Page 41 of Rainbow Kisses

“So no big plans today?”

“Nope, just going over to the café to talk to Erin about some plans. I’ll probably take Krista with me. She loves to help stock the pastry case and talk to everyone who comes in.”

“That girl just loves to talk. Reminds me of someone.”

I laughed, because I knew exactly who he was talking about. “Yeah, with her and Rowdy in the same room, you can’t get a word in edgewise. You’d think he raised her.”

“He and Tressy make a good couple.”

“Yeah, they do. The perfect little family.” I paused because I didn’t want that to seem bitchy. “And I mean that sincerely.”

Brian huffed out a laugh between bites. “I know what you mean. He got lucky. Tressy and Krista are great.”

“They are. And I love that they’re so happy. Sometimes, it just points out the, um, deficits in my own life.”

“So…you’re not seeing anyone?”

He held my gaze, waiting for my answer.

I shook my head. “No. Been too busy lately to even care about dating. What about you?”

“Hadn’t found the right girl.”

Did he say “hadn’t” or “haven’t”? The two held very different meanings in the context of this conversation, and my brain began to spin in circles. But if the way he was looking at me was any indication, “hadn’t” was definitely the word he’d used. Because he stared at me with an intensity that made heat skitter through my body.

I knew I should say something, let him know that I would date him in a heartbeat. That I would’ve dated him if he’d stuck around last year. That I’d be open to a hell of a lot more thanjust dating, including but not limited to kissing, touching, and definitely?—

“Uncle Brian, we need more pancakes.”

And the bubble we’d been in popped when Brian turned to smile at Maddy.

“Good thing I always make too many.”

Then he reached for the door to the wall oven and pulled out another plate of stacked pancakes.

“Thanks, Uncle Bri,” Maddy called over her shoulder as she made off with the plate.

“How was she last night?” he asked, still staring at the door, though Maddy had disappeared.

“She seemed to have a good time. Though she did get tense when you took that hit and got in that fight.”

He sighed heavily. “Yeah, I was afraid of that.”

“But she seemed fine the rest of the night. I actually caught her cheering a few times.”

“She seems to be fitting in. She’s made it seem almost weirdly easy. And that worries me. Because I don’t like that it’s so easy for her. Like she does it all the time. Hell, I don’t know what the hell I’m trying to say.”

“No, I get it. Most kids would be nervous in a new school, new environment. It’s probably just how she copes with a new situation.”

“So you don’t think I should be worried?”

“I think you should talk to her about it. Ask her how she’s doing.”

“I’ve tried. She just says she’s fine and changes the subject.”

“I think you just need to be there for her when she wants to talk. I?—”

“Hey, Rainy—Krista! How’s it going, kid? And you’re Maddy, right? Brian’s niece? I’m Rebel. Rain’s brother.”