Page 11 of The Umbra King

“Ready to get fucked up?” Keith asked as he rubbed his hands together like an evil villain. “Dumey is driving us home.”

“I will leave you here if you call me that again,” theAatxethreatened, and opened the door for the others to walk through.

Keith smirked at the girls. “He would never.”

Wonder was dark with different colored essence lights flashing and twirling around the dance floor, and Rory wished she could see them in all their glory. The music was loud, and people were already drunk as they writhed against each other to the beat of the music.

“It’s busy tonight,” Kordie shouted over the music. “You need to ask for every Friday off.”

“It’s when I make the most money,” Rory yelled back. “Come on, let’s get drinks.”

Dume parted the crowd as they walked and ordered water for himself, along with the others’ drinks.

Keith pointed to an empty corner booth in the back, and the other three followed him through the throng of people. After they sat down, Kordie stretched her tiny neck to survey the room. “There are a lot of cute guys here tonight.” She elbowed Rory in the side. “Maybe you’ll find a boyfriend.”

Rory made a show of gagging. “I’m never dating, especially not some asshole trying to pick updatesin a nightclub.”

Keith winked at a man across the room before turning back to her. “Dume and I aren’t assholes.”

“You’re an asshole, wolf,” she teased, and he waved her off.

“Rory is letting me color her hair,” Kordie announced, like she had the biggest news in the realm.

Dume and Keith whipped their heads in her direction. “She finally wore you down,” Dume said and turned back to Kordie. “Please turn her hair yellow.”

“I will murder you both,” Rory warned with the most threatening glare she could muster.

Her friends exploded with laughter at her serious expression. “Will you string us up like The Butcher?” Keith asked as he took a drink.

Rory’s stomach soured, and she fell quiet, grappling for something to say.

“I was kidding,” Keith said, setting his glass down. “I know it’s scary.”

She picked up her drink and tossed the rest back. “I’m going for another. Anyone need anything?”

Keith looked apologetic, but soon recovered by holding up his glass. “I’ll take one.”

After waiting forever at the bar, Rory turned and bumped into Dume. “Are you okay?” He could read her like a book, and for the first time in her life, she cursed their friendship.

“I’m fine,” she replied. “The Butcher is gross, right?” She fake laughed, cringing at the sound.

“I would never let anything happen to you, you know that,” he told her. “I would have to be dead before someone hurt you.”

A lump formed in Rory’s throat.Would he feel the same if he knew what she’d done?“I know. I’m just tired.”

He knew she was lying, but he let it go, anyway. “Let’s get back to Kordie and watch Keith try to get lucky with a poor, unsuspecting person.”

Rory laughed lightly. “I’ve heard he’s great in the sack; more likethey’regetting lucky.” It was true, and Rory itched to test the theory, but she could tell there was something between him and Kordie. She would never overstep.

Dume’s lip curled. “Never say that to him. The last thing we need is his head getting any bigger.”

Rory’s laugh was genuine this time. “Lead the way.”

The next morning,Rory stretched and rolled out of bed, her mood tinged with a newfound determination.

After relieving herself and brushing her teeth, she trudged to the kitchen for a cup of coffee and was surprised to see a fresh pot already brewing.

“Good morning,” her mother called from the stove. Her shoulder length grey hair was brushed and fixed, and her makeup was done.