“I don’t mind that one bit.”
“You will when you’re heaving your guts up because I got my disgusting cooties all over you.”
“Nothing about you is disgusting, not even your cooties.” When I threw him a dubious look, the jerk laughed at me. “We’re newlyweds, so everything is still in the ‘she’s so cute stage’.”
“Great, let me know when that changes, so I can keep my gross stuff to myself.”
He laughed again as he left the bathroom. “I’ll grab you a Ginger soda and some crackers to help settle your stomach.”
It was an echo of what he had said to me the day before, only it hit a little differently when I wasn’t hungover. “It can’t be…” I whispered to myself before I dragged my ass back to the bed in search of the phone I had on the charger. I dialed Hadley and as soon as she said, ‘Hello’, my words came spewing out at the same exorcist rate my vomit did.
“Do you remember when Sarah came down with something in our Junior year?”
“Yeah, it was pregnancy. She came down with pregnancy, Courtney.”
“Yeah, but before she knew that part, we thought she had the flu or food poisoning or something and the only thing that made her feel better was…”
“Ginger Ale and Saltine Crackers.” Hadley answered with a laugh. “I remember. What made you think of that?”
“That’s what Flynn got me for my hangover yesterday.”
“Aww that was sweet of him.”
“It’s also what he got me this morning for the tummy bug I must have because I threw up like I was hung over all over again.”
Hadley didn’t say a word as we both processed exactly what I was getting at. When she finally did speak, it was to ask the question I hadn’t been able to say out loud.
“Is it possible that you’re pregnant?”
“If I am, it was our wedding night, or I guess any time in that first week or so when we…” I cut myself off because I wasn’t one to talk about my intimate moments with my friend.
“Did you use protection?”
“All except for that first night.”
“It was my wedding night and neither of us were really thinking about safety.”
“Well, it sounds like you need a doctor’s appointment and a couple conversations with Flynn. Do you need me to run to the store and grab a couple tests for you in the meantime?”
“Would you?”
“That’s what BFFs are for.”
“I love you forever!”
She blew a kiss at me and hung up as I stared off into space and wondered what Flynn’s reaction would be.
Chapter 21
After I overheardmy wife’s side of the conversation with her friend, I backtracked to the kitchen to give the news time to sink in. Was it the best time for her to get pregnant? Probably not.
If she’s pregnant, then I get to keep her forever.
The voice in my head was full of excitement at the prospect, for several reasons, but the main one was that we would be bound together with a connection she never had with Beckett. No matter what, we would be in one another’s lives from that point on. It gave us more incentive to make the most of our marriage. So, even though it was unexpected, unplanned, and crappy timing considering we were only just working out the details of our relationship, I was fucking ecstatic over the possibility that we made a baby together.