Page 47 of A Different Husband

“Hi, do I know you?” I asked the woman.

“No,” She huffed.

“Oh, well then, I’m sure you need to get back to your own table.” Flynn smirked and then nodded his head.

“Julia, this is my wife, Courtney.” He held me close and placed his hand on my belly, which made it very obvious that I was with child.”

“You knocked someone up?” Julia was a bit loud with that shocked revelation.

“Yes, mywife!”

“Wait, you were already married? As in, she didn’t baby trap you?”

“Julia, you need to leave now. As you so crudely pointed out, my wife is pregnant and very hormonal. Speaking to you, even in a friendly manner, considering what you just proposed is not going to happen because I won’t risk upsetting the mother of mychildren. To answer your question in more blunt terms, I do not want to hookup with you again now or anytime in the future. My cousin, Beckett, is free though if you’re looking for a subpar replacement.”

I giggled aloud because my husband didn’t even realize how true that statement was.

“I thought you two were only friends. Aren’t you the girl who dated Beckett for like ever?”

“I was that girl, but now I’m his wife. No hard feelings. If I was in your shoes, I would have taken the shot too.”

Julia left after that and I sat back down at the table with Flynn. “I’m a little disappointed,” my husband said to me as he laughed.

“How so? Would you rather hookup with her than have to go home to me and my ever-expanding waistline?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “No way. I’m disappointed that you weren’t ready to throw down and fight for your husband’s honor.”

“Did you forget that I am currently making two humans? I barely have the energy to walk back to our table from the bathroom, let alone take on one of your past hookups. Besides, you did a damn fine job all on your own. Remind me to reward you for that later.” I winked at him, then I remembered he stood up to hug the bitch. “You lost points for hugging her though.”

“I didn’t stand up to greet her originally. She leaned down to get a hug, and it put her tits level with my face, so I jumped up to avoid that scene.”

“Oh, good save, baby.”

“About those rewards…”

What about them?”

“What kind are we talking about here?”

“The kind that involves you watching me sleep if you don’t hurry up and order our desert.”

“Yes ma’am!” He laughed as he signaled for our waiter to come back to the table.

Chapter 25


“I needyou to say that one more time, only slower.” I stared down at the phone and waited to hear my sister tell me about how our father arranged a marriage for our youngest sister.

“You heard me right the first time,” Bea groused.

“Dad knew I couldn’t get that money until I’d been married for at least six months.”

“My best guess is that he couldn’t wait. Maybe marrying her off was always his plan. I don’t know.”

“What does Mina have to say about it?”

“She agreed to do it. I don’t know why, but Flynn, something has been going on with her for a while now and I’m worried. I think she’s using this marriage as a way to hide from everyone.”