“I've got some trail mix, beef jerky, granola bars, and apples.” My go-to snacks when I’m on the trails.
“You don't know how good that sounds right now,” he groans, patting his stomach.
While I set out our snacks, he pulls two bottles of water from his pack. I grab a couple of hand sanitizing wipes and hand one to him.
One eyebrow shoots up and he looks at me with amusement. “I'm kind of a germaphobe,” I confess with a shrug, tearing open the individually wrapped wipe. “And I don't have time to get sick.” I can't take any risks when it comes to my health. If I can't work, I don't get paid and if I don't get paid, I can't afford school.
“I guess I'd better take care of you, then. We can't have you getting sick,” he replies with a wink.
My heart flutters at the mention of him taking care of me. It's not that I want to depend on a man to supply my needs, but the thought of a man who wants to take care of his woman is a sentiment I can appreciate.
I grab an apple and sink my teeth into the shiny, green skin. The tart flavor bursts on my tongue and I bring a napkin up to my chin to keep the juices from dripping into my lap. Jacob swipes a thumb over my bottom lip where some of the sticky liquid has escaped, and my breath hitches momentarily when he sticks that thumb in his mouth and sucks the juices off it. The simple, yet intimate act conjures images in my mind of his mouth on my body. I glance away from him quickly, sipping my water to cool my rapidly rising temperature, thankful he’s too focused on our makeshift meal to notice the blush staining my cheeks.
“Have you ever encountered any wild animals out here while hiking?” Jacob asks before tearing into a strip of jerky.
“Sure I have. I see squirrels and birds and rabbits all the time. I even see deer out here sometimes.” I finish my apple and toss the core into the woods. Perhaps we'll see one today if it finds my leftovers.
“No, I mean dangerous animals, like a bobcat or a bear. Something that could potentially be lethal.”
“I've never encountered anything dangerous like that, no. I've come across a few poisonous snakes, but as long as you don't bother them, they usually won't bother you,” I assure him. “But I'm always prepared just in case I do come across something I can't outrun.”
He looks at me inquisitively. “What do you mean?” He chews his beef jerky before swallowing it, studying me with genuine curiosity.
“I just make sure I have this on me,” I say, reaching into my bag and wrapping my fingers around the cool metal. Jacob's eyes go wide when I retract my hand. “I trust my .38 to keep me safe out here.” I hike solo a lot, and a girl has to protect herself from predators, both the humanandanimal varieties.
“Damn. Remind me never to piss you off,” he jokes, laughing and eyeing my gun. “Do you even know how to use that thing, little lady?”
I scowl at him and he laughs, amused by my chagrin. “Just because I'm carrying a revolver doesn't mean you get to talk like we’re in a Western.”
“I'm sorry,” he apologizes, trying to suppress his mirth. “I just can't imagine you shooting something, especially with that big hunk of metal. But I definitely feel safer with you now.” His smile grows exponentially, crinkling the corners of his eyes and making my heart dip down into my stomach. This man's smile does crazy things to my insides.
With our hunger momentarily sated, Jacob and I sit in silence for a while, gazing out over the water. The sound of the waterfall crashing into the creek below is enough to lull me to sleep, was I not acutely aware of Jacob's proximity. He leans back on his elbows, taking in the scenery surrounding us. I long to crawl into his lap, my thighs straddling his hips, and run my hands down the ridges of his muscular torso. My heart rate picks up at the thought of feeling every inch of his hardness pressed firmly against me.
“Can you swim in this creek?” Jacob asks after studying the water for a moment.
“Sure can. People do it all the time.”
“Well, then let's get in,” Jacob proposes, standing up and toeing off his shoes.
“Wait. What? Now?” I ask in confusion.
“Yes, now,” he answers with a grin. When he reaches down, I accept his outstretched hand and he pulls me to my feet in one swift movement.
“But I don't have a bathing suit,” I argue.
Jacob eyes my chest. “Are you wearing a bra?”
“Yes,” I answer slowly with suspicion in my voice, instinctively crossing my arms over my chest.
His eyes dip lower. “Are you wearing panties?” he asks in a playfully seductive tone. My thighs clench together when the word “panties” crosses his lips.
I blush and avert my gaze. “Yes.”
“Then we're all set.”
“Come on, it'll be fun.”