I sat up and ripped my bra off, but when I reached down to pull my little shorts and panties off, Flynn stopped me. “I want to unwrap my beautiful wife.”
I couldn’t argue with that, so I watched as he gripped the sides of my shorts and slowly slid them down my hips. He kissed my legs the whole way down as he pulled the shorts away. Then he moved back up to repeat the process with my panties, only he started with a sweet open-mouthed kiss to my mound before he ever moved the silky material down.
“You’re a tease,” I called out as he slid further down and kissed my thighs, then my knees. I felt him chuckle against my skin and it sent goosebumps across my body.
“You like it,” He taunted as he touched the places where the bumps erupted. Once my panties were off, my husband worked his way back up my legs then pushed them apart so he could get closer to my center. His tongue swiped right up my middle and then teased my clit with the barest of strokes across it before he blew gently to cool me right back down after the heated licks. The sensation shift made me shiver.
Flynn grinned up at me and then repeated the process. I never would have thought him barely touching my clit could send me shooting off like a rocket, but it did.
“That was something,” Flynn suggested as his smile grew wider.
“It’s the hormones,” I teased.
“Nothing to do with my skill, huh?” He asked.
I laughed, but shook my head no at the same time. “Okay then, we’ll have to see if I can change your mind. He moved me so that the front of his body spooned my back and then he put a pillow underneath my leg in such a way that it stayed propped up higher while his leg pinned my other one down. Then, he thrust his cock deep inside me and I cried out for every deity I could name to make it so I never had to stop feeling this good.
“Mmm, you don’t need to call the gods, sweetheart. Just tell me what you want.”
“More. You. Always. Don’t stop.” Each word was panted out as he thrust hard into me.
“You like this?” Flynn questioned. “Want more of my cock inside you?” He tweaked my nipple as he asked and I cried out once more.
“Yes, Flynn. Give me more.”
“Okay, sweetheart.” He picked up his speed and thrust into me over and over at a relentless pace. My pussy clenched around his cock and dripped in a way it never did when I wasn’t pregnant. We made a mess of the bed, and then after we caught our breath, he had me ride him until I couldn’t go anymore. Then he fucked me from behind until we both came and I promptly passed out.
There was no denying the fact that I loved my husband, but even if I didn’t, I don’t think I could give up sex with him for anything.
I had been looking forwardto our make up date night all day, but my bladder had other ideas. For the second time since we sat down to eat, I had to get up and go pee. When I approached our table, there was a woman standing there talking to my husband. He had stood up at some point, and I can only imagine it was to give her a hug.
“I have to say, I didn’t expect to see you out tonight, but I’m glad we ran into each other,” The woman said as I drew closer.
“Yeah? Why is that?”
She seemed puzzled by his reaction for a minute and then shook off whatever doubt my husband just caused. “Well,” Her finger traced up his chest to his shoulder, and I swear she was trying to get to his jaw to trace that too, but Flynn took a step back away from her. Again, she furrowed her brow in question, but continued right on.
“Well, it’s been more than a year since we’ve seen one another and quite frankly I miss you in the bedroom.”
“We never met in a bedroom.” Flynn corrected.
“Right you are. Always were the naughty one and up for a bit of anything.”
“Is there a point to this?” Flynn asked her in a bored tone.
“I thought I made the point. I want to hook up, but this time, maybe we can turn it into something more.”
“No?” She questioned, clearly taken aback by his abrupt dismissal.
“I said no. I’m taken.”
“Well, you don’t have to be taken,” She hinted.
That was when I stopped dallying. I didn’t think my husband would take her up on her offer in a million years, but the bitch was boring me and causing a scene, especially since the people who had been dining near us knew he was there with me.
I worked my way to Flynn’s side and slid my arm around his waist and then pressed my hand that wore the wedding band up to his chest, so that it was right in her face.