Page 54 of Road To Runes

As if I needed this with Shawn Donnelly breathing down my neck, too. But it did explain why he had explored every single avenue while on the hunt for Hecate. There was more at stake for the Franklins than just Troy's power being stolen; they were probably aware that some memories were missing and wanted them back. It wasn't as if these were treasured memories from times past. If these memories got into the wrong - or right - hands, the entire family could face jail time.

"Oh gods, Bea. Give me one second." Penny had made to sit down on the edge of my bed but changed her mind and instead barrelled toward my door.

She unlocked it and disappeared into the corridor, returning two minutes later with an armful of velvet cloth and an ornate wooden box.

"What are you doing?" I asked, locking the door behind her.

"This calls for some foresight." Penny spread the cloth out on the floor, tugging each of the corners straight. "We need to do a reading."

"Do wehaveto?" I knelt down next to her as she opened the box and took out her tarot cards. A little foresight was great on occasion, but I wasn't sure I wanted to know what the future held at this point. At least not until the shock had worn off a little.

"This isserious, Bea." Penny shuffled the cards and spread them out onto the cloth. "These are dangerous, powerful people and we need to take our next steps carefully."

"We? Penny, this isn't your mess."

"You're my best friend. Of course it's my mess."

I nudged her with my elbow and she shot me a smile before placing both palms on either side of the cards and closing her eyes. She wasn't just my best friend, she wasthebest friend.

While Penny focused, I headed over to the bed to lock up the jars, screwing a gem encrusted lid onto each one. If they were here, I had to keep them safe no matter what the next step was. I shuffled down the edge of the bed and placed them on my nightstand, and leaned my elbows on my knees to watch Penny work.

After many minutes of silent and meditative breathing, Penny drew a card from the pack without opening her eyes. She placed it face down on the velvet. One by one, she pulled two more cards from the deck.

I wasn't sure I wanted to know what the cards said. What could they say that wouldn't be, 'you fucked upsobad.' I knew that already and I wasn't too happy to have the universe rubbing it in my face. What we needed was a solution on how to get out of this mess with as little collateral damage as possible, and I wasn't sure the cards were up to that.

Penny opened her eyes, took another measured breath, and turned the first card over. The card faced in my direction and I recognised it: the Seven of Wands.

"I asked the cards their perspective on this situation with the Franklins," she said. "And asked for guidance. Seven of Wands in reverse..."

"In reverse?" I clambered onto my knees at the edge of the velvet throw opposite Penny. "But it's the right way up."

Penny looked at me with her most deadpan expression. "No, Bea. If it's facing you, it's in reverse."

"Oh! Right."

"You numpty."

"Hey, I'm under pressure here. What does Seven of Wands mean, anyway?"

"In reverse..." Penny swivelled around to cross her legs and perched her chin on her folded hands. "Destroyed confidence and feeling overwhelmed. This card refers to the past of the matter. So is that what set all this in motion?"

I chewed on my lip as I thought about it. Had the hole Asher had left behind and all the devastation that came with it encouraged me to take risks in the name of finding answers about my prophecy? Without a doubt. But did the cards really have to be so blunt about it?

"Maybe," I said, lilting my tone just so Penny knew that it was more likely than not. But I didn't want to say it out loud.

Penny rolled her eyes, pumping her eyebrows at me.

"Oh, all right,yes." I folded my arms just so she would know how much I didn't want to admit to it.

"That's better," Penny said. "You won't do yourself any favours if you aren't honest about things."

"I've got some honesty for you."

Penny stuck her tongue out at me before composing herself and turning over the second card. "The present situation… The Lovers in reverse."

Oh, hell no. Absolutely not. These stupid cards had done enough to rub salt in all my wounds and I didn't have to let them.

"Nope." I shuffled forward on my knees and reached to snatch all the cards up and put them back in the box. "This istortureand highly unfair."