Page 69 of The Umbra King

Rory walked into Caius’office a minute after eight the next morning. “You’re late, Miss Raven.”

Caius watched Rory glance at the clock on the wall and scowl. “One minute does not count as being late.”

He took in her hideous maid uniform and beckoned her closer with his hand. “What are you wearing?”

She looked down. “My uniform. Unless you wanted me to wear casual clothes or the dress you ripped, this is all I have.”

He preferred the sinful dress from the ball. “This is unacceptable.” He stood. “You’re going to town to get a work appropriate wardrobe.”

She folded her arms across her chest. “I’m out of credits for the month.”

He ignored her and motioned for her to follow him out of his office and into the throne room. “I wouldn’t make someone pay for their own work clothes, but thank you for reminding me how little you think of me.”

He heard her mouth snap shut as she walked after him. Sam met them in the foyer and fell in line beside them. “You have an arrival today,” theAngelreminded him.

Caius came to an abrupt halt and pinched the bridge of his nose. He’d forgotten. What he wanted was to watch Rory model tightskirts for him, not greet an inmate. “I need you to take Rory clothes shopping,” he replied.

Sam looked ready to throttle him. “What about me makes you think that is a good idea?”

“I can go by myself,” Rory protested. “Iaman adult.”

Caius ignored her. “Where is Lauren?”

“Right here,” Lauren said from the far entrance of the room. “What can I do for you, Your Grace?”

He almost rolled his eyes at her formal greeting. He’d known her as long as he’d known Sam, and they were long past formalities. “Take Rory to town. She needs a wardrobe befitting her new position.”

“Do you not trust me to buy clothes on my own?” Rory asked incredulously from behind him. “No offense,” she said, looking at Lauren wearily.

“Full offense taken,” theAngeldeadpanned.

“It’s for your protection,” Caius told her as his eyes glanced at her neck, remembering the bruises that colored her delicate skin. “She needs business attire. Preferably skirts and blouses.”

“I am not wearing skirts every day,” Rory informed him haughtily.

Caius turned to her and gestured to her dress. “You already do.” He gave his attention back to Lauren. “She’ll need enough outfits for at least two weeks and however many pairs of shoes to match.”

Rory scoffed and shook her head. “Who needs fourteen outfits? They do our laundry twice a week!”

He ignored her and motioned for Sam to follow him back to his office. Rory’s protests fell on deaf ears, and he smiled to himself as she trailed Lauren out of the room.

“You have an assistant now?” Sam chuckled. “Since when do you need an assistant?”

“Since I need to protect her,” he replied. “She was attacked once, and I won’t risk it happening again.”

“If you’d stop being a prick to her, she might end up liking you,” Sam said as he pulled an entire banana out of his pocket.

“How did you fit a banana in your pants?”

“My pants already carry something much larger.” Sam grinned as he peeled the fruit and took a large bite.

Caius pushed open the door to his office and realized he forgot to lock it again. It didn’t matter because no one would steal from their king, but it was a habit that lent him comfort.

He paused and shook his head with a wry laugh. Rory admitted to breaking into his office.Guess I’m not as forgetful after all,he thought.

A small knock echoed through the room, and Caius looked at Sam. “Did the arrival come early?” They were always notified before a trial to prepare for a possible new arrival. Trials happened at the same time of day, and they still had another hour.

Sam shook his head. “Not that I’ve heard.”