“I only made the split higher.” His smile was hellish, and she knew he was thinking of the gardens.
Heat bloomed low in her gut. “I’d rather not parade around with my vagina hanging out.”
Something caressed her leg, and she yelped, glancing under the table. A shadow curled around her, and Caius leaned on his elbows. “I like to show off what’s mine.”
Her lips parted. “Most men don’t want their women dressed scandalously.”
“Most men want to control women.” He pushed his chair back and stood. “If you want to walk through the realm naked, you will do so, and I will admire you the entire way.”
Before he could pull out her chair, she stood, needing to move before she led him into a side alley to blow him.
Caius satin the corner of their room reading and waiting for Rory to finish getting ready for their outing. He moved his things from his quarters to the sky room because going back and forth wasn’t logical.
There was a secret entrance from the sky room to his quarters, making going back and forth easier, but he didn’t want to be one room over. He wanted to behere.
She stepped out wearing a bright blue top, jeans, and heels. Her long hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail, and her makeup accentuated her eye color and cheekbones.
“You look beautiful,” he said, meaning every word. He couldn’t build a better woman if he tried.
“I know.” She did a slow turn to show him every angle. “Thank you.”
He chuckled quietly and crossed the room to stand beside her. “Whom are we meeting tonight?” he asked as they headed out.
“Bellina, Cat, Kit, and Tallent.” She ticked them off on her fingers. “You met them at Asher’s going away party, I think.”
He knew them. Not personally, but he had Lauren look into everyone Rory surrounded herself with. “Do they know I’m coming?”
“I haven’t seen Bellina since this morning, so no, but it will be fine.” She slid her eyes to him. “I hope you have tough skin, because as soon as Cat is comfortable around you, you’ll wish you hadn’t come.”
“I do like my women feisty,” he purred, and she pulled back, jealousy flashing in her eyes, and his face split into a wide grin. “Is something wrong?”
Her cheeks pinked. “Yes,” she snapped, but the look on her face said she didn’t mean to say it out loud.
He studied her tight features. “Don’t filter yourself with me.”
The words hung in the air as she made an internal decision before finally releasing a long exhale and stopping in the middle of the courtyard. “The only woman you should like anything aboutin that wayis me.” She stared him down, letting him know she meant every word. “I don’t care if you’re joking, it’s disrespectful, and I don’t like it.”
Vulnerability clouded her eyes, and he reached for her hand. “Always tell me how you feel. We’re in this together for the long haul. Even if you decide not to be my wife, you are still here for five-hundred years. If we can’t be ourselves with those closest to us, then whom can we be ourselves with?”
The uncertainty left, and there stood the woman who made him love feisty women in the first place. “Like I said, I don’t like it. Don’t do it again, or I will cut your balls off.”
Instinctively, his hand flew to his crotch, and Rory burst out laughing. “You’re so violent,” he tsked.
“I sewed people’s hands to their shoulders, and you’re surprised I’m a little aggressive?” she asked, laughing.
Still hand in hand, they walked through the dark night with only the streetlamps illuminating the sidewalks. “Why can’t you power the entire realm with your essence?” Rory asked him.
Caius’ brows rose. “It would drain me. I’m powerful, but if I were to power the entire realm all day and night, I would be powerless, like the inmates.”
“Are your shadows that important?” She glanced at him with a small smile to let him know she was teasing, but it still left a weight in his stomach.
“I’ve considered it, but if there was an uprising, I would be powerless to stop it.” He adjusted the collar on his shirt. “The lack of technology is nice.”
“Says the man who has essence powered quarters.”
“Our room is essence powered too.” He reminded her. “I believe you are a hypocrite, Miss Raven.”
Her steps faltered. “Ourroom?”