The audience went wild. Maddy started to laugh uncontrollably. I whooped and clapped. Even my mom, who’d agreed to come to the game today because Krista had flashed doe eyes at her and said please, whistled through her teeth before dissolving in laughter.
When it was over, Brian skated to the bench, where his teammates slapped him on the back and tapped their sticks against his leg pads. Except for Reb, of course, who’d already skated to the blue dot for face-off.
Brian’s grin held my attention. He looked lighter than he had the whole time he’d been here so far. I was mesmerized. And when he looked up into the box where we sat and winked… Well, I just about combusted. I knew it was for me. I knew that because when he waved, Maddy waved back.
The game was pretty uneventful after that. No more fights. Just a few minor penalties. And we won the game in overtime.
This was turning out to be our winningest season ever.
“So,”Tressy drew the word out to about five syllables, “is there something you wanna talk about?”
I looked at my almost-sister-in-law with true consternation and a little bit of fear. Rowdy and I were still planning our trip to Harrisburg to get Tressy a ring. Had I inadvertently said something that had made her suspicious? Shit, I couldn’t remember that I had, but… “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”
“Uh-huh. Okay.”
Nodding, Tressy arched her brows and made a face as we waited in the green room on the lower level. Maddy and Krista were playing some complicated hand game in the corner with a few of the other players’ kids, while the rest of the WAGs mingled and chatted with the Devils’ Angels dance team. Most of the WAGs were girlfriends. Not a lot of the team members were married, although that could change in any given year.
I gave Tressy a look. “What does that mean?”
Her wide-eyed innocent look just made my gaze narrow.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She shrugged. “I just said okay.”
I was about to question her again when Brian walked into the room. He caught sight of Maddy, who rolled her eyes in professional preteen fashion but crossed the room to give her uncle a quick hug. I couldn’t hear what they said above the rest of the conversations in the room, but Maddy was apparently giving her uncle shit for that dance.
While I wouldn’t be giving him shit, I’d tell him I’d want to see it in a room with just the two of us, while he was naked. I’m sure Tressy would want to know this. I totally wasn’t going to tell her.
Brian gave Maddy his complete attention while she spoke to him, but finally she turned away to get the backpack she’d left across the room, and he walked over to me.
My smile widened with every inch he came closer.
“Still got your moves.” I arched my brows. “Maddy seemed amused by them.”
Brian’s grin made me burn from the inside out. “Nice to see her smile like that. If it means I gotta take a few punches and shake my ass a few times, I’ll do it.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tressy give a little wave and walk away, probably to meet Rowdy.
When she was out of earshot, Brian said, “Hey, while we’ve got a sec, I just want to make sure we’re still on for tomorrow.”
Heat bubbled inside, making me wish tomorrow wasn’t so far away.
“Yeah. We are.”
“Good.” His smile disappeared but now his gaze was heated. “I’m really— I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me too.”
After a few seconds of staring at each other, I blinked and let my gaze fall to his mouth. “Did you get that looked at?”
I pointed to his lip, which he reached up to touch, making a face when he did.
“Yeah, needed a couple stitches. No biggie.”
In some people’s worlds, a wound requiring stitches would be a big deal. Not in ours.
“Um, you ready, Uncle Bri?”
Well, damn. I’d been so wrapped up in Brian, I hadn’t noticed Maddy coming up behind me.