Page 46 of Broken King

I swallow hard again because I know this is my chance to say something that shows I’m hoping to spend time with him. “I’d like to. Would you like to have lunch or something sometime?”

Not exactly the most impressive effort, but for someone shy like me, that’s about as obvious as I get. God, I wish he’d remember what I’m like. If he did, he’d know my tepid words have so much more meaning behind them.

That question finally makes him smile. “I’d like that. What about tomorrow?”

Just like that first time he asked me out at my locker in junior year in between classes, he doesn’t play any games. It’s what I always loved about him. Other guys would make it seem like they’re busy or have other things going on, but never Ronan. He always made me feel like I was the only person in the world he wanted to be around.

“Tomorrow’s good! Do you want to go somewhere or stay here?”

Darkness washes over his expression, and he moves his body so I can’t see any of his right arm. “We’ll stay here.”

“Okay. What time?”

He doesn’t think for more than a second or two before he says, “One. Be here for one and come with your appetite because you know how Eleanor likes to make a big deal out of things.”

I can barely contain my excitement at the thought that Ronan and I will be having lunch together tomorrow. It’s a small step, but it’s progress, nonetheless.

“Okay, one o’clock. I’ll see you then.”

“See you then, Kate.”

I hurry toward the front door but realize halfway through the house I didn’t say goodbye to Ava. Turning back, I see Ronan walking up the stairs to the second floor. As much as I hope he isn’t going to spend the rest of the day in his room, I like that he’s not going back to get another look at Sabrina in that teeny bikini.

Ava is hurrying toward the guest bathroom off the living room with little Theo when I finally find her to tell her I’ll be back tomorrow. The baby’s got something yellow all down the front of him, and I think it’s something gross.

“Do you need help?” I ask as I follow behind them.

She waves me off, laughing. “No. It looks worse than it is. His uncle gave him a sip of lemonade, and Theo here spit it all down the front of his shirt. Are you going?”

I stop in the bathroom doorway as she sits him in the sink to get washed off. “I am. Thank you for letting me take a swim. I’ll be back tomorrow, though.”

Ava looks over as Theo plays with the water, and I say, “Ronan asked me if I’d like to have lunch. Well, actually, I guess I asked about lunch, but he said he wants to. That’s okay, isn’t it?”

A look of pure joy comes over her. “It’s fantastic! He hasn’t wanted to do anything with anyone before this. I’m so happy! I’ll see you tomorrow, but I promise I won’t stick around.”

She really is so thoughtful.

“See you tomorrow! See you later, Theo,” I say, smiling at the adorable baby who’s decided to take a full bath in the sink.

I walk out to my car practically floating on air. Ronan and I are having lunch together tomorrow. I need to find the perfect outfit and make sure I look my best. Or maybe I should go shopping and buy something new.

It’s only lunch, but it’s a start.



“Eleanor,I need your help. Kate’s coming over for lunch tomorrow, and I’d like to have all her favorites,” I say as I walk into the kitchen.

She spins around at the sink, and I swear she looks like she’s going to burst from happiness. “Of course! Just tell me what she likes, and I’ll be sure to make it.”

I sit down at the table and think about what I know she loves to eat. Assuming her tastes haven’t drastically changed, I remember she enjoyed lobster, shrimp, chicken salad, and anything with chocolate. How those will figure into a lunch menu I have no idea.

“Maybe something with shrimp? I know she loves anything with that. Or chicken salad, but that doesn’t feel like it will be good enough. Whatever we go with, I want to make sure she has a dessert with chocolate as the main ingredient.”

Eleanor wipes her hands on the dish cloth hanging next to the sink and walks over to the table to sit down across from me. She seems upset with tears in her eyes.

“Did I say something wrong?” I ask, trying out my new effort to be nice like I used to be.