Page 130 of The Umbra King

Because she loved him, and he loved her. Even if they hadn’t told each other, they both knew. She was going to tell him tomorrow so the day would be filled with happy memories all around.

She didn’t know how the process worked for him. For the others, they vanished from their beds or wherever they were at midnight, but with him being king, she assumed he would stay until he wanted to leave.

Apprehension filled her from head to toe, and all she wanted to do was find him. Even though they spent time together over the last few days, a lot of it was devoted to her friends, who were having a hard time with Tallent’s betrayal.

They were all shocked, of course, and none of them knew if he had an infatuation with Nina before she started working with him, or if she convinced him to betray his friends in such a short amount of time.

Rory preferred the former, because knowing he could be swayed so easily felt worse. The town was rattled to hear the news of Nina and Tallent’s treachery, but what really shook them were the rumors about Rory taking the throne.

The thought made her grin, and she decided she wouldn’t wait until tomorrow. When she found Caius, she would tell him how she felt. His favorite book sat on the nightstand, and she swiped it.Sometimes when he couldn’t sleep, he liked to read or sneak sweets from the kitchen.

When she slipped through the door to the office, she halted.

Sam, Lauren, and Caius stood around his desk, and Sam and Lauren were arguing with him.

“What’s going on?” she asked tentatively. Whatever was happening was serious.

Caius’ head snapped in her direction, and anguish filled his face. “Rory,” he rasped. “You should be in bed.”

She willed her voice to strengthen. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

He hung his head while Sam and Lauren glared at the king. “Caius?” Rory tried again.

His fingers were curled around a piece of paper, and without looking at her, he scribbled something along the bottom. “What is that?” she tried again. No one would answer her, and she was on the verge of a panic attack. Her fingers filled with pinpricks and grew heavy as her breathing picked up speed.

“I’ve taken over your contract,” Caius said, his voice full of emotion.

His words made little sense, and she looked at Sam and Lauren for clarification, but they refused to meet her gaze. “Took over my contract? I don’t understand.”

She was at his side now, gazing over his arm to see the papers he held. The top sheet was a contract, and she saw both of their names listed on the top.

“What is this?” She tucked his book under her arm, tore the paper from his hands, and scanned the document.

It said her contract transferred to him. She would be released tomorrow, and he would serve another five-hundred years.

“What? Why would you do this?” She was touched by his selflessness, but she couldn’t allow him to give up his freedom. He’d waited too long for it.

His eyes glistened with unshed tears. “Your mother needs you, and I can’t watch you blame yourself for her condition.”

She shook her head, grasping for whatever piece of the puzzle she was missing. Then it clicked, and the floor fell out from under her. Her memory would wipe clean, meaning she would forget Vincula, her friends, andhim. “Why would you do this?” she repeated, raising her voice. “You said you can’t change contracts.”

She’d never seen such pain in his golden eyes. “I can’t dissolve contracts, and I didn’t. I switched them.”

Rory’s mind raced, and she shook her head again. “Please don’t do this, Caius.”

“It’s already done,” Sam said with a voice of steel as he glared at the king. “It cannot be undone.”

“Undo it!” she screamed as she ripped the document to shreds. Her hand clasped around his arm, making him look at her. “I love you, Caius. I love you. You can’t do this.”

Tears slipped from his eyes. “I can’t keep you here in misery. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”

“No!” she sobbed as she beat her hand against his chest, the other still clutching the book. “You promised. You promised to get down on one knee when I said it. I’m saying it. I love you, and I am begging you not to do this.”

He grabbed her hand and brought it to his mouth. “Don’t you see? I have been on my knees from the moment you landed in my throne room.”

She shook her head and backed out of his hold, turning to theAngels. “How could you let him do this?How?” she screamed. Her realm was falling apart at the hand of the man she loved, and tomorrow, she wouldn’t even know it.

“Do you not love me?” she choked out. “Is that it?”