Kate looks over toward the door, so I gently take her chin between my fingers and direct her attention back to me. “Don’t worry about anyone bothering us. We’re okay.”
She nods and kisses me. “I’m just afraid one of your brothers…”
With each thrust into her, I swear I’m in heaven. I squeeze her beautiful ass and dip my head so I can kiss her neck. My nose fills with the scent of her perfume that never fails to remind me of springtime when we first started going out. Soft and flowery, it’s a smell I’ll always connect to how much I love her.
Kate scratches her fingernails across the top of my back and says, “Oh, God…don’t stop…Please don’t stop!”
Her pussy tightens around my cock, and I’m sure she’ll come at any moment. God, she feels so good. I’m almost there. Just a few more thrusts into her and I’ll come.
Suddenly, my bedroom door flies open and slams off the wall behind it, startling us. Theo and Kellen come walking in like they have any fucking business being in my room.
I quickly set Kate on her feet even as she’s in mid-orgasm and push her behind me. My brothers stand in front of us staring, and a quick glance at what their gazes are focused on reminds me my dick is out.
“What? Why the hell are you two in my room?” I bark as I stuff my cock back in my pants and pull up my zipper.
“Did we interrupt anything?” Theo asks before trying to look around me. “Kate, you might want to fix your dress.”
“Getting busy? You two are bad,” Kellen says with a laugh.
“Get out!” I snap before marching toward them.
They run out, laughing like the jackasses they are. I slam the door closed and turn around to see Kate hurrying into the bathroom. I follow her in there to make sure I look okay and not like I was just having sex, and I find her standing in front of the mirror.
“I’m sorry,” I say as I walk behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. “My brothers are assholes.”
Worry fills her eyes as she stares at me in the mirror. “You don’t think they saw anything, do you?”
Even as I shake my head and reassure her they saw nothing, I honestly have no idea. I don’t care either. Kate does, though, so I know I have to make her think they couldn’t have seen a thing.
“Forget them. I’m sorry they came in.”
Kate turns around and tucks my shirt into my pants before kissing me sweetly. “Maybe we should just go downstairs and rejoin the party. We have New Year’s Eve in only a few days, so we can wait, right?”
I don’t have any choice but to agree with her. “Yeah, New Year’s.”
Leave it to my brothers to ruin our good time.
Shaking my head, I get rid of that memory as I remind myself of the night I had to tell her I slept with that girl. I’d never made Kate cry before then, and she had no idea how bad I felt watching her react to that terrible news. Not that I didn’t deserve to feel like shit. I knew what I did fucked everything up.
I push my feelings down and replace them with the anger that’s never far away. It’s good I made her cry then and gave her a reason to break up with me. That way she can understand there’s no place in my world for her.
A broken person like me has no business being with the likes of Kate.
Ava catchesme at the bottom of the stairs and grabs my arm. “Hey, what’s wrong? Don’t run. You’ll get hurt. You can’t see straight because you’re crying.”
I stop, nodding since she’s right. I’m lucky I didn’t break my neck running down the stairs. “I know. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be a blubbering mess. I just thought he’d be?—”
I’m not sure how to finish my sentence, so I left it drift off to nothingness. I don’t know what I expected to find when I saw Ronan today. The boy I loved all that time ago? The man he grew into? I don’t know. I guess I just thought maybe he’d be happy to see me.
Matthias walks down the hallway toward us, his face pure worry. God, now he’s going to see I’m crying too.
“Everything okay?” he asks his wife before looking at me. “Oh, hi, Kate. Did you come to see Ronan?”
His voice sounds so hopeful, but his optimism disappears when he sees how upset I am. “Oh. Yeah, I guess you saw him.”