Asher clucked his tongue. “I heard. Tough break. Next time, maybe only kill seven.”
They laughed, but then he asked her, “Why’d you do it? I have to know.”
Bellina slapped his chest. “You can’t just ask people why they killed someone.”
Rory smirked at Bellina. “You did.”
The seamstress shrugged. “I knew we’d be friends, but there’s no guarantee you won’t get sick of this one,” she said, motioning to Asher.
He looked at Rory expectantly. She knew it was natural for others to be curious, but the thought of having to tell the same story over and over irked her. “I need to hand out flyers and put this to rest.” She looked up, mental exhaustion taking over. “They were all black souls I caught in the middle of trying to hurt someone.”
Asher stared for what felt like hours. “Good for you.” He slapped her on the shoulder. “We’re going out tomorrow night. Come with us.”
Rory glanced at Bellina. “Who is ‘us?’”
“Asher, Max, and me. Max is older, but he’s fun. Drinks like a fish. Tallent, Kit, and Cat might be there too.” She looked at the apprehension on Rory’s face. “They couldn’t care less what you did. We’re all here for a reason.”
Rory swallowed hard. “Screw it. I’m in.”
Asher lifted his arm for a high five, and she laughed, slapping his hand in the air. It was nice to have friends again.
Asher taggedalong as Bellina showed Rory the rest of Vincula. It was amazing, and she couldn’t get over how many shops there were. There was an extensive park with gravel in place of grass, cobblestone walkways, random lawn games, picnic tables, and even a large lake nestled in the back. Plants similar to the ones in the palace garden were everywhere, giving it appeal.
“There are fish in there, too,” Asher said, pointing at the water where people sat on piers, holding fishing poles and talking quietly.
“This place is incredible,” she breathed. “Maybe five-hundred years won’t be so bad.”
From the foliage to Rory’s left, a black panther emerged, and Rory screeched, backing up and bumping into Bellina.
Bellina steadied her and giggled. “That’s Lo. She’s like the Vincula mascot.”
“Why are you talking about a killing machine like she’s aSeraphim-damned house cat?” Rory demanded. “Are you crazy?”
Asher walked forward and stroked a hand down Lo’s silky coat. “She basically is a house cat. Just bigger.”
A deep rumble sounded from the panther’s chest, and she nipped at Asher’s arm. He jumped back and frowned, and Rory pointed at the enormous cat. “I’m not going near her.” Like an idiot, she addressed the panther like a person, “Sorry, kitty. I would rather not chance you taking a chunk out of my leg. I need them to run away.”
The panther’s head tilted to the side as her tail twitched. Sheturned and disappeared back into the lavish brush, and Rory looked at the other two. “Did you lure me out here to feed me to her?”
The two busted up laughing while Rory stood with her hands on her hips. “It wasn’t that funny.”
Bellina nodded as she laughed so hard she sounded like a teapot. “It really was. You should have seen your face when Lo stepped out.” She swiped at her eyes as her laughter died down. “She’s harmless. The shop owners let her inside, and I’ve seen her in the palace a time or two.”
Rory stared. “You’re all insane. What happens when she turns on you?”
Asher shook his head. “You run.” She blinked at him, and he laughed. “I’m kidding. She wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“Are there more?” Rory asked and slid her gaze to the bushes where the panther disappeared.
“Not that we’ve seen,” Bellina said. “There are other animals, but they keep to themselves.”
Rory shuttered.Great.
Rory walked backinto the palace, wanting nothing more than to fall into bed. She was loaded down with her shopping bags from their trip and needed to sort everything out. Specifically, she needed to plot out how she would run into Caius while wearing her new dress.She also needed a reason to wear the scandalous garment.
Bellina stayed in town longer, and since Rory was not entirely familiar with the palace layout, she took a wrong turn and ended up in the throne room. The doors were open, which seemed strange, and she took the opportunity to look around without prying eyes.