she reassures him. I smirk at Luke, noticing the amused look on Abby’s face. She's enjoying his discomfort just as much as I am.
“I didn't know you were afraid of dogs,” I taunt.
“I'm not,” he huffs. “Andthat'snot a dog,” he repeats, cautiously eyeing Cero. Tiff stands back up and I stifle my laughter when she rolls her eyes at him. Abby covers her mouth with her hand to conceal her amusement.
“It's okay, baby,” Tiff coos. “Cero won't hurt you. He's the most well-behaved dog ever.”
“Just slip him a hot dog and he'll be your best friend,” I add, winking at Abby.
By the time we set up our tent and build a fire, Luke has grown more comfortable around Cero. He has yet to get within three feet of him, but he's no longer cowering in the animal's presence. The sun is starting to set, casting a brilliant glow that reflects in Abby's emerald eyes. The gold flecks surrounding her pupils shimmer like a long-buried treasure.
“I still don't know why you guys won't just stay in the camper with us,” Luke probes, handing me another beer. “There's plenty of room, and it’ll be much more comfortable.”
I twist the top off my bottle and take a swig. “We didn't come out here to sleep in feather beds and air conditioning like a bunch of pansies,” I reply, goading him. “We came out here to do some real camping.” His mouth flattens into a straight line, an unimpressed look crossing his face. I take another drink and make sure the girls aren't within earshot. “Besides, the last thing I want to hear is the sound of you railing Tiff in the next bed over.” And that's exactly what would happen. Those two can't keep their hands off each other, and they’re not the least bit discreet about it.
His lips morph, turning up in a devious smile. “Well, in that case, I guess we won't have to try and be quiet now. Thanks, pal.” He slaps me on the back and makes his way over to Tiff. She’s bent over the cooler, reaching for a cold drink. He grabs her by the hips and she squeals. I look away, not wanting to witness him groping her.
Abby walks over to me, stepping over a log. “We have the food ready for roasting. Hungry?” Her excited smile is contagious. I drape my arm over her shoulders and lead her back to the fire.
“Starving,” I reply.
“Weenies first,” Tiff announces with a giggle as we approach. She hands us everything we need for our hot dogs.
“Thanks.” I take a seat in front of the fire and place my hot dog over it to roast.
“Want some chips?” Luke asks, tossing a bag to me.
“You know what's missing?” Abby asks, looking to Tiff.