Page 74 of Broken King

“But what if he sees her and thinks she’s the better choice? She’s not like me at all. She’s always happy, laughing and having fun. I’m me. Serious. A third grade teacher. Boring.”

I don’t mention how much better her body is. I just can’t say that out loud again. It’s bad enough it’s all I can think about.

“You’re not boring! You are who you’ve always been, Kate. So you’re serious? What’s wrong with that? The world doesn’t need any more clowns. We’re goddamned inundated with them everywhere you turn. Ronan fell in love with you knowing full well how serious you were. Do you remember how he’d sit at this very table and just watch you study? I’m going to admit something to you I’ve never admitted before. That made me so jealous. Here you had an incredible boyfriend who loved you because you were smart. None of my boyfriends ever liked that about me. It’s why I had to pretend to be bubbly or sexy all the time. Even that no good husband of mine never appreciated how smart I was. I abandoned my dreams of going to med school for him, and what did he do? The bastard cheated on me. Don’t ever doubt that being intelligent is a great thing, Kate.”

I know she’s trying to help, but I’m just not convinced I can make him want me like Sabrina can. “I get what you’re saying, but how can I compete against some bubbly girl? She’s got everything going for her. All I have is my big brain.”

“Nonsense! You’re fun too. You just have to make him remember the kind of fun you are.”

I lower my head and stare at her in disbelief. “And what kind of fun is that?”

My sister doesn’t miss a beat and answers, “The kind of fun some bimbo can’t understand. Ronan isn’t stupid. Unless something happened to him in that accident, he’s still got a head on his shoulders. Show him you know how to have a good time.”

She stops and then continues. “To be honest, though, I’m wondering if maybe you should just come clean with him. Tell him what you’re worried about. He might come right out and say he has no interest in her, no matter how bubbly or sexy she is.”

Looking down at the table, I mumble, “You should see her in a bikini. God, Kelly. I’ve never looked that good in my life, bikini or not. How can I compete with that?”

Kelly gently covers my hand with hers. “Here’s the thing. If it was Marius King, I’d say it’s game over. That guy has only ever been interested in women for their bodies. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t know intelligence if it bit him on the ass. But this isn’t that King. This is Ronan, and he loved how smart you are. Remember that.”

As my sister returns to devouring potato chips, I look down at my phone. I can’t put off reading his message for any longer. I’ve never been one of those people who can freeze others out. I don’t have the gene for that, I guess. It’s probably because I’d hate it if someone did that to me.

Swiping across the screen, I press on the notification as my heart begins to pound in my chest. What I see isn’t anything like what I thought he’d say.

Kate, I called twice but you didn’t answer. I need to see you today. Will you come over to the house?

I look up to see my sister waiting for me to tell her what’s going on. The problem is I don’t know.

“That’s from him. We weren’t supposed to get together until tomorrow, but he says he needs to see me today. What could be wrong?”

She gives me a big smile. “Why does it have to mean something’s wrong? Sounds like he’s dying to see you. Text him back and tell him you’ll be over this afternoon. Then you can show him the kind of fun you can offer.”

Immediately, worry sets in, and I feel even more despondent than before. “But what if he wants to see me to say he’s not interested anymore?”

“Then I say good riddance. He must have lost his mind when he lost his hand. I don’t think that’s what he wants to say, though. This is Ronan. Your Ronan. Time to let anyone who believes they can step in and replace you know that’s not going to fly.”

I know a lot of what my sister’s saying is for her and not me, but I’m going to use it to bolster my confidence anyway. Ronan did love me once, and he loved me for how smart I was, among other things.

Now I just need to remind him of that, in case he’s forgotten.

I quickly text him back that I’ll be over right around two. Instantly, my hands start shaking, and I begin to doubt I can do what Kelly said I should, but I push those fears away.

It’s time to show the man I love that I’m the kind of person he can love in return.



After one finallook in the mirror and wishing I had something other than the t-shirts I always wear, I walk downstairs, checking the time on my phone. 1:50. Almost time for Kate to arrive.

Today, there’s no food to show her I remember what she loves and no plans so she and I can spend some time alone. There’s just me and my intention to tell her how I feel.

Then hopefully, assuming Marius wasn’t exaggerating about what he claimed Kate said to him last night when he saw her, she’ll know once and for all that I’m crazy about her. All I’ve wanted after seeing her was for us to get back together. It’s just that I wasn’t sure it could ever happen because I felt so messed up after what happened to me.

Now after that fight with Marius this morning, I feel like I’m back to my old self. Yes, I’m still missing my hand, but Kate doesn’t seem to care about that anyway. I do, but I can see I’m the same Ronan I’ve always been.

The same Ronan a beautiful and smart woman like Kate would want to be with again.

Eleanor is in the kitchen when I walk in to grab a water since my mouth seems to have forgotten how to make saliva today. “Have you decided what tomorrow’s menu will be?” she asks as she stirs something sweet-smelling in a pot on the stove.