“Of course. It’s almost our second anniversary. I’m just glad we both have spring break at the same time.”
Ronan sits down and looks around the coffee shop before staring up at the board with all of today’s coffee and snack choices written in chalk. “I haven’t had a latte since I went away. I could go for one, though. What did you get?”
I lift up my cup and smile. “Same as always. Latte with a pump of caramel with whipped cream on top.”
He turns to look at my coffee and shakes his head. “Same old Kate with her dessert in a cup. Want anything while I’m up there?”
“No, I’m good. I went out to dinner with my parents before I came here, so I’m pretty stuffed.”
With a chuckle, he points at my drink. “Except for that, right?”
“There’s always room for coffee. You know that.”
He nods and then walks up to the counter as I watch his every move. I’ve never been able to be around Ronan King without admiring him. I’d never dreamed he’d ever want to go out with me. Even though we attended the same private school, Ronan comes from a much wealthier family than mine. My father is only a plastic surgeon, not a billionaire owner of a multinational company like his father. Even with my mother’s income from her real estate business, we don’t come anywhere close to the level of the Kings. Every girl in school wanted to be with him, but he chose me that April afternoon when he stopped at my locker to ask me out.
We were together day and night from that moment on until we went to different schools last fall, but we’ve talked every day, so it hasn’t been too bad. I’ve missed him so much and can’t wait to spend this week together like we have planned. My friends may all be thrilled to hang out on the beach in Fort Lauderdale for the next seven days, but I wouldn’t give up my time with Ronan for anything.
Not even a week full of sun and fun.
Lost in thought, I don’t see him come back until he taps on the table in front of me. I look up and see him staring at me, likely because he said something and I didn’t hear him.
“What do you think about going for a walk? It’s not too chilly out tonight.”
I stand up and grab my bag off the back of the chair before taking my cup with me. “Sure!”
It’s just like our first date when after we sat and talked for an hour or so he suggested we go for a walk. That’s when we kissed for the first time on the path that leads through the park. He’s so romantic to remember that.
As we walk toward the park, we talk about school and how he made the baseball team at his university. I tell him about myclasses and how I think I’ll make the Dean’s List for the second semester in a row.
“You’ve always been smart, Kate. I knew you’d do well,” he says as he takes my hand.
“I thought college would be so much harder than high school. I feel like going to see Mr. Harvey to tell him all those scary stories of his weren’t the truth. You know the ones he told us about how hard college was going to be if we didn’t study.”
Ronan squeezes my hand and chuckles. “Those stories weren’t for people like you. They were for jocks like me.”
I’ve never been okay with him talking about himself like he’s some stupid athlete who can’t do much else than play ball. Ronan’s always been much smarter than the usual guys who spend all their time on the field.
“You did great last semester, so I’m not hearing anything about you being a stupid jock. I bet you’re going to hit the Dean’s List this semester.”
Underneath one of the new lights the city put up on the pathway last summer sits a bench, so he guides me over to it. “I thought we could talk here,” he says quietly.
He’s acting strange, almost nervous, tonight. Then it dawns on me. Oh my God! Is he planning to propose right here, right now? We talked about getting married someday after I finish college and he’s set up playing ball on a team somewhere. I’d have to relocate since it’s highly unlikely he’ll get to play for a New York team, but I don’t mind. With my teaching degree, I’ll be able to go practically anywhere.
My heart begins to race, so I take a deep breath in as we sit down. I wish I didn’t have so much coffee. That’s probably making me more nervous.
It’s okay, though. This is Ronan with me. My Ronan. There’s no need to be worried or scared.
After taking another sip of my coffee, I turn my body toward him and ask, “So what did you want to talk about?”
My hands are shaking, but I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my life. Of course, I’ll say yes. I’ve loved Ronan for what feels like my entire life. I can’t imagine my future without him.
“It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?” he says, but he’s looking away from me.
“It is. Is something wrong, Ronan? What are you looking at?”
He quickly turns to face me and shrugs. “Nothing. Everything’s okay.” For a moment, he stops and then adds, “Well, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
I can’t keep the smile off my face at hearing that. “I’m all ears. What’s up?” I ask as I look down at my left hand and wiggle my fingers.