Page 39 of Season of Gifts

She rearranged the fit half a dozen times, taking slow steps back to the bed.Hopefully he took it for teasing, making him wait.Mostly she needed to get past the nerves swirling in her stomach.She’d only fucked Jay in front of Henry so far.And only from behind.

But she wanted that face-to-face connection.The deep love on Jay’s face when Henry had fucked him on Valentine’s.The first time she’d believed such a thing existed.She would hold him down and give him all the pleasure she could manage, thrilled to be the one to grant that pleasure, to put that whine in his throat and that glaze in his eyes.

She tapped his heel and dragged her finger underloyalalong his foot.“Knees up, stud.”

He folded himself into a crunch, his leash dangling off the side of his chest, as she notched herself between his legs.Swallowing hard, she whispered, “Hold yourself open for me, sweetheart.”

Grabbing his ass with both hands, he spread his cheeks wide.His breathing filled her ears.

She held the lube high, a shimmering waterfall like spider silk cascading down.He whimpered as it landed, and she rubbed the head of her cock in small circles against his opening.Dipped the tip in.More lube, because Henry said more was always better with toys.Steadying the base with her hand, she pushed forward and sank.

Eyelids fluttering, Jay sighed.“You—fuck—” He hissed and curled toward her.“Needed this.”

Reaching his mouth to kiss him would be challenging.She wedged a hand between his elbow and his hip, balancing herself on the mattress, and took hold of his cock in the other.“We both need this.”

Stroking slowly, she paced her thrusts.Jay lay… enraptured.This was how she looked to Henry.Cheeks pinking.Eyes wide, dazed, pupils dilated even in dim lamplight.Mouth half-forming words only to give up and issue soft pleas for more.

She rocked her hips faster, snugging her thighs against him, pinning his hands.The base of her cock bumped her clit on every thrust, hitting like a jolt of caffeine.“I love you, Jay.Every amazing inch of you, everything in your heart and mind, every ounce of your soul.”

He wore her praise proudly, the words she’d been listing all day inked into his skin.He wore his harness, the marker of his service to her, to Henry.He lay beneath her, following her lead with his trusting, endless gaze, so earnest and true and loving.That was Valentine’s.That was everything.

The pitch of his whine rose.Scrabbling with her fingers, she found the end of his leash and pulled it taut.“I will love you until our sun flames out and the Earth falls into it, do you hear me?”

His cock glided through her grip as he arched, his snapping hips driving him onto her cock and into her hand by turns.

“You are mineforever, Jay.”She stared into his dark eyes, aiming her message at the deepest center of his mind, where he could never lose it.“For eternity.”

With a glorious moan, he erupted in her hand.All of his blazing tension scattered in drops across his stomach.

She slowed, then stopped, trembling with something lightheaded and unfamiliar.This was more than a room check.More than running part of Henry’s invention.This was Jay, blissed-out because ofherplanning and execution.

Panting, Jay gazed up at her.“P…pr…promise.”

“I promise.”

“No, me.”He sucked in a lungful of air.“Me.I promise.Me too.Love you forever.”

She slid free and stretched over him, sealing their pact with a kiss.For a few moments she rested atop him, letting his deep breaths rock her like waves.Thrusting was actually damn hard work; her hips would probably ache in the morning.

“Alice, for real, that was incredible.”He wrestled his hands out from under her knees and wrapped his arms around her back.Hot and sweaty, him and her both.“This week has been…”

“An unfair imposition by an uncaring universe?”

“I was gonna say rough, but sure, that.”He rolled his head sideways, and they laughed through another kiss.Never could get enough of those.“Thank you for this.”

“Who said this was over?”Squirming against him, she planted kisses along his neck.“I distinctly heard someone say they wanted both—and that I should do whatever pleased me.”

He dug his hands into her back with gratifying glee.“You mean—”

“We’re only half finished, stud.”

Chapter twenty-two


Alicerangthebellfor round two after a few minutes for deharnessing (her) and cleanup (him).Not like literally a bell, although if it was, it would’ve been a dinner bell, and Jay had the best seat in the house.

Arms resting on the headboard, head tipped down as she held him prisoner with her eyes, Alice knelt over his face and lowered herself slowly.“And if you need to safeword, tap out on my thigh, got it?