Rory bit the inside of her cheek and rotated her head to look at Nina. “You already give me the shittiest work available. Save your threats for someone else.” She turned to Nina fully and gave her a sardonic grin. “And I’ll have to pass on the free show. I prefer real entertainment instead of watching a bitch beg for cock like a mangy mutt.”
Nina’s face screwed up, and she lunged, but Rory was faster. Her hand was around Nina’s neck in an instant, and she squeezed, reveling at the fear in the maid’s eyes. Her hands clawed at Rory’s face, but Rory held her at arm’s length.
Her voice was low when she looked into Nina’s panicked eyes and said, “Be careful who you attack. You like to remind me I am The Butcher, but maybe you should remind yourself.”
She released Nina with a shove, and the woman sucked down breaths as she wobbled away.
Asher turned to Rory with bug eyes. “Damn, you’re scary. What was that about?”
“Why?” Rory shot back. “Are you fucking her, too? Please don’t ask me to watch.”
Asher looked from Bellina to Rory. “What did I miss?”
Bellina whirled on Rory. “Explain.”
Rory blew out a long breath. “I’m going to need a drink if I have to relive the image of Nina naked with her ass in the air.”
A loud grunt sounded behind them, and Rory turned to see a man with salt and pepper hair and dark eyes who looked to be her father’s age. “You must be Rory,” he said. “I’m Tallent.”
She shook his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
He was standing with two women, one who was at least six feet tall with a medium shade of hair, and another who was short with a mop of dark, curly hair.
“I’m Kit,” the tall one said.
“Cat,” the other woman squeaked. She was adorable, and Rory had to resist ruffling her hair.
“Nina’s still sleeping with the king?” Kit asked as she sidled up next to Rory at the bar.
Rory grabbed her drink and nodded. “I was unfortunate enough to walk in on them.” She took a long drink. Hopefully, it would erase the image from her mind.
“Tell me everything,” Cat said as she grabbed her own drink and motioned for them to follow her. When they found an empty table and sat down, Cat pointed at Rory. “Spill it, butcher girl.”
Rory choked on her drink, and whiskey splashed onto the table.
“Cat!” someone hissed.
The woman looked around. “What? She’s The Butcher, isn’t she?”
“Excuse Cat,” Tallent said, shooting the woman a warning glare. “She speaks before she thinks.”
She threw her hands up. “SheisThe Butcher!” She turned to Rory. “Did I hurt your feelings?”
Rory was frazzled from the back and forth, and all she could do was shake her head. “We aren’t twelve,” she managed after a beat. “Call me whatever you’d like.”
Cat shot Tallent a triumphant smile and turned back to her. “Okay, now tell us how you ended up in a threesome with the king and Nina.”
“Wait, what?” Asher butted in. “I thought you walked in on them?”
“She did,” Bellina confirmed. The seamstress turned to her and whispered, “Is that all?”
“We didnothave a threesome,” Rory insisted. “I finished my first shift and went in search of Nina. One of the palace staff gave me her room number, and when I knocked, the door flew open.” She shuddered.
They all howled with laughter. “I hate you all,” she grumbled.
Asher sat beside Rory and leaned in. “If you ever decide to have a threesome, I volunteer.”
A piece of ice sailed across the table at him, and when he looked up, Bellina hurled another. “You’re a pig.” He shrugged and looked at Rory with a sly grin.