“Call me Sparks.”
“Sparks?” I asked.
“Yep.” He tapped the spot over his chest where his name was represented on a patch.
“Thanks again, Sparks. Appreciate you looking out for my woman.”
“I’d say any time, but hopefully, you keep her on a shorter leash next time.” He winked at me to let me know he was teasing, but Hadley must have missed that.
“My friend is snot a dog!” Her words jumbled a bit, but nowhere near as bad as Courtney’s had before she passed out. I lifted my wife into my arms and allowed Sparks to lead the way, so he could open doors for us. When we got to the car, I laid Courtney across the backseat and put Hadley up front with me.
My wife didn’t stir once until after I made sure Hadley got up to her apartment okay. It sucked that I couldn’t go up and double-check that she had everything locked up properly, but I also wouldn’t risk leaving my passed out wife in the car. Hadley called me once she was safely tucked into her apartment.
“Everything locked up?” I asked her.
“Yes, daddy!” She snickered at her own joke. “Wait, that felt gross. Can’t say that to my bestie’s hubby.”
“I’m taking off, are you sure you’re okay?” I asked.
“Yep, but you won’t be if you don’t pull your head out of your butthole. She was never devastated over losing Beckett.
I took her at her word, and headed home with my wife.
“Feel for ju.”
“What’s that?” I asked as Courtney mumbled.
“Fell in looove,” She sang the last word in a long drawn out, very off-key note.
“You fell in love?” I questioned.
“Was it with Sparks from the bar?” I asked. If she said yes, I might have thrown myself out of my own moving car.
“My hubb-and.” Her answer made me grin, not that she could see it with her face buried in the leather seat. She had never told me that she loved me before. While they were a drunk woman’s words, I still held onto them tightly.
“Love him.” She managed to mumble again.
“He loves you too,” I told her.
“Positive,” I answered. Before I could say more I heard her snort before she started to snore again. “I was just about to call you sweetheart, but with that loud-ass snore, we might need to search for some butch biker names for you instead.
Chapter 20
I was prettysure God hated me.
There was no other reason to feel like I’d been run over by a truck only to have a cat take a shit in my mouth. I tried to lick my lips, because they were so dry, but my god-awful hungover death breath offended me as I opened my mouth. I groaned and the pillow beneath my head jiggled.
That wasn’t right.
I touched my pillow with my hand and quickly realized it was a human body, and if I wasn’t mistaken a very manly human body. “No,” I whispered. I would never forgive myself, and Flynn would probably never forgive me either, for going home with another man.