Page 23 of A Different Husband

“Okay, Mr. High and Mighty, why didn’t you ever tell her?”

“Because I didn’t have any proof and never thought she’d believe me without it.”

“You always wanted her, but she chose me, asshole.” The fantasies of shoving my cousin out the window started to feel like the only option the more he ran his mouth. He never denied that he cheated on her. If I were in his shoes and someone accused me, and I hadn’t done it, I would scream it from the rooftops.

“Well, she’s married to me.” I shrugged and offered him a smug look as I turned around to face him again.

“She’ll never sleep with you,” Beckett argued.

“We had an amazing wedding night together and are married in every legal sense of the word - including that part about consummation.”

“You’re a fucking liar!”

“Am I?”

Someone gasped and I turned to see Courtney there in the doorway. It was her back, because she had already started to run from my office.Fuck!

Before I could get my ass in gear, Beckett chased after her. I wondered if she would kill him or take him back. I wasn’t sure if she heard the part about me accusing him of cheating or if she’d just walked up when I mentioned that we had already consummated our marriage. Either way, my anger over her not telling him about us fucking was dwarfed by what she must think of me.

Chapter 15


I managedto slip out of my husband’s office without either of them catching up to me. I know Beckett gave chase, because I heard him before the elevator doors closed. Whether Flynn came after me or not was a mystery. I couldn’t believe he taunted his cousin with our sex life, like it was some soap opera and only existed to provide drama to weaponize against people.

And he calls me Nemesis.

I scoffed at the thought of my recent nickname. Then, I pulled my phone out and sent a text to my best friend.

Courtney: I need you. Are you home today?

Hadley: I’m here and yay for three-day weekends that start on a Friday.

Courtney: Be there soon.

It took longer than I wanted it to, but eventually I managed to get to Hadley’s apartment.

“Hey bitch! Get in here.” She yanked me inside her place and locked the door behind us. “Which one of the men in your life put that sour look on your face?”

“Both of them.”

“Both?” She asked as she took a glass down and poured a healthy amount of wine.

“What is that?” I asked, not recognizing the bottle.

“This is the finest Moscato less than $10 can buy.” Hadley chuckled as my lips turned down and I scrunched my nose.


“Not all of us can afford to be wine snobs, babe.”

“Not all of us can afford to drink shitty wine, friend.” I called back. It had been a bitch of a day though, so I took the glass from her and didn’t bother to do anything other than gulp that shit down in a way that probably made all the other wine snobs in the world cry out for the injustice of it all.

“That tastes like the time you made me drink Boone’s Farm straight from the bottle when we were in high school.”

“In my defense, you refused to steal wine from your house,” Hadley reminded me.

“Because my parents would have noticed even if a fifty dollar bottle went missing, never mind the more expensive stuff.”