Page 139 of Season of Gifts

Spreading his knees wider, Henry gave himself more room to work.Red silk, twisted and wet, provided little covering.Between one thrust and the next, he switched hands and began a steadily increasing campaign across her clitoris.He held the rhythm of his thrusts at a background pace, requiring barely more awareness than the demanding beat of his cock.Its time would come later.The dance of his fingers against Alice’s slick nerves consumed his focus.Speed and pressure incrementally increased until he found the point that made her rigid in his lap, her body locked in place and shuddering.

“Do you wish to know what it is?”

“Wha?”Dark pupils narrowed Alice’s irises to thin rings, flecked hazel a match for their wedding bands.“What is?”

Her body shook, hovering at the edge.He waited for her fall, every sense on high alert for signs of surrender.The arch in her back deepened.She clamped down on his hand.

“Taste.”He stole his thrusting fingers and plunged them into his mouth as she broke apart.Alice’s sweetness burst across his tongue.

She writhed against the thumb pinning her clitoris in place.Jay, his brilliant, brilliant boy, swallowed her moans with a thorough kiss.As her shaking subsided, Henry cupped her gently in his hand, guarding the sensitive nerves still sending forth periodic shivers.

Alice sagged in his arms, slumping forward with her head against his shoulder.“Henry?”

“Yes, sweet girl?”

“I trust your senses.”

His heart slowed its hammering in his chest.The fear that he had irreparably damaged their relationship floated free, skimmed away like so much dross.“I am pleased”—his voice cracked, emotion clogging his throat—“pleased beyond measure to be worthy of your trust.”

She curled into him tightly and pushed herself up, hands on his shoulders.Smile impish, eyes soft, she lightly kissed his mouth.“Ready when you are to share that gift.”

He projected a false sorrow, sighing heavily.“We both remain overdressed, alas.”

“We can fix that.Jay?”She wobbled to her feet, gratifyingly off-balance from the climax he’d helped her reach.Guiding their husband’s hands to her hips, she folded his fingers around red silk.“These are in my way now.Do something about that, please.”

Jay kissed a line down her back as he crouched behind her, taking the underwear with him as he went.Stepping free, Alice squeaked; that final kiss might have been a teasing bite at the roundness of her exposed ass.

“You.”She ruffled Jay’s hair and tugged.His quiet whine proved it more reward than punishment.“Henry needs help with his clothes, too.Get on it, please.”

She slipped out from between them.He stood, his slacks agreeably drifting down.Jay helped them along with strong strokes, a massage for his thighs.The encouragement was hardly necessary—his cock thankfully retained its firmness, aching for an opportunity—but the touch heated him every bit as much as Alice’s had.Now she rummaged in a duffel bag at the end of the bed.Jay stripped his boxers, pulling them wide, giving his erection room to spring out at last.Kneeling, gazing upward, Jay sought silent permission for a taste.

Henry gripped the base of his cock and squeezed hard.Breathing slowly, he backed down from the edge and angled the tip toward Jay.“A few moments, no more, unless you’ve reason to forgo other pleasures tonight.”

Jay shook his head slowly.“Wouldn’t miss that for anything.Conditions are green across the board.”He closed his mouth around Henry’s cock.

Jay welcomed him with wet warmth and a steady pull, jolting his senses.A few moments might be too many.But he would need lubrication regardless—had he specified—a bottle pressed into his hand as Alice climbed onto the bed behind him.Henry squeezed her hand in gratitude.

The blankets came flying back, sweeping across his ass where he’d braced against the bed.He pushed forward reflexively and groaned as Jay greedily took him deeper.Jay’s questing tongue circled Henry’s grip at the base of his cock.Balls tight, he grabbed for Jay’s neck with his free hand.“That’s quite enough, dearest.You excel too much at your work to continue further tonight.”

Jay’s sweet smile and shining eyes more than balanced the risk of his own premature exit from their entertainment.“Another night?”

“Many, many other nights in our future.”He urged Jay to his feet.The first solid erection he’d had in two weeks wouldn’t go to waste.“But on this night, I would rather have your face close to mine.I would hold you in my arms and share the delights of your body with our wife.I would carry your heart with mine.”

He’d recited e.e.cummings just this morning.Jay glowed in every sleek line, his beauty magnified in belonging, their claim a second skin as he settled between them on the bed.

Kissing, caressing, Henry moved in unspoken concert with Alice.They worshipped their devoted husband with hands and mouths, praising his incomparable heart, his magnificent body, his loving service far beyond any they deserved.Jay’s pleased whimpers spiraled into true need.

Henry stroked Alice’s hip, and she pulled Jay into a deep kiss.“Roll toward me, sweetheart.”

Warmed from the heat of their bodies, the lube flowed easily, slicking hand and cock.Henry slipped slowly forward.Jay’s welcoming grip eased his entry, the relief of returning almost overwhelming.Jay nestled his ass into the cradle of Henry’s hips, and Henry held himself still, pulsing with the heartbeat they shared.

Drawing Jay inside her, Alice folded her leg across them both.Henry’s hand met Jay’s under the curve of her ass, snugging them tightly together.

They moved in near silence, a chorus of breaths and whispered endearments.Moonlight shone through the curtains, silhouetting his spouses’ single, joined form undulating to the pace he set.Outside the window, a Christmas snowfall blanketed the world.

A fragment of poetry flitted through the rapture he strove for, and he clasped it as he did Jay and Alice, one hand yet cupping her backside while the other wrapped across Jay’s chest and pinned him tight.

I hold infinity in the palm of my hand.