“When do you want me to leave?” Sam asked quietly.
“After the Plenilune ball.”
When Rory returnedto her room, she stopped short at the tray on her bed. Her smile widened. She’d forgotten to thank Bellina for saving her from starvation. Her friend must have realized Rory didn’t stop for food after shopping.
After setting her shopping bags down, she crossed the tiny room to her bed and inspected her dinner. She would have been happy with bread and water, but Bellina pulled out all the stops. A steak sat next to a baked potato topped with butter and cheese.
Guilt made her shoulders sag. She hoped her friend wasn’t spending all her food credits on Rory. Tomorrow, she would seek her out and demand she use Rory’s credits instead.
Her heart swelled at the thoughtfulness of her friend, and she sat down to dig in. The steak was juicy, and the baked potato was still warm enough to melt the butter.
Rory stopped chewing and looked at her plate. If it was another member of the staff leaving the food, there was probably spit in it. With a shrug, she continued to eat, savoring the taste. It never occurred to her to use her credits in town for food.
Her shift usually ended between breakfast and lunch, but after she showered and put herself together, it was midafternoon. She remedied starvation by stuffing as much food from the kitchens in her mouth as possible when she arrived at work. The other staff didn’t arrive until five a.m., and there was no one around to report her to the queen bee.
Delaying her shower to grab food would be worth it, and she hoped they had a grocery store where she could get items that didn’t require a refrigerator.
She blew out a long breath at the memory of her encounter with Nina. There was no doubt in her mind she would pay for it, but seeing the look on that wench’s face was priceless.
Her mind drifted back to Caius.He made it clear Nina meant nothing more than a quick fuck to him, which was lucky for Rory. She wasn’t the type to steal another woman’s man, but not only was Caius not Nina’s, Nina was a cunt, making the task more enticing.
Rory shook herself. How could she look into the face of her sister’s murderer and still feel attraction? Maybe she was more messed up in the head than she thought.
Placing her tray on the nightstand, she threw herself back on her bed with a sigh. Could she really go through with this?She had to.Figuring out the layout of the palace was crucial, specifically where Caius’ room was located. That was where she was likely to find Cora’s soul. Or maybe in his office.
The other door in the hallway must lead somewhere, but she couldn’t get caught by Caius again. What did he do all day? That was her second order of business. Could she follow him undetected?
Not for the first time, she cursed the realm for taking her abilities. Knowing his schedule would help with her plan to seduce him, though if she could find Cora’s soul on her own, she wouldn’t need to.
Sitting up, she stood and picked up her shopping bags to put her things away. She needed to get to sleep and prepare for the days ahead.
After work the next day,Rory took the fastest shower she could, changed into a pair of leggings and a hoodie, and set out to find the king. Surely he didn’t sit in his office all day. Knowing where to start proved to be difficult, and her plan didn’t seem as clever as she stood in her room with no direction.
The best places to start were where she’d seen him before, and she made her way back to the throne room. She pulled up short at the crowd of people gathered in the enormous room, all staring at Caius lounging lazily on his throne.
Rory stuck to the shadows, knowing if the others saw her, they would kick her out, or worse.What were they doing?A grunt filled the air, and her head whipped to the circle at the other end of the room. A man was on the ground at the end of the marble walkway, looking around.
They’re either receiving a new inmate or punishing one. Unable to help herself, she inched closer for a better look. Her eyes flicked to Caius, who was watching her instead of the new arrival.
Shadows cloaked her, and while they weren’t dark enough to prevent her from seeing, they were dark enough the others wouldn’tnotice her.He helped her. She looked back to him, but his gaze was on the man, and as Caius stood, she was reminded of how tall he was. He had to be a good seven or eight inches taller than she was.
His body was powerful as he walked across the floor, and she thought back to her own arrival. It was déjà vu as his footsteps filled the quiet air, and the newcomer trembled on the ground.
When Caius stopped, he held out his hand for the contract, looked it over, and raised his eyes to the man. “Bruce Stewart. Sentenced to one month.” Caius motioned to the paper. “I believe you have the shortest sentence in the history of Vincula.” His eyes returned to the contract, and he chuckled. “For approaching anAatxe, pointing an unloaded gun at their chest, and demanding they arrest you.”
Bruce wasn’t paying attention to the king. His eyes were darting around the room.
“Mr. Stewart, someone will take you to your apartment, where you will be briefed on the rules of Vincula. You will report to me in the morning for your assigned work. Understood?” Caius’ voice was amused but kind, and Rory clenched her jaw.
He’d shown her no such kindness upon her arrival. Humiliation had been his weapon of choice that day, and because of it, her life in the palace was miserable.
Bruce nodded as he stood. “Thank you, Your Grace.”
AnAatxein the legion stepped forward and motioned for the new inmate to follow her, and Rory glanced around the room for Samyaza. Did he only escort the worst of the worst, or was he gone? She knew the employees in Vincula could move freely between realms if they wished.
Her eyes went back to theAatxe. She missed Dume. This was the longest she’d gone without seeing him since meeting him. She missed Kordie and Keith, too.