“I’m sorry,” he said, “but this area is off limits when court isn’t in session.”
“We need access to the holding room,” Jessie said, showing her credentials.“I know the back hallways will get us there quicker than going the long way around, so I need you to unlock the door to the ‘staff only’ section.”
He looked reluctant, but without any formal reason to object, he did as she asked.They passed through the door and down the hallway to the holding room.
“We should hurry,” Kat said, breaking into a jog.“If she’s already on the bus, it’ll be too late for you to see what I’m talking about.”
“I’ve been back there before,” Jessie said.“They have to process each prisoner individually, make sure their respective judge has signed off on their return to Twin Towers, and do a full pat down.It usually takes fifteen to thirty minutes, depending on how many prisoners there are, so we have time.”
But Kat didn’t seem convinced.Instead, she picked up the pace.They were approaching the entrance to the holding room when they hear what sounded like a gunshot, followed by a second, and then a third.They broke into a run.When they got to the holding room door, Jessie yanked on the handle.It was locked.Kat didn’t have her weapon, as she was required to turn it in when she entered the courthouse.So for the second time today, Jessie shot at a door.
Then she kicked it open and squatted down, surveying the room.It took several seconds to process what she saw.There was a pile of guns and radios in the center of the room.In addition, there were three men lying on the floor.They were all wearing blue scrubs, the ones assigned to Twin Towers inmates.
Two were on their backs, with manacles around their wrists.They had each been shot in the forehead.The third man was lying on his stomach with a gunshot wound in his back.He was groaning.Other than that, the room was empty.
Jessie dashed over to the groaning man and bent down.
“What happened?”she demanded.
Wincing, he pointed at the closed door to the transport area.Jessie looked that way, trying to comprehend what was happening.Neither Pierce nor Haddonfield was anywhere in sight.Had Haddonfield been right?Was Ash Pierce attempting an escape?Or was he part of this too?
“Where the hell are Pierce and Haddonfield?”Kat demanded.Her voice had a panicky edge to it.
“I think they’re out there,” Jessie said, standing up and approaching the transport area door.
She was about to open it when she was startled by a banging sound.She looked in that direction and saw a closet door with a chair jammed up against it.
“Who’s there?”she shouted.
“Courthouse officers,” a male voice replied.“Let us out.”
Jessie was tempted but couldn’t be certain if the man was telling the truth or if he was an inmate lying in wait.
“We’ll let you out once we have the area secured,” she said.“What happened here?”
“Who is that?”the man demanded.
“This is criminal profiler Jessie Hunt,” she shouted back.“Now answer my damn question!”
“Ash Pierce took one of our officers hostage and forced us all in here,” he said quickly.“That’s all I know.”
“Let them out,” Jessie told Kat.“And have them call an ambulance for the inmate with the gunshot wound to the back.”
But before her friend could take a step, they heard another gunshot coming from the transport area.
“Those guys will have to wait,” Kat hissed, grabbing one of the guns from the pile in the middle of the room, then darting toward the transport area door.Her eyes were nearly popping out of her head.
“Wait,” Jessie hissed.“We can’t just go out there guns blazing.Remember who we’re dealing with.”
“Remember whoshe’sdealing with,” Kat shot back, unbowed.“I was an Army Ranger.I can handle myself.”
Jessie couldn’t argue with that.But right now, Kat wasn’t acting like a Ranger.She was acting like someone with a vendetta.She did her best to keep her friend under control.
“Okay, but let’s do this the smart way.We go together on three,” she said.
Kat nodded in hurried agreement.
Jessie silently counting down with her fingers.When she reached three, she yanked open the door and followed her best friend through it.