“Even more adorable than now?” I whisper in her ear.
She turns in my hold and looks up at me. “Ten-year-old boys are adorable. Now you’re sexy and hot. But you know that, so why are you fishing for compliments?”
I shrug, not realizing that was what it seemed like I was doing. “I wasn’t. I guess I just like hearing that you think I’m hot.”
As she runs her hands over my stomach, she smiles, and I swear she’s never been more beautiful than she is right now. “I tell you all the time. You’re going to get a big head if I tell you any more often.”
I look down at where her hands are brushing up against the top of my pants and grin. “You keep doing what you’re doing, and I’m going to definitely get a big head.”
She blushes, like she always does when I say things like that. “What if someone in your family or my parents hear you?”
Leaning down, I pepper her neck with soft kisses as I whisper, “They’re all downstairs being bored to tears by my father’s stories about my brothers and me, or even worse, his stories about work. Nobody is going to hear us up here.”
Her hands slide over my shoulders and down over my back until they come to rest on my sides. “We can’t do anything here,Ronan. I’d be too afraid one of your brothers will interrupt us. You know how they are.”
I lift my head and sigh. She’s not wrong. I swear to God every time I have Kate here at the house, one of my brothers or a combination of them comes banging on the door. One time, Kellen and Theo even burst in without even knocking. They have no appreciation for what it’s like to want to be alone with the girl you love.
“Yeah, but we can at least spend some time together alone. I’ve wanted to kiss you all night.”
I don’t give her a chance to say anything to that before I press my lips to hers in a kiss that I hope will let her know how much I love her. She kisses me back, but I sense the hesitation in her because of her fear of what my brothers might do.
“You know what? I wish we were at your house instead of here.”
Her blue eyes get big, and she shakes her head like she can’t believe I said that. “My house is nothing compared to this one. Why would you want to be there?”
Sliding my hands along her sides, I let them come to rest on her hips. “Because we can be alone. This house has too many people in it.”
“Well, the only person I care about is you, Ronan King. Anyway, we’re going to hang out at Courtney’s house for New Year’s night, and none of her family is going to be at her house.”
The thought of the two of us having to go to Courtney’s house to have sex isn’t exactly my idea of a perfect time, but beggars can’t be choosers. Her parents aren’t going out for New Year’s, and there will no doubt be too many Kings in this house for us to have any privacy.
So Courtney’s it is.
“Or we could get a hotel room, just the two of us, and celebrate the new year together that way,” she suggests in that coy way I always adore.
That perks me up, and I immediately begin planning our time together three days from now. “I like that idea. What do you say to that hotel in Scarsdale where everyone ended up at after prom?”
“I don’t care where we go. As long as you’re there, that’s all I need.”
Kate makes me happier than I ever thought I could be. Maybe I should surprise her with a room in the city. That might be difficult since there’s probably not a room to be had at any hotel now for New Year’s Eve, but I think I’m going to try anyway.
She deserves at least that.
“I love you, Kate.”
With a big smile, she stands on her tiptoes and kisses me before whispering against my lips, “I love you too, Ronan.”
I lift her up and walk toward the wall where there aren’t any pictures. Gently, I press her against it as I kiss her, my cock aching to be inside her. Everyone is downstairs focused on having a good time, so why shouldn’t we have our own up here?
“Ronan, what if anyone…”
She doesn’t get to finish her question before I move her panties aside and slide a finger inside her pussy. Wet and ready for me, she moans against my lips as I attempt to unzip my pants while trying to hold her up with my other hand.
Excited, Kate changes her tune and moans as I get my hard cock out. “Hurry before someone comes up.”
I move my hands under her so I can hold her up while we fuck. She kisses me long and deep while she grinds against the front of my pants, ratcheting up my need for her.
Knowing we may not have much time, I thrust into her, and she takes all of me down to my balls. She feels so fucking good. I wish we had all night because we’d be able to take our time and do it right, but knowing my family, I’m betting at least one of my brothers will be interrupting us at any moment.