Page 143 of Season of Gifts

The hint of nerves in his tenor had her yanking out the paper balls holding the toe shape and dipping her stocking feet into the warm lining.“Will you zip them for me?”

“Anytime.”A bright calm swept his face as he knelt in front of her.Cradling her heels, he zipped the boots.

She steadied herself against his shoulders as she stood—not to keep her balance but to keeptheirbalance.He was performing a service, after all, and praise and petting were his due.

“How do they feel?”

She took an experimental stroll to the fireplace and back.Jay tracked every moment; Henry nodded approvingly.

“They feel amazing.Perfect size, comfy from the get-go.”Stepping around bits of wrapping paper, she slid a boot along Jay’s thigh and reclaimed her seat.“These will be great for wearing to work all winter.What made you think of it?”

Bent over her, he carefully freed her feet.“The ones you have were getting thin.Once we had those first few melts in March, you got to lunch with damp socks and said winter was ending just in the nick of time.So I figured you could use a new pair before the big unfreeze hits or those seams open up.”

He’d remembered.All these months.She’d forgotten until she’d dug out her boots a few weeks ago and the frosty wind reminded her.Cupping his face, she planted the most public-appropriate peck on his lips she could manage.“Thank you for paying so much attention to what I need.”

Jay squirmed only a little, probably wriggling out through his muscles what would otherwise be a soft whimper.

She drew back at just the right moment to catch Mother’s fond smile.Mother fluttered her hand and laughed, shaking her head.“You young lovebirds are a much better drama series than listening to the social set’s gossip.You leave me with such good feelings for the future.”

“Did we pay you for that segue, Mom?”Jay teased the two thin packages by Alice’s hip off the couch and waved them in midair.“’Cause we think that’s exactly how Henry’s gonna feel about these gifts—hopeful about the future.”

“I am well-compensated with your companionship this week, darling.”Crossing her hands in her lap, Mother nodded regally.“Were I to seek remuneration, it would be that and nothing less.”

“I confess, I find myself in the same position.”Henry accepted the first of the gifts, the one Alice had wrapped in the old-timey Christmas tree paper.“Alice and Jay’s companionship is more wealth than I might amass in a lifetime of other gifts.”

Alice leaned against him, laying her head on his shoulder.“But you’re still going to enjoy the gifts, right, husband?”

“Thoroughly.”He pressed his thigh against hers as Jay sprawled in front of them.Rather than rip into the package, he neatly lifted the tape and slid free the envelope inside.“Doubly secured.I haven’t the faintest idea what you’ve selected for me.”

“Well, we”—she gestured between herself and Jay, as if Henry wouldn’t know who his spouses were, duh—“wanted things that would cater to your tastes.Fun, but practical, too.”

If Henry didn’t finish opening the envelope soon, her heart would bounce out of her chest and do it for him.

“My gifts are always practical.”Jay buffed his fingernails against his shirt, ignoring the scoffs from her and Henry.The punny shirts he often found for Henry were the exact opposite of practical.But they’d incorporated his sense of humor with her practicality this year.A little co-sub coordination couldn’t hurt.“I am the maestro of practicality.”

Henry tipped free the card.He inhaled softly, and his eyes sparkled.“A mystery and a challenge.I could not have thought of anything better.How did you happen upon it, my sweet?”

Waving at Jay, she nudged Henry forward.“Open Jay’s, too, and then we’ll explain.It’s kind of a set.”

Henry kissed her temple and accepted the second gift.“I do appreciate a matching set.”He made quick work of opening it—just as careful as with hers, but faster.He’d for sure noticed Jay sitting up straight.“My goodness.Appetizers as well?Rare…small batch…” He murmured to himself as he studied the card.With a crooked finger, he lured Jay into a kiss as chaste as hers had been.Still wriggle-worthy, though.“I will be delighted to share these with you.”

“Share them with the rest of us before we go mad with curiosity, darling.”Mother’s dry wit gave voice to Robert’s raised eyebrow and his wife’s dipped chin.

“Oh, so”—Jay extended one arm toward Alice—“Alice got Henry a spice of the month club subscription that’ll send him different rare stuff from all over the world and recipe suggestions for it.”Plating his hand, Jay yielded her the floor.

“Because he’s so inventive in how he spices up our lives.”Her sunny smile hid all hints of sultriness, but Henry’s intense stare promised she’d find out just how spicy later.“And Jay got Henry a rare cheese of the month club subscription that sends three different kinds every month and a recommended palate pairing.Because…”

Kneeling on his legs in something pretty close to waiting pose, Jay bowed from the waist.“Because we can sample thirty-six cheeses in the next year, but I dare any of them to be as cheesy as my love for you.”

Henry’s rich baritone laugh rang out at full volume.A chorus of more laughs followed, the entire room warm and friendly and just—familyish.The way families ought to be, anyhow, kind and supportive and amused by even the worst puns.

“Thank you, my loves.”Henry held both cards tightly in his fingers, bending the heavy paper slightly.“I am grateful for the gifts, and the sentiments, and most especially the promise of a full year to experiment together and discover what tickles our senses.”

Experiment with their senses, ha.So smooth, that man.And his poker face was impeccable.Way better than hers or Jay’s.After the sensory game he’d played with them last night, she couldn’t keep the shivery energy off her face.Catching Jay’s gaze, she joined him in swooning sideways, pressing her hands to her heart.“Can’t wait.”

Jay inched toward Henry and propped himself on one elbow, peering over the front of the couch.“Pretty sure that makes it your turn, Henry.”

“It does indeed.”Henry settled two modest packages on his lap.Curled ribbons formed deep green bows on the tops.His weren’t wrapped like hers and Jay’s; they were true boxes with lids, tops and bottoms wrapped separately in paper showing sprigs of mistletoe and pine boughs on a gold background.He tapped his finger on them gently.“As the two of you did, I thought about the importance of time spent together and daily practicality in these gifts.I trust you will recognize that they are imbued with my love for you and the bond we share.”