Her fingers tightened on his forearm as they swept through the kitchen door in search of the rest of the family.Alice, Jay, and Mother would undoubtedly be quite pleased with the outcome of their meddling.He lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper.“Which of our relatives ought I thank for sending you down to check on your mother and me?”
Brooke snorted and covered her mouth.“Oh man, that was a whole team effort.Aunt Helen and your husband kidnapped and hypnotized my girls with a story.And when I was hemming and hawing, well—your wife is not subtle.She has a great classroom command voice.”
He pushed back against the natural inclination to suppress his smile, allowing amusement to run hot with pride and the tiniest pinch of smugness.He would have to insist Alice practice her confidence with Jay at home more often.How fortunate he’d been in his choices, to have spouses who would catch and save him from himself.“I suspect she’d be delighted to know it was so effective.”
Chapter eighty-two
Ninepeoplecrowdingtheentryway was a squeeze, even for Henry’s mom’s house.Jay hugged the wall beside Alice, doling out high-fives every time Mia marched past with an on-its-last-legs purple stuffed cat.Brooke bounced Riley on her hip; the baby was headed for her afternoon nap once they finished their goodbyes.She was about the age of Bethie’s youngest.Be weird not watching Gracie grow every year and sharing in the excitement when she was ready for her first bike.
The new home health nurse waited at the other end of the entry hall.She’d be taking Mom to her rehab session today.But Mom didn’t seem in any more of a rush than Henry—the two of them and Lina stood under the big light in the center like they’d been for the last fifteen minutes, since Jay loaded up the car.
Alice tipped her head against Jay’s, swiveling enough to put her lips to his ear.Her hand slipped into his.“Might need to take our bags back upstairs and stay another night.”
They could, if Henry wasn’t ready to go.Tomorrow would be New Year’s Eve.Alice didn’t have work until after the holiday.But Henry had been honest with them in bed this morning about his feelings, not pretending like he’d never worry about Mom again.“Give it a few more minutes,” he whispered into Alice’s hair.“I think he’s got this.”
The last few days had been busy-busy with folks in and out turning guest bedrooms into cozy personal spaces.But they’d gone through the whole digital photo album from Avery, too, and picked out pictures for printed wedding albums for their house and Mom’s.The gals had officially moved in yesterday afternoon.This morning Henry had done shaped pancakes to celebrate before the nurse showed up to chat with Mom while they packed.Then Henry and Lina had joined Mom and the nurse in the parlor for more talking, and Alice and Brooke did the getting-to-know-you chatter while Jay played roaring dragon chasing the girls all over the library.
“—absorbed in the work, you’ll neglect to notice when you need to rest.”Henry settled his hand on Mom’s forearm, his lips tightening.“I have been guilty of the same myself, and I am not perched on a ladder crafting an entire mural wall.”
“I promise I won’t work alone on the ladder, darling.”Mom tucked Henry into a hug with one arm, swaying like they stood on a dance floor.“But my creativity is surging, and I want the girls to have a bedroom that feels like their own.”Her smile took over her whole face, sending out tiny waves of wrinkles.“I can’t recall the last time I undertook such a large project.I am practically bouncing in my sensible shoes to get started.”
“She won’t work alone at all.”Lina rubbed Mom’s back between her shoulder blades.“And you can be sure I’ll make her take proper breaks so she won’t be dizzy or forgetting to eat.”
Alice nodded against Jay’s cheek.No need to trade a glance when they were both thinking the same thing.Lina had a steady kind of confidence that made it easy to believe in her promises.The nurse would make sure Mom didn’t overdo it, sure, but Mom wouldlistento Lina and trust her opinion.
Henry let out a slow breath, a sigh on mute, and swept his arms around Mom and Lina.“It’s a joy to see the light in your eyes again, Mother.I know you will take special care—that you both will—so we all may make many more happy memories together.”
As Henry bent his head between his moms, Jay fished for his phone.But Alice already had hers up, silently snapping photo after photo.Henry getting simultaneous cheek kisses, check.Henry lowering his arms and clasping Mom and Lina’s hands, check.Henry peering over at Alice and Jay, his mouth twisting with amusement as he lightly chuffed at them, check.
Alice shrugged with worry-free, boneless comfort.“I’m not the best shot, I know, but at least one of these has gotta turn out if I just keep tapping the button.”
Mom giggled in a rising trill like she’d played on the piano for them last night.“Send me copies, please, darling girl.”
Wagging her phone, Alice lifted her chin and winked.“Swear.They’ll be yours by the time we hit the highway.”
“And on that note”—Henry ducked in for another quick hug with his mom—“we ought to be on our way.You’ve indulged my anxieties long enough this afternoon.I won’t make you late for your rehabilitation session.”
“Time with you needs no excuse, Henry.I loved you before you came into this world, and I will love you long after I leave it.”Mother scrunched her nose.“Which won’t be for a great many years yet, as I have so many wonderfully competent and loving helpers.”She waved Jay and Alice forward, her tiny hand as commanding as any gesture from Henry.“Come here, darlings.It’s been at least twenty minutes since I’ve properly hugged you, and I’ve forgotten the feel.You shall all have to visit more often to renew my memory.”
Alice, laughing, wrapped both arms around Mom in an X and hugged her close.“Pretty sure we can manage that, Mother.”
“Anytime you want.”Jay nestled in tight after Alice, careful not to squeeze too hard.Mom smelled bright and summery, a field of flowers humming with life.“I never run out of hugs.”
“Nor do I.”Gripping the top of his shoulders, she kissed his cheek.“You visit me whenever you like, Jay.And if you—any of you three, mind—need a mother’s love or a mother’s advice, I remain a simple phone call away.”
A chorus of thanks and goodbyes and scrambling final hugs nudged them toward the door, until the three of them stood on the far side of it, ambling down the cleared walk to the driveway.Jay swung the car keys from his fingers.He’d only held onto them because of loading their bags.But just because Henry usually drove didn’t make it some requirement.It wasn’t overstepping to offer help.Better to speak up and let his dominants decide what they needed.
“I could drive.”He spun and walked backward in front of Henry and Alice, matching their strides in reverse.“Give you time to rest.”His winter coat hid his new bracelets, but he could toss it in the backseat and push up his sleeves if he drove.The leather braids teased his wrists either way.“Lots of big emotions today.”
They got all the way to the car, his butt bumping chilly metal, before Henry clasped his face in both hands and lightly fused their lips together.“I would greatly appreciate the time for reflection.Thank you for your compassion, your gentleness, and your thoughtful service, Jay.”
Not a bad way to start a road trip.
Three hours passed in flashes, the sun glinting off fellow travelers and patches of snow.At the farm he might’ve tried taking the kids snowshoeing on a day like this one, all bright and crisp and waiting to be explored.He pulled onto their street maybe half an hour shy of sunset, with buildings blocking the fading light and long shadows pushing the heater to work harder.Through a narrow break in the curtains, their tree looked to have held its needles.
“Bet the tree missed us.It’ll be thirsty.”He cut the engine.“I’ll check on it as soon as I get the bags in.”