Page 16 of A Different Husband

I laughed. “Fuck no, but I’ll try anything to make everyone’s tongues wag with jealousy and speculation.”

“And you call me Nemesis!” She huffed out amidst her laughter.

I thanked my lucky fucking stars that I was able to marry a woman who had been a long-time friend. She was perfect. Once we were in the middle of the dance floor, I pulled her close, so one of her legs rested between mine and then I dipped her backward over my arm and swooped her in an arc until her bright, shining eyes caught back up to mine. I prayed to every god and goddess known to humankind right then and there that I would be able to keep her.

Chapter 11


Flynn keptme so entertained on and off the dance floor for the rest of the night that I hardly remembered there was any drama surrounding my marriage to him. Thankfully, Beckett stayed clear of the reception, and no one else mentioned any of the drama. It made for a magical night, which was a surprise considering I’d been dreading it for two weeks.

As everyone else started to bow out of the party, I glanced across the room to see my new husband making his family laugh. He really was the best of them. I wondered again what might have happened if we had gotten together in high school. The knot of anxiety in my stomach made me realize, yet again, that there was no point in dwelling on a past that didn’t happen. I also couldn’t stop to think about my very uncertain future. I wasn’t sure where Flynn saw this going between us, and I was too chicken-shit to have that conversation with him just yet.

I was also just tipsy enough to know that I wanted to sleep with my husband and I hoped like hell that he would agree. It wasn’t fair that my former fiancé had been slitting it up with every woman he could get his hands on and I had only ever been with him. I needed for that to change immediately. I quietedthe other part of my brain, or maybe it was my lusty hormones, who insisted that wasn’t the only reason I wanted to jump my husband’s bones. It probably wasn’t even the main reason. Flynn Robeson was a gorgeous man with a fit body, and his sense of humor only made him sexier. He threw his head back and laughed at something his father said and a shiver of anticipation ran up my spine.

Bea said something to him and his head snapped around until our eyes met. He didn’t even pause to excuse himself from the conversation with his family. My husband marched across the room in my direction with a radiant smile plastered to his handsome face. “Hey, where did you run off to?” He asked when he got close enough to be heard over the music that continued to pump through the speakers.

I hitched my thumb over my shoulder. “Bathroom. I thought it would be easier in this version of my dress, but trying to keep everything clean and avoiding wrinkles is a whole work process.”

“I bet. I could have helped you,” He offered with a knowing smirk on his face.

“We’re not at the ‘sharing bathrooms’ portion of our marriage yet, honey.” He laughed at my teasing tone, but I was serious. We may have been friends since forever, but I was almost positive Flynn had never heard me so much as fart in public, let alone help me go pee in the bathroom.

“Fine, we’ll work our way up to that.” He winked at me as an unexpected yawn took me hostage. “Damn, boring my wife to death on our wedding night. I’ll never live this down.”

“It’s been a crazy two weeks,” I admitted as a tiny, nervous laugh erupted from me. The alcohol I’d consumed throughout the night probably didn’t help. Still, the post-stress crash and alcohol warred with my overactive hormones who wanted to keep me awake long enough to fulfill their deepest desires. I hoped my husband would be onboard with the plan.

“We should call it a night,” Flynn suggested. My agreement came in the form of a nod as I pushed in closer to his body and allowed him to shoulder some of my weight. “The question is, do we announce our departure or sneak out?”

“Sneak out. If we announce it, everyone will want to talk to us first, then it will be another hour of goodbyes, well-wishes, and fielding nosy questions.”

“Sneaking out it is,” Flynn agreed as he tugged me further back in the shadows. Once we were mostly out of sight of everyone, he grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind him as we all but ran for the exit of the ballroom. I yawned again as we made it to the elevator. “Good thing we have a room here. I don’t think you’d make it back to my house without slipping into a coma.”

I laughed at that as we rode the elevator up to the penthouse floor. “You’re probably not wrong.”

Was I supposed to bring up what I wanted now? Did we need to have some sort of adult conversation, or should I just wait to jump him once we got into our room?

The elevator dinged and opened to let us out. That ruled out a conversation before we entered our honeymoon suite. Nerves bit me as we got to the door. Flynn unlocked it and kicked it open with his foot. Just as I tried to walk inside, he reached an arm out to stop me, and had to kick the door open again. Before I could register what he was up to, my husband swooped in and scooped me up into his arms. He carried me into our room and kicked the door closed behind us.

“You didn’t think I would ignore tradition, did you?” He asked as his eyes met mine. We were so damn close. His cologne, while subtle after wearing off over the course of the day, wrapped around my body and clung to me in the best way. I’d always loved the slightly spicy scent with a hint of the outdoors that he wore.

“Is that the only tradition we’re keeping with?” I asked. Flynn allowed my body to slide down his as he set me back onto my feet and I didn’t miss the fact that his body was interested, even if his brain wasn’t all the way engaged.

“I’d understand if you didn’t want to follow through with anything else,” He admitted.

I shook my head. “No.” His face fell, and he looked away. I realized he thought I meant that we wouldn’t be sleeping together. I reached up and pulled his attention back to me. “I want to. I’ve only ever been with…” I fell short of saying another man’s name when we were having the talk about whether to be intimate or not. “Can I be honest?”

“I’d prefer it, especially now.”

“I don’t want him to be the last person I was with. I also don’t want you to think that is the only reason I want to do this.”

“I’d understand if it was,” He said, but I could hear the hint of hurt in his voice.

I shook my head again, denying that assumption. “No, it’s not. I know you’ve seen yourself in a mirror, Flynn.” I cocked a brow up at him as I grinned and yanked on the lapel of his tux. “My husband is hot as fuck,” I teased.

His mouth crashed down on mine in a searing kiss that left my knees weak, my heart hammering in my chest, and my mind completely blown. I didn’t want Flynn to take control just yet, though. I was used to that with - the ex who I shouldn’t be thinking of.

I unbuttoned and unzipped Flynn’s pants and reached in to grab hold of him. My eyes widened in surprise at his girth because he was at least double the size of… Well, he was far larger than I was used to.