Page 31 of Rainbow Kisses

“Nope. Not busy.” And if I were, I’d totally change my plans for this. “What about Mom?”

He shook his head. “She’s gonna have her hands all over the wedding. If Tressy says yes. Which is great. I’m good with that. I just thought this was something you and I could do together.”

Sometimes Rowdy made up for all the times he was a pain-in-the-ass big brother.

“I would love to,” I said without a trace of snark. “I’m honored.”

“Thanks, Rainy.” Standing, he reached over and tapped me on the chin. “I appreciate it. I know you won’t let me buy anything stupid.”

“Of course not. Plus, I know what all her favorite jewelry looks like, so I know what style we should be looking for.”

“And this is why I asked you and not Rebel or Rocky. I’m gonna have other things for them to help me with.”

“Sounds like you’ve got plans.”

Rowdy just smiled. “I got a few things up my sleeves.”

“I’m really happy for you. Tressy’s great, and Krista’s a sweetheart. I can’t wait to be an official aunt.”

“Hey, speaking of kids, thanks for helping Brian get his niece situated. I can tell he’s feeling kinda overwhelmed.”

“It’s no problem.” Were my cheeks getting hot? Why were they doing that? “I’d do it for any of the players, you know that.”

“I know. Just wanted to let you know I appreciate it.”

He got up then and moved to the door but before he left, he turned back.

“Don’t forget dinner tonight.”

Yeah, like that was gonna happen. I smiled and made a shooing motion with my hands toward the door. “Of course I won’t. Now go, I’ve got actual work to do. And you have to deal with the other owners about the sweaters.” Something I hated to do and was happy to let Rowdy handle this year. “Have fun with that.”

“Love you too, Rainbow Brite. See you tonight.”

I refusedto go through the whole “what to wear” situation like I had the other night. I knew exactly what any of my friends would tell me.

“Wear something that makes you feel good.”

Right now, I was seriously contemplating putting my pajamas on and crawling into bed with a new book, but I was an adult, for fuck’s sake, and I had obligations.

Just admit it. You want to see him and you’re acting like a teenager with a crush.

I gave my reflection in the mirror the finger and turned away with a huff. So far, I’d pulled on a pair of jeans that didn’t have a baggy ass, so I figured I was off to a good start.

Most of my clothes had been chosen with comfort in mind. And warmth. Hockey arenas were cold in the winter. Duh. But that meant flannel and fleece comprised a big part of my wardrobe. Yeah, I had cute flannel shirts, but they were still flannel.

And no, I didn’t want to wear flannel tonight. I wanted to look like a woman who might someday actually get laid again. Who actually wanted to get laid by the man I’d be seeing tonight. And who was totally out of reach due to circumstances beyond my control. Which sucked.

Brian had so much on his plate right now. And the fixer in me wanted to make everything better.

I have a problem. I know. Don’t judge me.

Fuck it. I am who I am.

I grabbed a long-sleeved t-shirt in a pretty shade of blue that I never wore because it wasn’t Devils’ colors, but it was fitted and made my boobs look great. A little makeup and a loose braid thathung over my shoulder, and I looked presentable. Okay, maybe more than presentable.

Damn it, I looked good. Before I changed my mind and tried to change into, oh, maybe a paper bag or something, I headed out the door.

Rowdy had built his home on part of the land our parents had owned. Mom and Dad had gifted all four kids with a couple of acres. Rowdy had built on his, a gorgeous house for the family he’d always wanted. And now had.