Page 115 of The Umbra King

“We can’t allow that,” Sam said, stating the obvious. “Adila cannot ignore this.”

“She won’t kill our brother,” Caius replied ruefully. “I’ll have to do it, but I need her blessing first.”

Sam’s brows rose. “You have never cared for her blessing before. What changed?”

“I can’t leave Rory.” When Caius looked at his friend, theAngelwas smiling like an idiot. “This isn’t funny.”

Sam pushed off the counter. “I’m not laughing.” His hand clamped down on Caius’ shoulder. “I am happy for you, brother. It is good to see you in love.”

Caius shrugged him off. “I don’t love her.”

Sam looked bemused. “Are you sure about that?”

Not anymore.

“Both attacks are linked to Nina,”Lauren said from the bookshelf she leaned against in Caius’ office. “She needs to be dealt with.”

Sam shook his head. “We have no proof. On the off chance there are other powers at play, we cannot send her to hell on a hunch.”

“It’s not a hunch,” Rory protested. She couldn’t believe her ears. “When Ronny attacked me, it was because of what I said to Nina, and the other two men were always with her.”

Caius lounged in his chair with his chin in his hand. “Sam’s right, but I want her watched around the clock.”

“Are you kidding me?” Rory asked, rounding on the king. “How is letting her go unpunished protecting me?”

Caius’ eyes sharpened, and she swore Lauren and Sam held their breath. “My priority is always you,” he said with a glacial calm. “We can’t damn a woman who has never stepped out of line until you arrived based on subjective evidence. I know she’s behind this,” he continued. “But if there is even the slightest chance she’s not, I can’t send her to hell.”

Rory’s fingers flexed with the urge to break something. “You were ready to burn the entire damned realm once, and now you hesitate?”

“Would you like me to commit mass murder, Miss Raven?” He sat forward. “Sam would have never let me do that, anyway. Please, trust me.”

Her jaw tensed. “Fine, but if she comes near me, I’ll kill her myself.”

Caius’ lips twitched. “I expect nothing less.”

“I’ll take care of Nina’s detail,” Lauren said, getting the conversation back on track.

“And I will be Rory’s,” Caius added, his voice daring Rory to object.

She knew fighting him was futile, even if she could beat the shit out of Nina on her own. There was also no telling who else did Nina’s dirty work. “Fine. I hope you like beer.”

Caius looked taken aback. “What?”

“Beer,” Rory said again. “We’re going out with my friends tonight.”

The king closed his eyes, mumbling under his breath, and she inflated with satisfaction. “Be ready to go at seven. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get lunch.” She glanced at Caius. “Coming?”

He pushed his chair back and stood. “I need to speak with Sam before we leave.”

“I’ll report back after Nina’s detail is settled,” Lauren said before leaving.

Sam walked forward and said, “More victims have come forward to vouch for The Butcher.”

“What?” Rory gasped. She’d forgotten he went to Erdikoa. “Did you speak with Dume?”

Caius looked annoyed at the mention of her friend, but even more so when Sam nodded. “As well as Kordie, Keith, and Sera.”

Rory searched her memory. “I don’t think I know Sera.”