Page 96 of Rainbow Kisses

From across the ice, someone yelled, “We love you, too. Now get a room!”

We looked at each other.

Rainy said, “Damn good idea. Race you,” and took off back to the edge of the pond.

I let her win, but only because I already had my prize.




Oh fuck,my head hurt.

I stayed horizontal on the unfamiliar mattress, a hangover currently making my skull feel like someone was in there with a pickaxe.

For a second, I couldn’t remember why the hell I had a hangover.

And then it came back to me.

Rowdy. Tressy. Wedding. Reception. Shots. So many shots.

Something niggled at my brain, something…important. I’d done something last night, something I shouldn’t have.

I thought back over what I did remember. The wedding had gone off without a hitch. I hadn’t lost the ring. I hadn’t fucked up my best-man speech. Apparently I’d had way too much to drink, but that was to be expected at the wedding of your brother, where nearly half of the audience were hockey players.

I remembered dancing late into the night. Hitting the bar with a few of the other members of the wedding party?—

Movement from the other side of the bed.

Holy fucking shitballs.

My eyes flew open, and I stared at the ceiling of the resort hotel.

“Oh fuck me, my head hurts.”

My eyes snapped shut again as I recognized that voice.

Paralyzed with shock, I couldn’t get out of bed and out the door before the woman next to me opened her eyes. Because I was naked, and there was no way in hell I was going to run through the halls with my dick hanging out. Although that might be better than the alternative.

“Where the hell—oh fuck!”

I turned my head and met the horrified eyes of the one woman in the world I didn’t want to wake up next to.

Erin Wright.