The idea was so exhilarating that he couldn’t stifle the giggle that escaped his lips.Soon that giggle would turn to a laugh when he was on top of Claire Hoffman.When he got his sweet revenge.
Kat could tell something was wrong.
As she sat in the back of the courtroom, she watched while Ash Pierce was brought in.She immediately sensed that something was off, even if she couldn’t put her finger on what it was.She’d been to so many of Pierce’s hearings in anticipation of her trial starting next week—over a dozen now—that she had become familiar with the assassin’s routine and tics.
As that last word—tics—tumbled around in her brain, something clicked for her.Ash Pierce didn’t really have tics.Everything she did was measured and controlled.The way she breathed methodically throughout the proceedings no matter what was said to or about her.The way she kept her gaze calmly focused on the person speaking, whether it be the judge, a lawyer, or someone offering information from the witness stand.The way she always placed her hands on the table, left hand over right, almost never moving them unless she was writing an occasional note to her attorney.She was the epitome of self-control.
But not today.Kat doubted that anyone else even noticed.But she did.As the hearing began, Pierce’s breathing seemed ever so slightly more rapid than usual.When someone spoke, her head darted in that person’s direction more quickly than it otherwise would.And her hands, typically still and relaxed on top of the table, were slightly more active.Every now and then, she would switch things up and place her right hand on top of her left.After a few minutes she would go back to the original position.
Eventually it became clear to Kat what was going on.Ash Pierce was hyper-alert today.More than that, she seemed borderline nervous.But Piercenevergot nervous.It was part of her thing.In the video showing her killing four prison transport guards while escaping, she always moved with methodical precision, never in a rush, never out of control.So why was she different today, even if it was imperceptible to everyone else?
Kat wasn’t sure, but she didn’t like it.Seeing Pierce this way madehernervous.But what was she supposed to do about it?Go up to the bailiff and tell him the defendant was acting minutely different than usual, and he should pass that on to the other guards. Tell the prosecutors?Ask to see the judge in chambers.If they didn’t laugh right in her face, they’d probably say that the woman was about to go on trial for her own life.Of course, she was nervous.
Then Kat remembered that there was one person who might believe her and could potentially do something about it: her best friend, Jessie Hunt.Jessie would take her seriously and if she passed along the word, so would everyone else.
Kat resolved that at the next break in the proceedings, she would call Jessie.With that decided, she tried to settle in and let go of the anxiety that was needling at her.But then she looked at Pierce again.The woman switched her hand placement for the fourth time in ten minutes.Kat’s stomach began to churn.
Jessie thought it would be harder.
Michael Pearson wasn’t home.And she assumed that the home of a guy who created security systems for a living would have had an impenetrable one protecting his.But it turned out that Pearson was renting the Hollywood Hills house that they were currently walking through.Apparently, the property owner and landlord had declined to give him permission to add extra security measures, despite repeated requests.
Understandably, the owner had originally balked at giving Jessie and Susannah access to the home without a warrant.Normally, they’d need one.But soon after their arrival, the officers who checked Pearson’s new startup offices said he wasn’t there.So Susannah, sounding as tired and irritable as Jessie felt, let the owner know where things stood.
“These are exigent circumstances,” she told him sharply, “and not letting us in is tantamount to interfering with a police investigation.”
He caved right away.The circumstances became even more exigent when they got a call from Jim Nettles.
“We’re at Thomas Reed’s house now,” he said.“He was uncooperative at first but when I mentioned the phrase ‘Special Friend Event’ in front of his wife, he offered to get very chatty with us in private.I’ll cut to the chase.The guy was at a convention in Chicago from last Thursday until late Sunday night.He has receipts and everything.We’ll need to reconfirm that the story holds up, but it doesn’t look like he was in Los Angeles for either of the murders.”
Upon getting that news, their next call was immediately to Jamil.He picked up on the first ring.
“It looks like Thomas Reed is in the clear,” Susannah said quickly.“We need you to prioritize locating Michael Pearson.Work on getting approval for accessing his geolocation data.He’s not at his office, and he’s not at his house.I’m worried that he might already be with his next potential victim.”
Jessie had the same fear and began moving more quickly through the house, looking for anything that might help them find Pearson.They split up, searching different rooms.Jessie took the bedroom wing, which had a main one and three others.At the end of the hall was a locked door that she assumed led to one more.She called to the landlord.
“What’s this room?”she asked.
“It’s a bedroom,” he said, “but Mr.Pearson asked if he could convert it to a study.After our disagreement on the whole additional security issue, I didn’t want there to be any hard feelings, so I relented and told him it was okay.”
“I need you to unlock the door,” she said.
There shouldn’t be any lock,” he said, surprised.“If there is one, he added it without my permission.”
Susannah had heard the discussion and joined them.Her face was determined.
“Hate to tell you this, sir, but you have two options,” she told him.“We can smash this door open, or I can shoot out the lock.Option two is louder, but option one will cause more damage in the long run.What’s your preference?’
After getting over the initial shock, the man said, “shoot it.”
Susannah didn’t need to be asked twice.As she unholstered her weapon, Jessie guided the man out of the bedroom wing.A moment later, they heard a loud bang.
“It’s open,” Susannah called out.
When they rounded the corner, Susannah was already in the room with the light on.