Page 32 of Road To Runes

"Wait." Asher paused as his eyes slowly focused again. "You're chasing the prophecy again?"

Are you serious?I mouthed at Hecate. What was she thinking telling Asher something that important?

"I thought..." Asher's arms fell as Hecate jumped out of his arms and wound herself around my legs. Way to suck up after dropping that bombshell. "Bea, I thought you decided you didn't need to know?"

I had never felt that way. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself that I did, the urge to discover my prophecy still burned like an ember in the pit of my stomach. When my life had more security and...happiness, I could ignore it more easily.

"Maybe I don't feel like that anymore." I picked up my bike helmet and wiped a muddy spot off the visor. "But again, it's none of your business. So get out of my way or I'll run you over."

I expected Asher to snort or make some other derisive action. Instead he stood there, gaping like a befuddled goldfish.

"I'm coming with you." After a moment, he marched over to my bike and threw his leg over the back.

"You arenot." I shoved him, but he barely budged. "Get off."

Hecate jumped into her case and stared at me with her starry eyes."Let him come. We need all the help we can get."

"You be quiet. You're already on thin ice tonight," I said.

Why was Hecate ganging up on me withAsher?

"Let me put it this way." Asher leaned forward on his hands, a smug satisfaction seeping into his eyes. "Either I come with you, or I wake everyone up in this house to stop you. What's it going to be?"

My jaw cracked, and a liquid rage lit up my veins. I glared at his infuriating face, wanting in equal measure to punch it and kiss it.

I jammed the helmet over my head to conceal my face. Great. Now I had no choice but to pilfer a rich boy's power with my ex. Could this day get any better?

Chapter 18

My jaw ached under the tension as we wound down the country roads toward the Franklin estate. Asher's arms wound around my waist, the warmth and softness of his touch a constant distraction as my mind fought to keep our long cherished memories at bay. His chest pressing to my back enveloped me in a faux security that I used to crave. Or perhaps, I still did.

I should have spent the journey to the property the same way I always did; going over the plan. But the feeling of him holding me again snatched every thought out of my head, balled it up and threw it into my mental trash can. If Hecate thought she would get away with all but inviting Asher along tonight, her fluffy butt was sorely mistaken.

I pulled into the layby I had marked out on the plan and killed the engine, gritting my teeth as I waited for Asher to get off. My skin prickled with cold when his arms left my body, leaving much more than an icy chill behind.

"Make yourself useful. Let's get this into the trees," I said, as I wiggled my helmet off.

I left nothing to chance during these raids. Nobody would see my bike anywhere near the property to put two and two together.

Without a complaint or even a look at me, Asher helped me wheel the bike into the undergrowth where we leaned it up against a large pine.

"Right." I stood with one hand on my hip, shining my phone light at Asher and Hecate. "This isnota negotiation. I'm in charge. You do as you're told when you're told, and ifyoumess up," I jabbed a finger at Asher, "I'm leaving you to get snapped up by whatever egotistical overpaid security guard they've hired for this place. Got it?"

"Oh, please." Asher held up his hands, a smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth. "I think we both knowyouwere always the one slipping up."

"And the closest I ever got to getting caught since I went solo is when you showed up." I shone the light right into his face, grinning when he squinted and winced. "We're not going in there unless we're clear on that. So, what's it going to be?"

"Why are you ropingmeinto this? We all know what my job is and the payment I require."Hecate flicked her tail.

"Don't take it personally, Hec," Asher said, lowering his hands. "She's only talking to me."

"Then you'd better hold my swag to make up for it."

The grimace on Asher's face had my grin growing wider.

"I'd almost forgotten how impossible you both are." He ran both hands round the back of his neck.

I tapped the light off my phone and stowed it in my jacket pocket, shooting him a smug look. "You wanted to come, remember? Let's go."