“What was the prophecy?” Sam asked, sitting forward.
“Two were one, and one is yours.Do not let him fool you.His darkness is poison. Only the golden child can save you,”Dume recited like an oath. It was still scribbled on Lenora’s walls, and he labored over the meaning and how it related to his best friend.
Sam flagged down a server and asked for a pen and paper, jotted down the prophecy, and folded it into his pocket. “Thank you. I will check back for updates.” He stood.
“That’s it?” Sera asked, scooting out of the booth to stand. “What about Rory? I thought you were going to help her.”
Sam towered over Sera, and when he looked down at her, his eyes shone with humor. “Don’t worry, little one. I am not one to lie.”
Sera told him to fuck off with her expression and sat back down. “Good day, then.” She dismissed him as though he were no one, and Dume covered his mouth to smother a laugh.
“I like her,” Sam said with a tip of his head before leaving.
“Can you control that mouth of yours before you get yourself killed?” Dume grumped.
“Just because you fear the brute doesn’t mean I do,” she quipped, making Kordie and Keith laugh.
“What do we do now?” Keith asked.
“We keep looking,” Dume replied. “Sera’s protests at the enforcer’s station and outside The Capital walls are garnering attention. If there are more, they will come forward.”
Sera was fierce in her own right and demanded to be heard. Dume had to keep a low profile, but Kordie and Keith attended her rallies, and the turnout was slowly growing as more victims came forward.
“We’ll clear her name,” Kordie said with conviction. “I just wish she were here to see it.”
“My father will tell her what we’re doing,” Sera assured them. “She’ll know she has fighters on the outside.”
Rory pounded the pads on Caius’hands, half expecting her arms to fall off. They’d been in the gym for hours, and while she liked Caius’ commanding attitude in the sack, she hated it everywhere else, especially in training.
“Good girl,” he crooned, taunting her.
She purposefully swung above the pads to knock the smile right off his face, but he blocked it with a laugh. Dropping her gloves, she bent over and put her hands on her knees. Out of shape was an understatement.
“You’re not out of shape,” Caius said, grabbing them bottles of water.
“Is mind reading aRoyalability?” she asked. It would explain how he always knew she was lying.
“I wish,” he replied. “Your thoughts are written all over your face.”
They both hit the gym showers, and when Rory emerged, Caius’ hair dripped down his face.
Her legs ached as she sat down and grabbed a bottle of water. “It sure feels like I’m out of shape.”
“You’re not used to being weak,” he replied, sitting beside her with his feet planted in front of him and his elbows draped loosely around his knees.
As much as his teasing irritated her, he was right. “Where is Sam?” He wouldn’t be such an ass during training. She hoped.
She perked up. “Did he check on my mother?” It was foolish to think his trips to Erdikoa were about her, but he checked on Lenora the last time he’d gone.
“We’ll find out when he gets back,” Caius replied and pulled his shirt over his head.
Still wet from his shower, he was the sexiest man she’d ever seen, and her mouth salivated at the sight. He used his shirt to dry his hair, and she wondered why he didn’t just use a towel.