Page 138 of Season of Gifts

Chuckling softly, he pressed their foreheads together and caught his breath.“I find I am the greedy one this night, my love.Your touch inflames me.”

She peeled the sweater over his head and tossed it to the floor, going straight to work on the shirt beneath.Her fingers flitted from button to button with the speed of minuscule brushstrokes—an artist in the throes of passion, chasing a vision.“That’s good, right?Touching you feels good to me.”

“Your touch feels incredible.Astonishing.”He pitched his voice low, keeping her close, hungry for the vibrations her nearness unleashed.He gazed into a well of desire endless and all-consuming, overflowing with the beauty of sensation.

The shirt fell from his shoulders, and he filled his lungs as Alice flattened her hands to his chest.She pinched his nipples, sly minx, and giggled at his growl in return.Eyes half-lidded, he stood still as she mapped him.She dug a path with her thumbs across the strong line of his clavicle.Cupped his shoulders and squeezed, her grip as hard and claiming as any he’d delivered to her and Jay.

“We named you ours.”Alice nipped his neck, her teeth a delightful tease.His ribs fell to her clutching hands, then his flanks.She slipped the belt free from his waistband.“At the wedding.This body belongs to me as much as mine belongs to you.”

“It does.”His body rejoiced as she reached the fastener at the front of his dress slacks, his nerves singing.The zipper ticked open under pressure from her fingers.His cock tented his boxers, standing ready to serve his appetites.

Alice grasped him through the cotton.

He hissed through his teeth, unprepared for the depth of the pulses reverberating through him.He’d opened himself to sensation, and now he held no mental barrier in place to hold off his pleasure.

“Careful, sweet girl.”He tamed the desire to thrust.Once he started, the night would be over much too fast.“I may not be capable of my usual standards just now.”

Hazel eyes gleamed; she swept her lips with her tongue.“We love when you’re wild, you know.When your desire for us overrides that brilliant mind of yours.But I think…” She kissed him lightly, sweetly, and her hand on his cock slipped away.“That isn’t what we all need tonight.You suggested sharing a gift.”Tipping her head toward the bathroom as the door opened, she whispered in his ear.“I suspect he’s the one you have in mind?I’m all in favor.”

He seized her thighs and lifted.

Her fluttering hands landed alongside his neck; her harsh breaths swept across his hair.Her amusement rippled through him, her breasts pressed against him, the soft swell of her stomach shifting as she laughed.“That’s the second time today you’ve surprised me like that.”

Carrying her like Cleopatra on her throne had been a spur-of-the-moment choice as well.Spontaneity had its uses—a lesson he’d perhaps forgotten.

“My impulses have gotten the better of me today.”Surprising his spouses came with the delightful benefits of their reactions—heightened breathing, flushed skin, startlement flashing in their eyes.Such prizes were the pinnacle of his pursuits, a sensual feast, every reaction spurring him to seek another, and another, while his lovers danced to his tune.

Stepping carefully backward, he found the edge of the bed and sat.Alice settled her knees beside his hips.With one hand atop her spine, lest she tip too far, he held her steady and brushed his knuckles across the red silk between her thighs.

Her body trembled, but her eyes remained a challenge, her focus locked on him.

“Good girl.”Back and forth, holding his pace, he relished each twitch as his knuckles slid over her clitoris, the underwear an inconsequential barrier.“I do propose we share the gift you identified.”

Jay, smart boy, had dispensed with his clothing.Henry tipped his head in invitation, and their Adonis strode toward them in the proud nudity that is not vanity but ease in one’s skin.

Alice dropped her head back, allowing Henry’s supportive hand to hold her up.“Ready for bed, stud?”

“Ready for whatever you two have in mind for me.”Quite ready, in fact.Jay’s cock bobbed against his stomach, a single element of his overall allure.“In bed, out of bed, a little of both…”

“What an excellent thought.Alice and I were just discussing much the same.”Henry deepened the press of his knuckles, and she shuddered as she lifted her head.“I was about to judge her readiness.What better way than to see for myself?”

She smirked at him.“You have a lot of talents, but even you can’t see through silk.”

“Such a shame,” he murmured, curling his fingers around the edge of the cloth.The thrumming of his heartbeat intensified.A long lapse in his control might have provoked bratting in his spouse, a demand that he prove with strength or wits his fitness to lead her.That too could delight the senses.

“I shall have to rely upon other resources.Touch, perhaps.”Dragging his finger beneath the silk, he parted her lips and received a heated, slippery welcome.His slow thrust, two fingers to their full depth, wrung a moan and a long blink from his marvelous wife.She clenched her thighs against his; he pressed outward, offering greater resistance, denying her the pressure she sought.

He hummed, a satisfied tease not unlike her smirk.“Sound, do you think?I do believe I heard a moan.”Thrusting in a slow rhythm, he arched his fingers forward and rubbed as he moved.“Perhaps we might make that come again.”

Alice dug her fingers into his neck.Her hips rolled with his thrusts.She panted in short breaths.“You think so?”

He clamped his teeth together to stop the laugh escaping.Jay made a rare departure from form, cupping his hand over his mouth and looking away.Just as well, if it contained his laughter.Alice intended to make her dominant work to earn his place.He had never been one to shy from a difficult design.

“Scent, then.”He inhaled deeply, ostentatiously, skating his nose along her neck and the curve of her shoulder.“Earthy and sweet, thick with desire, your scent rises from your skin, Alice.Your very essence tells me of your readiness.”

“I’m sure I—” She rocked back, her weight on his arm.His thumb squarely placed on her clitoris might have had something to do with that.“Sure I don’t—” Her hitching breaths and the incomparably rosy flush spreading down her chest belied her denials.“Don’t smell a thing.”

“Then I’m afraid we’ve only one recourse left to us.”A silent nod to Jay brought him firmly against Alice’s back, ready to support her if she arched as Henry hoped—and freeing more hands.He guided Jay to her breasts, to cup and fondle and tweak as he desired.Alice squirmed, and he graciously declined to emphasize her fresh moans.“Perhaps that will satisfy.”