“Always,” he whispered, freeing the clamps to release the tension.
Moaning, her eyes closed and mouth wide as sensation rushed back, Alice sagged toward him.A snap of his fingers brought Jay, and they descended as they had before, heads bent to Alice’s breasts, tongues curling and flicking.Together they soothed away the sting.When her moans shifted to soft sighs of contentment, he laid a hand on Jay’s thigh and tapped twice.They pulled back in tandem.
Alice blinked at him.One knee on the sofa, one foot on the floor, one hand gripping his forearm, and a beautifully dazed expression—yes, this was a lovely look on her.Eventually he would run out of things to teach her, but not today.“All’s well?”
“That was”—her voice emerged thick and throaty—“intense.”She fumbled for Jay’s hand and brought it to her lips, kissing his knuckles.“And a lot of fun.”
Her thoughtful concern for Jay added to the pressure building within him, the growling demand to take his lovers now.But he distributed sweet kisses, reminded them of the snacks on the coffee table for them, and sent them back to the tree.
The decorations grew, as did the teasing touches.Twice more he applied and removed the clamps, extending the time by a few minutes for each round.In the branches, traditional red Christmas balls and plaid bows joined silver and gold garlands.He’d chosen a classical palette for this first year; in years to come, they would have more personal mementos to add.At last Jay steadied Alice as she climbed the stepladder and settled the star atop the tree.
Henry slid the petite toybox onto the coffee table and patted the spaces beside him.“Shall we enjoy the fruits of your many labors?”
They curled beside him, Alice with her legs tucked beneath her and her head on his shoulder, Jay leaning back with his legs outstretched and his cock defined by the thin fabric of his shorts.The tree glowed before them, towering nearly to the ceiling.Two days in, and Henry silently congratulated himself on the calendar.Extending the holiday into a season of gifts would deepen their marital bond and give his spouses the Christmas joy they ought to have, the boisterous family fun Jay would be missing this year and the happiness and belonging Alice hadn’t experienced since childhood.
Henry extended his arms across the back of the sofa and sighed heavily.“Well, I suppose now that you’ve finished decorating, we ought to get ready for bed.A good night’s sleep is vitally important.”
“Sleep?”Jay pushed forward, his eyes wide.
“Mmm, sleep.”He shook his head in faux sorrow and dropped his hand inches from Jay’s erection, squeezing his thigh.“Certainly you’re both exhausted after such a magnificent effort.I couldn’t possibly ask more of you.”
“I’m not exhausted—”
“You could ask more—”
Their sweet voices overlapped, assuring him their continued service was his for the asking.He allowed amusement to seep into his tone.“If you’re both quite certain…”
“We are.”Alice straddled his thigh, and the heat of her passed through his suit pants.“You’ve been dialing up the intensity.Don’t stop now.”
Herpleasearrived as an afterthought, with Jay’s on its heels.
“Alice.”At her name, her head came up, her gaze locking on him.“Go and stand in front of the fireplace.Hands on the mantel.”He tugged lightly at her skirt.“Spread your legs for me.”As she hurried to obey, he pointed Jay toward a floor pillow and the blanket draped over the back of the sofa.“You’ll need those, my boy.”
He palmed the final decorations and slipped under Alice’s arm, standing between her and the fireplace as he attached the clamps.Holding Alice’s gaze, he tightened the tiny screws, the metal ridges rubbing against his thumbs.The gentle rubber tips squeezed her firmly.
She breathed in small sips through slightly parted lips.“I do like these.”
“So noted.”He claimed her mouth, tipping her chin up to meet him and controlling her position with a strong hold on her jaw.After straining to match him, she relaxed into his grip.“Good girl.”Amid a trail of soft kisses, he nipped her lip.“Let’s see if you like them so well with an enhancement.”
Crouching, he gave each breast a quick suck.Her nipples had already pebbled, eager for their new toy.He fastened the clamps a turn tighter, the tension he’d been preparing her for all evening.Now he pulled the matching chain from his pocket and connected the clamps, holding the silver weight in his palm at the center.
“What does that—”
He let the chain fall.
“Oh!”She surged forward, her breasts brushing his suit coat, and the muscles in her arms corded as she clutched the mantel.Pity his sketchbook wasn’t at hand.“That’s—” Quick breaths brought color to her cheeks as she blinked rapidly through the initial pain.“Physics.”Shuddering, she licked her lips.“Should’ve guessed.”Her breathing steadied; her mouth curved into a welcome smile.He hadn’t miscalculated, then.“Little bit of a kick this time.It’s…” She shrugged almost nonchalantly, the little minx, though the jostling of her breasts brought her breath hissing out.“Nice.”
Her eyes glittered with challenge.His girl did love to be pushed.
“I’m delighted you find it so.”He attached a second chain at the low point of the first, dangling a sprig of mistletoe below her navel.With slow hands, he smoothed the sides of her skirt and slipped underneath, caressing the bare skin of her thighs above her red-and-white tall socks.She twitched as he teased nearer and released a frustrated moan as he stepped away without sinking a finger into her heat.“I believe someone asked for more intensity.”
The slight weight would keep her focused, at least until her arousal outpaced her mind.
Taking the blanket Jay held, he draped it over the front of the hearth as a shield.Bricks scraping Jay’s back would hardly produce the effect he desired.The floor pillow he placed between Alice’s legs.
Jay stood at ease, his hands clasped behind his back, his feet spread at shoulder width, his glorious erection straining at his shorts.Henry ran a hand across Jay’s abdomen, solid muscles flexing as he passed.With a quick dip, he yanked open the fly and took hold of Jay’s cock.
“You’re free to touch yourself as you wish.”Stroking, he stepped closer, bathing in the sweet tenor of Jay’s pleading whimpers.With his other hand, he gripped the fine hairs at the back of Jay’s neck in his fist.“But if you save this”—an extra swipe across the head of Jay’s cock earned a hiss and shudder—“you may find I’ll have a taste for it later.”