Page 60 of The Umbra King

Relaxing a little, Rory scratched the cat’s head. “You saved my life.” Lo purred. “You really are a house cat. A scary one.”

She could have sworn the panther glowered at her. “Sorry,” she said with a laugh. “I promise I know how vicious you really are.” She looked pointedly at the dead body twenty feet away. “I won’t tell anyone.”

Rory shivered, the adrenaline finally wearing off and reminding her she was soaked to the bone. Her black leggings were still scrunched to her knees, and her white t-shirt was stuck to her skin.

“I’ll bring you a nice, juicy steak tomorrow night,” Rory promised. “But I have to get back to the palace before I die of hypothermia.” She paused. “Can we die of sickness down here?”

The cat looked back at her silently, and Rory shook her head. “I’m losing it.” She gave Lo a final scratch. “Thank you again.” She thought about hugging the cat but didn’t want her affection to be mistaken for a chokehold.

She turned to leave, but Lo trotted alongside her. “What are you doing?”Stop asking the damn cat questions like it’s going to answer you,she scolded herself.

Lo ignored her and continued to follow her through town. A few stragglers were on the streets leaving the taverns or out for night strolls, and Rory walked faster. She looked like a drowned sewer rat. One man gave her a strange look that turned to surprise when he spotted the giant panther beside her.

Rory smirked down at Lo. “You’re like an asshole repellent.” The cat shook her head.

When they arrived at the palace steps, Lo licked Rory’s leg and stalked away into the night.

Caius stumbled,almost hitting the ground in the middle of his office as a hellish scene engulfed him. His heart hammered in his chest as he struggled in the water.

Ice encompassed his body as he fought to breathe. A scream tore from his throat as he beat his fists against whatever held him down, but it was no use.

He was dying.

Until he wasn’t.

The scene evaporated, and he slumped to the rug beneath him.His hand was clutched around his throat as he coughed, trying to expel the phantom water from his lungs.

As he stared at the ceiling, trying to catch his breath, he cursed, not understanding what happened. It was by far the worst nightmare to date, and he knew he wouldn’t sleep tonight.

After gathering his bearings, he stood and left for the kitchens. If he wasn’t going to sleep, then he would need as much sugar as he could get to keep him awake until tomorrow.

Rory triedto sneak through the palace unnoticed, but luck was never on her side. When she descended the second set of stairs, she was met by the Umbra King himself.

His cold gaze raked over her wet hair down to her white shirt, and she was painfully aware her t-shirt was now transparent, but his eyes didn’t linger. “Why are you wet?” There was something strained in his voice, and it piqued her interest.

“I went swimming,” she replied coolly, hoping he couldn’tactuallydetect lies.

He met her stare, and his eyes looked wild. “They do have swimsuits available in town.” He was playing at indifference, but something was wrong, she could feel it.

“I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”

Not wanting to think too much about his demeanor, she stepped around him and continued down the stairs.

“Wait,” he called, and she turned at the gentleness in his tone. “YourAatxefriend is taking care of your mother.”

Rory’s hand flew to her chest as she swallowed whatever sound tried to claw its way out. “You’re not lying?” Hope seeped into her words, showcasing her weakness.

His eyes seemed to glow in the torchlight. “No, Rory, I’m not lying.”

Her jaw hung open as she watched him leave, and she knew what he said was true.

Because he called her Rory.


The next afternoon,Rory hid in her room. Her body hurt from her altercation with Ronny, and her pride was bruised at the fact she had failed to fight him off on her own.

Her door opened, and she lurched forward from her spot on the bed. Lauren waltzed in and looked around. Rory’s bathroom door was open and her wet clothes from the night before still hung over the shower door.