Rory stopped and stared at the two. “What the fuck? Why can’t Ihave some? I have—” She held up her hands for finger quotes. “Unlimited credits, remember?”
“That is not our business to tell,” Sam said curtly.
“What does that mean?” Rory demanded. “Whose business is it?” Before she finished her sentence, she knew the answer. “Caius.”
Lauren and Sam were quiet, and Rory stalked off. “I’m going to the pharmacy, and if you try to stop me, I will break everything I can get my hands on.” Rory didn’t know what her own threat meant. Windows? Decorations? Bones? She spewed the first thing that came to mind, but she would keep her promise somehow.
They didn’t stop her, and when she pushed on the door, it didn’t budge. She whipped around and stared at them. “Open it.”
Sam shrugged with a smug look on his face. “Can’t. Everything is closed for the ball.”
Rory’s anger rose until she thought her head would explode, and she looked around, smiling, when she spotted a small sign advertising the specials of the café next door.
She grabbed it, against the protests of her muscles, and swung it as hard as she could against the glass door. Lauren jumped forward to stop her, but she was too late.
The glass shattered, and Rory used the sign to knock enough away to step through.
“For aether’s sake,” Sam said. “What is wrong with you?”
She lifted her hand above her head and gave him the universal sign forfuck you.
Moving her head side to side as she walked up and down the aisles, she spotted the healing section. “Bruises,” she read aloud and grabbed the bottle from the shelf. Ignoring the exasperated sighs of the others, she popped the lid and drained the bottle, not bothering to read the directions.
Gagging, she tossed the empty bottle to Sam, who begrudgingly caught it. She found one for surface wounds, chugged it, and tossed it to a pissed off Sam as she walked farther down the aisle. “Aha!”she said with a wicked grin as she grabbed a potion for muscle aches and drank it dry.
Without another word, she walked around them and toward the door as the potions worked their magic. Within minutes, her bruises faded, her cuts healed, and her body moved freely.
“We’re going back to the palace,” she informed them, leaving no room for argument.
Rory was too mad to go to the ball and slammed the door to her room open, but when she stormed inside, her steps faltered. Aside from the full moon and stars lighting up the ceiling, there was music playing from a small radio, and against the far wall sat a table with champagne, wine, and finger foods.
Caius, who was fixing his hair, stopped at the sound of her dramatic entrance, and his eyes ate her alive. When they made their way to her face, his mouth pulled into a half smile. “You are beautiful when you’re mad.” He crossed the room to where she stood. “I knew the ball was important to you, so I made you your own.”
She closed her mouth, but before she could say anything, Bellina, Max, Kit, Tallent, and Cat strolled through the door. “Are we late?” Cat asked. “You said six o’clock.”
Caius’ eyes moved to Sam and Lauren, who stood silently to the side. “You’re on time. Rory is early.”
Sam shook his head once and scratched his jaw. “I didn’t give them a choice,” Rory snapped, remembering why she was mad. She ignored the twinge in her chest at the thoughtfulness of the king. “Why did you keep the healing potions from me?”
Caius stepped back, but his gaze never left hers. “I think the rest of you should leave.”
To Rory’s surprise, they gave no argument as they slipped into the hallway and shut the bookshelf. “Well?” she demanded. “Did you enjoy seeing me in pain?”
Hurt flitted across his face. “Is that what you think?”
“What other reason could you possibly have?” she yelled, nolonger able to rein in her temper. The potions had kicked in, and she felt no physical pain.
His face morphed to mirror hers, but where she lost control of her anger, he was unnervingly calm. “Had you taken the pain potion as prescribed, you wouldn’t have been in pain as long as you took it easy, and I needed you to stay put.”
Stay put?“What kind of bullshit is that? I’m not a bird to be kept in a cage.” She was furious. “Were you tired of seeing me minding my business around the palace and decided to lock me away?”
He laughed humorlessly. “Someone tried to kill you, Rory, or did you forget?” He closed the distance between them. “You will put yourself in danger time and again, and I can’t allow that to happen.”
His words shocked her, but the last part pissed her off. “You don’t have the power toallowme to do anything.”
The muscle in his jaw ticked. “Fine. I can’twatchyou do that.”
“Can’t, or don’t want to?” she shot back, still angry.