“Well, I’ll let you get back to work. Or maybe you should head over to that sofa of yours and take a nap for an hour or so,” I say as I turn to leave. Looking back at him, I add, “Thanks, Matthias. For the patio down at the carriage house. It means a lot to me.”
“My pleasure.”
Just as Matthias says that, Marius walks into his office wearing a big grin. “Whose pleasure are we talking about? Ronan, I got to chat up that ex of yours today. She’s still as pure as snow, isn’t she?”
This brother never misses a chance to bust balls. I wish he would when it comes to Kate, though.
“She thinks you hate her, you know. She asked me why does Marius hate me, and I told her I didn’t think you do. Now I’m not so sure.”
He throws his head back and laughs. “Hate her? Clearly I need to work on my flirting skills. Or maybe she needs to work on hers because I was giving off some very clear signs I liked what I saw. I mean, who doesn’t like a girl who still looks like a virgin in her mid-twenties? I’ll have some of that, for sure.”
I feel my protectiveness rise up inside me and step close to him to get in his face. “Don’t talk about Kate that way. Whether or not she’s a virgin is none of your business.”
But Marius doesn’t care how angry I am. “Of course, she’s not a virgin. She was with you for more than two years. You’re the nice King boy, but even you weren’t hanging out for two years without getting some of that pretty thing.”
I want to lay him out, but Matthias stops me before I see if I can hit as well with my left hand as I used to be able to with my right. “Marius, lay off. Kate’s a nice person, and Ronan has always cared about her. Step back with that bullshit you’re giving off today.”
Marius raises his hands like he’s surrendering, but I can tell by the smirk on his face he isn’t sorry for a single thing he said about her. “My bad. I was just saying she looks great. I meant no offense. Honest.”
I pass by him, shoulder checking him as I head toward the hall. “Thanks, Matthias! Get some sleep.”
Behind me, I hear Marius ask him, “What’s his problem? He knows how I am.”
My oldest brother sounds far less pleasant now when he answers him. “You don’t have to bust balls all the time, you know? Let it go sometimes. Ronan is finally feeling better. Don’t fuck it up by riding him.”
I don’t hear what my other brother says, but knowing him, it’s something smart ass. No matter. My day’s been made. First, Kate agreed to hang out tomorrow, and now I know we can havesome peace and quiet when we have lunch down at the carriage house.
Tomorrow’s going to be a good day.
ThrilledI’ll get to have lunch with Kate tomorrow, I don’t want to stay hidden away in my room today. I’m sure Ava and Matthias would be happy to see me show up out near the pool, but I feel like I have so much energy to burn that I can’t just sit around in the sun all day.
I head outside and look up at the crystal blue sky. Maybe I could go for a quick run. I haven’t done much of anything physical since the accident. My legs still work, though, so they should be fine.
After thinking about it for a minute or so, I break into a jog and instantly feel incredible. I used to love to run. It gave me a chance to think about things without being interrupted by anyone, especially one of my brothers. It’s good to know I still have it in me.
By the time I reach the carriage house, my thigh muscles are sending signals to my brain that they can’t be expected to just be their old, reliable selves after half a year of doing nothing butsitting around. I push through and keep going, though, feeling stronger than I’ve felt in so long.
It’s good to be doing something active. Before my accident, I kept myself in good shape. Not that I’ve gotten all out of shape this year. Surprisingly, I’m still pretty cut looking. It’s just the muscles underneath the surface that have atrophied a bit.
Those days are over now. I’ve got Kate back in my life again, and I feel like I have something to live for.
A hundred yards past the carriage house I start to lose steam. I guess I can’t expect my body to do nothing for months on end and then launch into a full-on run. Like everything else, I’ll have to build up to that.
But for the first time since my accident, I believe in myself enough to try. That’s something new for me, and as much as I want to think I deserve the credit, I know that’s not entirely true.
Like before when she was mine, it’s Kate’s influence on me that lets me even consider trying to live a normal life again.
“Ronan!” a voice calls to me, and I look around to see Sabrina trotting down the road toward me.
When she reaches me, she nudges my left arm and chuckles. “I didn’t know you were a runner. I would have suggested we go for a run if I knew.”
Doubled over, I shake my head. “I’m not really a runner anymore. I used to be, though. Just felt like trying the old legs out again.”
Her gaze moves down my body and then up to my face again. With a smile, she says, “I don’t think they’re that old. What are you? Twenty-five?”