Fingers curled tight in the strands at the back of Jay’s neck, he delivered a seeking, hungry kiss.Jay yielded instantly, mouth open, whimpering for more with each thrust of Henry’s tongue.
Drawing away, Henry subtly guided the turn of Jay’s shoulder toward his clothing for the evening.“Sit and don your socks, please, Jay.I’ll have you help Alice with her shoes in a moment.”
Truthfully, he needed the moment to confer with Alice as his co-dominant rather than his submissive.It would be thoroughly inappropriate to use her implement without inquiring, and she’d done the miraculous work of attuning to Jay’s comfort level and aligning his experiences with their shared goals.Witnessing their latest room check had cemented Henry’s intentions.
As Jay dropped to the nearby rug, Henry maneuvered Alice a few steps away and nuzzled her ear.“A question for you alone; do not answer aloud.Smile for yes; shake your head for no.”
Her back stiffened slightly, and he soothed her with caresses and planted kisses along her neck.“May I use your deerskin flogger on Jay?Its familiarity will give the most advantageous result.”
His whisper faded.Jay had unrolled his socks and begun dressing with no obvious signs of noticing the exchange.
Alice, eyes widening, bit her lip and nodded.
He waited.
Her face pinched into the lines she’d shown during yesterday’s game night when she’d miscalculated a move.She rearranged her expression into a broad smile, almost cartoonish in its intensity.
Barely stifling a laugh, he leaned in once more.“I’ll take that as a yes.”
The pounding of her heart practically thrummed through his hands.Her smile returned to a more natural state, certainly less likely to attract Jay’s notice.A fortunate change, as Jay, clad only in socks, arrived and knelt before them in his waiting pose.
Henry positioned the dress for Alice to step into it; she mussed Jay’s hair with affection as she used him for balance.The straps slid up her arms in swift silence.Henry skimmed her skin with his palms, creating just enough friction to raise the soft hairs.She quivered with attention.One at a time, he cupped her breasts and settled them into the built-in cups.The tiny bit of shaping emphasized the sleek curves of her cleavage and her silhouette under the A-line.
Arms embracing her, he slowly zipped the back of the dress to its endpoint in the vee below her shoulder blades.She would have extensive range of motion, as anticipated.At least until he finished her preparation.
She and Jay would be exquisite.
He stepped back, appreciating.The light through the dangling lace, the swaying patterns, would enhance the beauty of the scene.“You may help Alice with her shoes now, Jay.”
Balancing herself with Jay’s shoulders, she lifted each foot in turn as Jay secured the clasps.Glancing toward where the cheval mirror usually stood, she raised an eyebrow but kept her lips closed.
Good girl, he mouthed.
Soft pink bloomed across her cheeks and down her chest.Splendid.Dressing his spouses served as an intimate foreplay, awakening the body to the wonders of touch.
He called Jay to his side and dressed him with equal care—or added care, given that Jay’s arousal necessitated delicate handling to fasten his navy pants.Henry slipped the shirt up Jay’s arms, smoothing as he went, sending his breath across Jay’s ear.
Resting his hands on Jay’s shoulders, he snugged tight to Jay and allowed his own hardness to graze Jay’s backside.“You know, I don’t think we’ll make the symphony after all.The two of you are entirely too enticing to be allowed out in public.In fact—”
With a thrust that brought a sweet whine from Jay, he backed away and opened the drawer on his valet stand.The pieces he’d temporarily stashed inside claimed all of the available space.He lifted Jay’s harness in both hands, shaking the straps and rings into place.“I think we’ll amend these clothes a bit.”
Jay trembled, leaning forward as if propelled by an unseen force.Henry raised the harness high and lowered its walnut brown leather around Jay’s head and shoulders.Over the unbuttoned shirt, the effect was magnificently rakish and wild.The central ring of the Y coming down the front rested against Jay’s breastbone.He flashed a narrow strip of bare skin from throat to waist.
“Alice, if you’ll assist me with the buckles, please?”He faced her across Jay, the vibrating excitement as it had been on their wedding day, transmitting Jay’s energy through the three of them.His own body transmuted that power to a calming steadiness, a rightness that flowed and fed his hunger.Jay’s enthusiastic submission sharpened his focus and hardened his desires into a singular determination to make his visions a reality.A bassy growl crept into his voice.“Lovely.”
The buckles cinched nicely, the harness defining Jay’s muscular torso, the open shirt an intriguing tease.In ten days, Henry would add the crowning touch.But not yet.Seeing such gifts on his pets would inflame his passions even beyond what he intended tonight.He would save that joy for their one-month anniversary.“But we mustn’t leave Alice unadorned.”
The scrollwork bracers emerged from the drawer.Alice extended her arms before he asked, and he allowed a hint of laughter in his exhalation.“I do love my eager wife.”
“I love both of my husbands,” she whispered, tracking his motions as he encased her in soft leather from wrist to elbow.The D-rings he left alone; her movements would remain unrestricted, for now.“And their very different personalities.”
“Then I believe we’re ready for our evening.”He slipped his hand into the drawer for a final time.Jay’s leash dangled across his palm, the weight pleasing, Jay’s deeper breathing even more so.The snap of the hook against Jay’s central ring filled the silence.No music this evening.His pets would listen to him alone.He offered his bent arm to Alice and wrapped Jay’s leash in his other hand.“Come with me.”
Wonders awaited.
Chapter eleven