Page 10 of Rainbow Kisses

“Now,” she continued when I couldn’t think of a damn thing to say, “you need to sign the contract so we can get you and Maddy on our health care plan. Then we can figure out the school situation. Where are you staying? I’m sure we can find you— Wait, let me get a pen so I can start making a list.”

Then she smiled and my gut clenched.

“Don’t worry,” she said. “We’ll figure this out.”



“Doesthis outfit look like I’m going on a date? Because this isn’t a date.”

I held a plaid, button-down shirt over my chest and turned to face down my toughest critic. And one of my very best friends.

Caity Lopez gave me a look that expressed exactly what she was thinking. Which, of course, she then had to put into words because she couldn’t help herself.

“No one would think you were on a date wearing that shirt and those jeans. Not even in St. David. Have a little respect for the fact that you’re going to be spending time with a guy who isn’t your brother.”

I sneered. “Ugh. You suck.”

Caity flipped me the bird. “But I’m right. I’m always right. Besides, Brian Fiskers is a fucking sweetheart and the kind of guy you wanna climb like a pole. I mean, those arms alone make me want to lick them.”

I stared at Caity, who lounged on my bed just like she had when we were teenagers trying to decide what to wear to theschool dance. Not that Caity ever had to ask my advice. She could make a plain white t-shirt and a hand-me-down pair of jeans look designer.

With waist-length, wavy red hair, cinnamon-colored eyes, and a body with curves for days, Caity had grown up with four older brothers who’d beaten down any guy who’d so much as looked in her direction in high school, but they’d also taught her how to fight for what she wanted.

And what Caity wanted, Caity got.

“Wait. Do you have a thing for Brian?”

Holy shit. Did she? Had I totally missed the fact that Caity had feelings for Brian? And why did I feel like I just took a punch to the stomach?

Caity rolled her eyes, huffing out a sigh. “Please. You know me better than that. Not my type. Too quiet. Besides, I know you’ve been lusting after him for years.”

“I have not.” The words automatically popped out of my mouth. “He’s a friend.”

Caity made a rude noise that sounded like a cross between a snort and a hack. “Yes, you have. And you want him to be more than just a friend.”

“No, I haven’t. And no, I don’t.” My nose wrinkled. “Well, not lusting.” As Caity laughed, I tossed the shirt I was holding at her. “So I like the guy. Doesn’t mean I’m lusting after him.”

I didn’t know why I was lying. I did lust after the man. Though I’m not sure it’d been years. Okay, definitely not more than a couple of years.

“Just admit it,” Caity said. “You want the guy. And there’s nothing wrong with that. You’re allowed to like guys. Even guys who play for your daddy’s team.”

My heart shriveled a little inside. “Yeah, like that ever worked out well for me.”

Caity grimaced. “Damn. Sorry. I forgot. But you were too good for that douchebag anyway.”

With a sigh, I turned back to my closet. “Thatdouchebagis now playing for the NHL, and he and his wife just started a charity for sick kids. Or something like that.”

Not like I was following Rodney Chisholm’s career or anything. I followed him on social media like I followed all the former Devils who’d actually made it to the NHL. There weren’t many of them, but Roddy had had something special. And he’d broken my twenty-one-year-old heart when he’d left.

“Okay, so maybe he outgrew his douchebag tendencies. You’re not still pining after Chisholm, are you?” Caity’s voice held disbelief. And a little bit of worry.

“No, of course not.” And I wasn’t. I pulled out a sweater and held it up as I turned around. “I’ve been over him for years. But obviously I didn’t learn my lesson the first time. I’m not going to make it a third.”

My second strike had been dating Mo, another hockey player, who’d turned out to be anactualasshole, instead of just a young cocky player who’d had a few missteps but had turned his career around. Like Roddy.

At least I’d managed to keep the affair with Mo secret fromalmosteveryone.