I laughed, carrying the bag into the kitchen with Brian following. “Aw, that might be the most romantic thing a man’s ever said to me. That he picked me over practice.”
I felt him still behind me as I set the bag on the table. When I looked over my shoulder at him, he had a strange look on his face.
“What’s wrong?”
“If you think that’s the most romantic thing I’ve said, we need to go on a real date.”
My breath caught in my throat. All the reasons I wanted to say yes were on the tip of my tongue, while all the reasons we shouldn’t played through my brain like a herd of pissed-off cats.
I really wanted to go on a date with Brian. An actual date that involved getting dressed up and going to a restaurant and then coming back to my house and screwing our brains out. But almost every one of those pissed-off cats had Rebel’s name on them. And no, my brother shouldn’t be the reason we didn’t go on that date.
But there were other considerations too. My dad hadn’t been thrilled when I’d dated Mo Zelinksy. My brothers even less so. Even my mom hadn’t been happy. That should’ve been a huge red flag. And had I listened? No, I had not.
Would they be just as unhappy for me to be dating Brian? Maybe I didn’t want to know, which was why I didn’t want to tell anyone. But they all loved Brian. They thought he was a great guy. Why wouldn’t they give me their blessing to date Brian?
Why do you need their blessing?
I looked into Brian’s eyes, seeing the questions forming because of my silence.
“I would love to go on a date with you.” I was completely sincere. “I really would. Even though my schedule’s crazy right now. The Winter Carnival is coming up. We’ve got this decision to make about the team, and there’s no way my brothers and I are going to be able to come to a unanimous agreement. Like, ever. And you’ve got Maddy and school and your sister and hockey, and I know it sounds like I’m making excuses but?—”
“Rain, I get it.” His grin softened any edges his words might have had, as did the hand he lifted to run his thumb along my jaw for a brief second before pulling away. “I do. I know there’s a lot going on. I know we’re going to have to wait. I just want you to know that I’m planning on it.”
The relief that flooded me made me feel worse. Because all those roadblocks still felt like excuses and if we really wanted to, we could make this work now.
But then he stepped closer, and closer, until he was only centimeters away from me but still not touching. I wanted him to touch me. I craved it, like I sometimes craved chocolate ice cream. I don’t allow myself to eat ice cream whenever I want because it isn’t good for me. But I can’t stop myself from gorging on Brian.
“What else are you planning?”
His eyes narrowed, and he leaned down until the tip of his nose brushed against my cheek. I shivered as he put his lips close to my ear.
“Right now, I’m planning to strip you naked.” My breath hitched as his teeth nipped at my earlobe. “I might start right now.”
I sucked in air because he’d stolen every bit left in my lungs.
“Hell, I might decide to take off all your clothes and lay you out on the dining table. I’ll make you lift your arms over your head and grab the edge. Your tits will look amazing, and I’m going to suck and bite them until you want to scream. I want you to be so fucking hot for me you’re burning from the inside out.”
My heart pounded so hard, I heard its beat in my ears. And I was wet, so wet, my panties were soaked through already. I swallowed hard.
He pulled back and our gazes met and held. “Are you with me so far?”
I nodded because I wasn’t sure I could form a coherent sentence. I was absolutely with him. All the way.
“Good. Because I’m definitely not done.”
Grabbing me around the waist, he turned me and walked me backward. Toward the table. Excitement boiled in my belly as I let him guide me backward. When my thighs hit the table, I sucked in a breath. My sex clenched, and my hands settled on his shoulders, fingers digging into the muscles. Those muscles bunched and flexed, the long length of his neck drawing my gaze. I wanted to run my tongue along his skin, dole out a little torture of my own.
But before I could lean in, he lifted me onto the table, and I lost all capacity to think rationally.
“After I’ve made you scream my name, then I’m going to kiss my way down your body and put my mouth between your legs and make you come with my tongue. You taste better than anything I’ve ever had in my mouth.
“Then I’m going to play with your clit and fuck you with my tongue until you think you can’t take anymore. But I knowyou, Rain. You can take it. You can take everything I give you. And I’m going to give it to you. I’m going to hold you down,” his hands spread around my waist, sliding under the hem of my shirt until I felt his heat seep into my skin, “so you can’t move. And you’re going to love it.”
I already loved it. I loved everything he did to me.
“Then, when you think I’m done, I’m going to lean back on one of those chairs,” he nodded toward the table, “I’m going to pull down my zipper and take out my cock and let you ride me.”
And then he did everything he promised.