Page 182 of Season of Gifts

“Not ours, though,” he whispered as his unfastened pants collapsed at his feet.He stepped out, stripping his socks as he went.“We are one heart in three bodies.”

He flipped the miniature lube bottle from his pants pocket to the blanket and entered his domain.The very air crackled with intensity around Alice.Her words faltered, giving way to a string of moans.Shaking, she pushed forward even as her body arched back.

Henry strode swiftly behind her and wrapped his arms across her collarbone.He filled his chest, lifting her, stabilizing her as her knee sagged into Jay’s shoulder.He nipped the tip of her ear.

Her breath hitched.She dragged a hand from Jay’s hair and clenched Henry’s forearm, her fingers biting deep.

“How beautiful you are,” he murmured, nuzzling her neck.“Such agony on the verge of ecstasy.No stopping this time, hmm?”

Her panting breaths and reflexive squeezes gave away her fleeting panic as he softly laughed.

“No, I won’t stop you, sweet girl.Have your pleasure.”He fit himself to her back, his aching cock at last nestled against her soft, cushioned ass.“And then I shall have mine.”

She clung to them both, a vibrating tongue of flame, her wail rising to the ceiling—then staggered and hung limp, her body yet shaking.The change swept through her in an instant, from utmost strain to boneless relaxation, every twitch and jolt felt where her body pressed to his.He peppered her temples and cheeks with kisses even as he slipped one arm beneath her thigh and raised her foot from Jay’s back to his shoulder.

“On your back, my devoted husband.”He nudged Jay with Alice’s foot.

Jay toppled back into the pillows, his smile broad and his chin wet.“Found the source of the sweetness.”

“And what a feast you made of it.I had thought to watch a bit longer, and yet here I am, called by your beauty together.”He funneled the passion of their display through his eyes, allowing his hunger to show.“Take yourself in hand.”

Jay’s arm moved before his face even registered the command.He tugged his bottom lip between his teeth, his gaze fixed on Henry’s, and swallowed hard.“Want me to make a show of it?”

Tempting, the way the fire cast a net of light over Jay’s lean form.Sweat deepened the musk in the air and the sheen on his skin.Knees fallen to his sides, he held his cock in his left hand.Jay’s wedding band danced with light.

Henry might witness that show every day for the rest of his life and never grow tired of it.

“Another time.I’ve a different task for you.”Henry shifted his grip, threading his arms beneath Alice’s shoulders.“One I expect will bring even greater enjoyment.”He lowered her carefully to her knees, straddling Jay, hovering above his cock with its suddenly tightly clenched fist at the base.“Yes, precisely like that.Hold yourself steady for our girl.”

Alice found purchase with her hands alongside Jay’s shoulders, elbows trembling but holding.Henry caressed her sides, following the curves from ribs to waist to hips.“You seem to have overexerted yourself, dearest.”His tone might have been a touch smug, but his pride was warranted.His loves had outdone themselves, taken his scenario and enhanced it.“Perhaps you’d care to take a seat?We have one prepared for you.”

Swiveling her hips, Alice eased down onto Jay with the satisfied exhale of one entering a long-awaited bath.

Jay breathed out slowly and tipped his head back into the pillows.He cradled Alice’s thigh in his free hand, fingers idly stroking.“You’re thrumming like an engine inside.”

Dropping to her elbows, Alice giggled and kissed the tip of Jay’s nose.“You got me all revved up, stud.”

Ahh.His giddy girl had made her appearance.Post-orgasm, relaxed enough to take them both.He needn’t wait; he’d nothing to prove.He sank to his knees slowly, reverently.Ran his palms across the soft smoothness of her ass.Curled his finger through the handle of her plug and slid it free.She’d grown as accustomed as Jay to the muscle movements that would assist in speeding their pleasure.

Laying the plug aside, he scooped up the lube and flipped up the cap.Warmed to room temperature, it poured freely against the top of Alice’s ass and slid downward.He poured more into his palm and set the bottle aside.Slick with lube, he grasped his cock and stroked.The tip pressed between Alice’s cheeks, spreading more lubricant as he rubbed up and down, back and forth over the soft flesh waiting to welcome him.

A slow, steady push opened her to him with ease.Shivering, she pushed back, inviting him deeper, her sweet sigh as enticing as the pressure she gripped him with and Jay’s rigid presence alongside him, held together and apart by Alice molding her body to theirs.The magic of the gods, that they should fit so perfectly, so effortlessly.The glorious magic the three of them created anew each day.

Henry sank fully and held his breath.His pulse traveled faster, the song of his life quickening.Alice fluttered around him in waves, squeezing his cock, holding him firmly in her embrace.The sweetness of the woodsmoke kept the rich earthiness of arousal from becoming too familiar and fading from his senses; as he took a breath, their passion swept in, refreshed, a fragrant lure that thickened on his tongue.Skin flushed in rose-gold, Jay and Alice lay as one, waiting on his word.

He could weep for such splendor.“Slowly, my loves.Let us live in this moment.”

He set an unhurried pace.Jay followed, his strength anchoring them and raising them, their bodies a boat drifting on the tide of his rocking hips.Alice’s humming moans provided their lullaby as they settled into a rhythm.

Kneeling upright offered excellent leverage and thrust but kept him far from their low murmurs of pleasure.Alice and Jay rocked with faces aligned, foreheads resting against one another.From above, Alice seemed a disc of woven gold within a raven-dark halo.This was not a time to maintain artistic distance.The referential must become the experiential, trading the vision of beauty for the feel of it.

Henry lowered his palms to the sheets, blanketing Alice with his body.Her heat met his; surely the narrowing space between them shimmered with mirages.She tilted her head aside, shaking her hair so it no longer hid her face from him.Now he might lay his chin upon her shoulder and witness the purity of Jay’s happiness, the dark eyes sparkling in fragments of firelight, the mouth shifting between the roundness of awe and the rising crescent of a smile.

Jay’s hands rested between them, riding the waves at Alice’s waist.Henry traced the path with one hand, along sturdy muscles to the wrist where he would fasten a day cuff for Jay on every morning yet to come.He lifted lightly.“On me, dearest boy.We are all of us owned.”

He belonged to them as indisputably as they did to him.An owner’s cuff—yes.A few calls tomorrow.

Jay reached for him, fingers grasping along his side and curling into his back, a grip at once fierce and loving.“All of us.”