“I didn’t make you come for a favor. That was all for you.”
“And I appreciate it.” Her voice had dipped into a quiet, low register that raised gooseflesh and made my stomach clench. “But it’s my turn to do what I’ve been dreaming about doing for years.”
Her words made me go still, blood pounding in my ears. “Years.”
“You have no idea how detailed my dreams can be.”
“And you don’t have a clue how hungry I am for you.”
Her smile widened until I could see her teeth, exactly what I wanted to feel on my cock.
“I look forward to finding out. On your back, Mr. Whiskers. Let’s see how you purr.”
Her words were so ridiculous, I burst out laughing, which made her smile become a grin, as if she’d said that just to make me laugh.
“Yes, Miss Lawrence. I can’t wait to feel your claws in my skin.”
Rain scrambled off the couch so we could trade positions after I ditched my jeans, socks, and sneakers, swinging one leg over my hips before my back even hit the cushion. Her hands hit my chest a split second later, and she leaned over, hair spilling across my chest and tickling my cheeks.
Leaning all the way down, she brushed her lips across mine in a tease of a kiss. Whisper-light and so fucking enticing, my entire body broke out in goosebumps. Combined with that, she let her nails dig into my skin, just like I’d dreamed about.
Finally, our lips met and melded, our tongues tangling again, as her pussy hovered tantalizingly close above my cock. My hands fastened around her hips in a flash, but some instinct made me stop just before I ground her down against my erection.
“No rushing in this game.” She spoke against my lips, then dragged them along my cheek to my ear. “But there will be full-body contact. And some deep penetration in the zone.”
She smiled against my ear, just before she bit the lobe and made me huff out a groan.
“You’re gonna fucking stop my heart before we score, Rainy.”
“I already came twice. Thank you, by the way. I figure I owe you the same.”
“When I come, I want to be deep inside you.”
I wasn’t fucking kidding. I wanted to pump hard and fast inside her until I felt her body pump mine for everything it had.
She didn’t seem to have a response for that, mainly because she was kissing her way from my ear down my neck to my chest. I heard her labored breathing, felt her body take in deep breaths. When her lips circled one of my nipples then nibbled at it with her teeth, my back arched to give her more. But after she did the same to the other, she continued her way down my body. When her mouth reached my cock, without touching it, she looked up at me and smiled again. Then she bent her head, her hair trailing along my stomach, and licked a path down my shaft.
I grabbed the back of the couch with one hand and the side with the other and hung on as she licked back up to the tip then swirled her tongue around it. I didn’t want to force myself down her throat so I made my hips stay flat on the cushion, but it was a tight battle. I was rewarded for my patience when she took me in her mouth and sucked me hard.
Her mouth felt like heaven, like every dream I’d had. But so much fucking better. Heat when she encased me completely and cool when she lifted off and blew a cool stream of air across the tip.
Staring up at the ceiling, I found myself panting, barely getting enough air with every breath. All my nerve endings felt like they were on fire, but it was the best goddamn sensation ever.
She sucked me for several long minutes, like I was her favorite treat. And when she finally released me, and I could draw in a deep breath, she gave me a look that let me know she had even more plans.
With the most sensual look I’d ever seen a woman give me, Rain released me with an audible pop then moved farther down my legs, her hair trailing along my thighs. A fucking fantasy come true. Her fingers followed, nails in my skin raking fire.
Every muscle in my body tightened, and I had to close my eyes and will myself not to blow right there. But I’d told her I wanted to be inside her when I did.
“Condom.” My voice sounded like I hadn’t spoken in years. “In my wallet.”
Her gaze met mine again as she slowly rose to her knees then slid to the side where my jeans lay on the floor. Reaching over, she pulled my wallet from the back pocket, flipped it open and extracted the condom. Then she dropped my wallet to the floor and opened the condom packet. As the foil followed the wallet to the floor, she leaned forward and rolled it down my erection with gentle fingers.
I had the almost unbearable urge to flip her back under me, but I knew it would be better for both of us if she was on top. For me, because I could watch her every move, and for her, because she wouldn’t be crushed under me.
Our height difference wouldn’t matter with her riding me. And it gave me the best fucking view possible.
I was about to beg her to move faster because she just sat there, her gaze making a slow route from my groin up my abs to my chest and, finally, to my eyes. Holding out her hands, she waited for me to weave our fingers together and steady her as she moved her body until her sex aligned with mine.