Her teachers in school said it allowed theRoyalsto move around outside The Capital undetected. It was also why there were no pictures of theRoyalsin their history books or museums until after their deaths.
Rory’s trance broke when Dume stepped away and another enforcer guided her through the side entrance. They must not want the scum of the realms gallivanting through the ornate palace where anyone could see.
They led her down a dark hallway lined with empty cells, and the sight sent a chill down her spine. Supposedly, the punishment wasswift; either you went to Vincula, or you went to hell. Rarely did a person have to await trial.
At the end of the hall was a set of large doors, and once opened, they revealed a small chamber. The floor was concrete and slanted toward a drain in the floor, and at the front of the room were three concrete steps leading to a small dais.
This was not what she expected. “What is the drain for?” she whispered to the enforcer on her left.
“The blood,” he answered with no emotion.
Rory’s body shook. All her strength disappeared as she stared at the drain that would soon be filled with her blood. She hoped her death was quick and painless.
A door to the left of the dais opened and in walked one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. Her hair was the same shade as Keith’s, and the front was pulled back with the rest hanging down her back in waves. Rory was surprised to see the woman’s ears had the same slight point as hers, and she found it difficult to look away.
Were Royals a type of Fey?
An eerie quiet filled the room as the Scales of Justice took her place on the dais and turned to Rory. The woman nodded her head to the enforcer holding Rory’s arm, and he pulled her forward until she was in front of the breathtakingRoyal.
She refused to cower. She’d made her bed, and now she would lie in it. Staring down the woman in front of her, she wondered why they needed this meeting at all. Everyone knew what the verdict would be.
“I am the Scales of Justice,” theRoyalbegan. “Though I’d prefer you to call me Adila.”
Rory jerked in surprise.Why would she need to call her anything?“Nice to meet you,” she replied, unsure of what to do. “I’m Rory.”
Adila inclined her head. “I know who you are, Aurora Raven.” She continued to stare as she descended the stairs gracefully and held out her hand. “Show me your soul.”
Rory looked away in shame. “We both know what you will see.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Adila countered. “Give me your hand.”
Her tone was commanding, and Rory had no choice but to obey. Once their hands were touching, Adila stared at Rory’s chest, and the corner of her mouth lifted slightly.The Scales of Justicemust enjoy sending dirtbags to hell, she thought to herself.
Adila motioned for the enforcer to let go. When he dropped her arm and stepped back, Rory closed her eyes. She didn’t need to see whatever they were going to do to her.
“Aurora Raven, you are sentenced to five-hundred years in Vincula, effective immediately. Your next of kin will be informed of your incarceration. When you return, you will have no memory of your life in the dark realm, but you will remember your transgressions and your life until now.”
Gasps were heard around the room, including Rory’s, as her eyes flew open. “Pardon me?” she said, dumbfounded.
Adila held out her hand, and an enforcer handed her a clipboard with a pen attached. She looked it over, nodded, and then scribbled something before handing it over to Rory. It was filled with typed text, and at the bottom, Adila had written the length of her sentence and signed it.
“Sign,” the enforcer next to her said. She jotted her name and handed the document back.
Adila gave her a small smile. “Your soul is a beautiful shade of grey, Miss Raven. I will see you soon enough.”
Without waiting for a reply, Adila reached forward and touched Rory’s shoulder. A force pulled at her, and within seconds, the realm faded away as she fell into nothing.
The Umbra Kingtapped his fingers impatiently on the obsidian arm of his throne, staring at the far side of the room. He received word to expect an arrival, and he couldn’t help but ponder what the person had done.
When mystics were sent to Vincula, their crimes ranged anywhere from armed robbery to murder, though the murders were usually done by accident or justified.
Those who rape, abuse children, and murder for no reason other than their own entertainment skipped Vincula and were sent to hell, no questions asked. It’s a simple decision really, seeing as their souls were blacker than the Vincula night sky.
Except for Caius.Adila couldn’t leave the prison realm without a ruler, could she? Since he was aRoyal, his little sister couldn’t see the color of Caius’ soul, but she felt it all the same andgraciouslyspared him from an eternity with Orcus.